

作者:桑兒  於 2009-4-14 23:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


It's the day of my wedding.
I have exactly seven hours to go.
How on earth am I going to make time pass?
I only need to have my hair done and put my make-up on
and then my dress.
Not even I can make that last hours.
People keep phoning and asking if I have last-minute doubts,
or if I'm a bag of nerves.
I feel pretty level-headed about everything I worried.
Actually,I'm excited.
About my dress.
About seeing all the people.
OK, yes, about being the centre of attention.
Bring it on, I say - all is planned to perfection so bring it on.
I'm full of butterflies but they're fluttering in excitement and anticipation,
not swarming with nerves or trepidation.
This isn't just my big day, it is huge.
I'm going to a wedding in four hours' time,
oh, and it is my own.
Tell me there isn't a catch.
That life can be this blessed.
Thea came to say it's time to get dressed.
She's set the dress out on my bed
and we have twice gone through the precise order that things must go on,
be stepped into, have laced up and smoothed down.
So I'm stepping in.
And slipping my armes through the sleeves.
And Thea is lacing me up and smoothing me down.
We've all gone quiet.
I don't know how to describe the feeling of my dress.
I don't want to use cliches.
It's duchesse satin and blush coloured,
the colour you'd imagine a child's kiss.
Thea's finished the lacing and smoothing
and her eyes are welling up.
She is just nodding at me. Nodding.
And biting her lip.
And nodding some more.
With her eyes all watery and her nose now red.
I'll have a look, in a minute.
I'll turn around.
I'll have a look now.
Hello, Daddy. Hello, hello.
The car is coming.
Let's tell the driver to drive round the block a couple of times.
I ought to be five minutes late.
Preferably, ten.
And we must remember not to stride up the aisle.
And please please don't say anything to me that'll make me cry.
Don't call me your little girl.
I am your little girl but if I hear it from you today,
I'll cry and want to run home all the way.
I can't hear.
Not a thing I can hear.
I'm watching lips move over the vows I helped pen.
I know it all off by heart.
But I can't hear.
It's my turn.
I have to say something.
Something for everyone to hear.
I know this bit, I know what to say.
Please don't let my voice croak.
"I DO."









發表評論 評論 (27 個評論)

回復 marnifan 2009-4-14 23:35
回復 marnifan 2009-4-14 23:38
i always cry at weddings.
回復 marnifan 2009-4-14 23:38
It's duchesse satin and blush coloured - why not white?
回復 翰山 2009-4-15 00:32
回復 tanghan 2009-4-15 00:34
我的好朋友——四月里的新娘。"I DO."——全文看完了。

回復 桑兒 2009-4-15 00:50
tanghan: 我的好朋友——四月里的新娘。"I DO."——全文看完了。

回復 野木耳 2009-4-15 03:59
Vividly joyful

it's your turn...
回復 tinydancer 2009-4-15 04:05
回復 桑兒 2009-4-15 05:06
You are actually cursing me...
回復 桑兒 2009-4-15 05:09
tinydancer: 你寫的?我喜歡
回復 桑兒 2009-4-15 05:14
marnifan: i always cry at weddings.
I am thinking of the day...
when the bride is your daughter
回復 rtc4rtc 2009-4-15 07:32
marnifan: i always cry at weddings.
回復 rtc4rtc 2009-4-15 07:32
回復 知家鴿 2009-4-15 07:59
五月的新娘不是好朋友? JOKING
回復 任飛飛 2009-4-15 08:03
rtc4rtc: 你經常有婚禮?
哈哈, 通常參加吧
回復 任飛飛 2009-4-15 08:04
回復 胡蝶蘭 2009-4-15 08:13
我只參加過我哥的婚禮, 我負責跑腿,    正式婚禮還沒參加過,我周圍都是沒結婚的.
回復 rtc4rtc 2009-4-16 05:41
任飛飛: 哈哈, 通常參加吧
回復 桑兒 2009-4-16 23:11
rtc4rtc: 這是要講清楚的。。。
一般說自己的婚禮用my wedding,說weddings肯定是別人的婚禮了。
回復 rtc4rtc 2009-4-17 03:37
桑兒: 一般說自己的婚禮用my wedding,說weddings肯定是別人的婚禮了。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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