
多倫多大學(University of Toronto)中國史考試題目,你會做幾道?

作者:廣南子  於 2008-3-8 15:13 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


1.Andrew Nathan, in his discussion of Liang Qichao』s political ideas, suggest that Liang』s liberalism was based on a misreading of western liberal thought, based on Liang』s own Confucian assumptions. What Confucian assumptions were involved? How did they alter classical liberal thought? Why, ultimately, did Liang become disillusioned with western models of government?


2.Bianco in his discussion of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) rise to power, asks the question, what role was played by Marxism in the CCP's victory. He suggests that Mao and his party developed a distinct "Asian Marxism." What were the main features of that variant of Marxism? How did it contribute to the CCP's success?


3.what issues or problems in rural Chinese society in the early decades of the 20th century were the basis for peasant rebellion? What were Mao's views, as exemplified in "An investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan"(1927)?


5.Compare Imperial Confucianism as discussed by Fairbank and Goldman, to the classical values and principles articulated by Confucius. What are the main differences? How were Confucians ideas utilized by the early Han dynasty rulers.


6.Mao declared in his interview with Edgar Snow that he was drawn to Marxism by his reading of the Communist Manifesto. What aspects of the Manifesto would have appealed to Mao and the early members of the CCP? Which elements might have repelled him?

毛澤東在會見埃德加 斯諾(Edgar Snow)時說他通過閱讀共產主義宣言已經融入到了馬克思主義。那麼宣言的哪些方面幫助和吸引了毛澤東和其他早期的共產黨員?(宣言的)哪些原理又是毛澤東所不屑的(抵制的)?

7.In what ways did the mixed ideology of the Taiping Rebellion Of the mid-1850s contribute to its early successes and ultimate failure?


8.Bianco suggests that the May4th movement represented the necessary first step towards a true social revolution. In what sense was the May 4th movement revolutionary? How did the May 4th movement pave the way for the later stages in the developement of a true revolution?


9.Was Kang Yuwei a conservative ,and if so in what sense? Consider Mary Wright's discussion of 19th century conservation in China as well as Spence's description of Kang's ideas and programs in answering this quesation.

康有為是保守派嗎,如果是,從哪裡可以看出?回答時請考慮Mary Wright關於19世紀中國保守派論述,以及Spence關於康有為思想和綱領的描述









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