
愛爾蘭民歌:Bantry Girl's Lament

作者:nnyycc  於 2009-1-16 01:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



這是一首愛爾蘭民歌。是懷念為國赴死愛爾蘭少年Johnny。歌詞非常感人。Joanie Madden得版本唱得很好。蕩氣迴腸,讓人產生出無窮的同情來。


Bantry Girl's Lament


Irish Folk Song

Oh, who will plough the fields now
And who will sow the corn
And who will watch the sheep now
And keep them from all harm
And the stack that's in the haggard
Unthreshed it may remain
Since Johnny, lovely Johnny
Went to fight the king of Spain


Oh, the girls of the Banóg
In sorrow may retire
And the piper and his bellows
May go home and blow the fire
Since Johnny, lovely Johnny
Went sailing o'er the main
Along with other patriots
To fight the king of Spain


The boys will sorely miss him
When Moneymore comes round
And grieve that their bould captain
Is nowhere to be found
And the peelers must stand idle
Against their will and grain
Since the valiant boy who gave them work
Now peels the king of Spain


At wakes and hurling matches
Your likes we'll never see
'Till you come back again to us
Mo storeen óg mo chroi
And won't you trounce the buckeens
Who show us much disdain
Because our eyes are not as bright
As those you meet in Spain


Oh, if cruel fate should not permit
Our Johnny to return
His awful loss we Bantry girls
Will never cease to mourn
We'll resign ourselves to our sad lot
And die in grief and pain
Since Johnny died for Ireland's pride
In the sunny land of Spain


發表評論 評論 (11 個評論)

回復 stellazhu111 2009-1-16 02:27
回復 nnyycc 2009-1-16 02:29
stellazhu111: 沙發~
回復 路不平 2009-1-16 02:37

工場或店鋪門口掛著牌子,上寫 <NINA>,隱含"No Irish Needs Apply"。愛爾蘭人不要申請。象舊時上海人看不起蘇北人一樣。

回復 nnyycc 2009-1-16 02:41
路不平: 紐約有過歧視愛爾蘭人的歷史。 工場或店鋪門口掛著牌子,上寫 <NINA>,隱含"No Irish Needs Apply"。愛爾蘭人不要申請。象舊時上海人看不起蘇北人一

River Dance是我的最愛之一。
回復 媽媽咪 2009-1-16 02:47
回復 nnyycc 2009-1-16 02:49
媽媽咪: 板凳吧。。。。。。
回復 媽媽咪 2009-1-16 03:13
nnyycc: 等這啊。一會兒發糖。先跟旁邊的那個小朋友編會兒繩子玩兒。
回復 comptcity2002 2009-1-16 04:07
回復 野木耳 2009-1-16 04:31
回復 普通一丁 2009-1-16 05:26
回復 stellazhu111 2009-2-5 04:40
這種風格統稱....Celtic, 是他們民族的一個代名詞
有很多代表歌手, 特點是它的風琴, 短笛還有高昂的曲調.
幾個我喜歡的歌唱組合:Celtic Thunder ,Celtic woman

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