

作者:goodoctor  於 2012-8-30 23:40 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:Susana, Martinez

對於一個熱愛自由的人來講,昨晚是一個激動人心的夜晚。在2012年佛羅里達共和黨代表大會上,美國第一位女性西班牙裔州長,也是新墨西哥州第一位女性州長 -- 蘇珊娜·馬丁內斯 (Susana Martinez) 首次登上國家政治舞台。她利用這次演講的機會,講述了她自己的故事。

"Growing up, I never imagined a little girl from a border town could one day become a governor," 

Martinez said. "But this is America. My parents taught me to never give up and to always believe that my future could be whatever I dreamt it to be."


Thank you.  And good evening.

On behalf of the great state of New Mexico, let me express my gratitude for being invited to speak tonight.

Growing up, I never imagined a girl from a border town could one day become a governor.

But this is America

Y, en America todo es posible.

My parents taught me to never give up and to always believe that my future could be whatever I dreamt it to be.

Success, they taught me, is built on the foundation of courage, hard-work and individual responsibility.

Despite what some would have us believe, success is not built on resentment and fears.

We grew up on the border and truly lived paycheck to paycheck.  My dad was a golden gloves boxer in the Marine Corps, then a deputy sheriff. My mom worked as an office assistant.

One day, they decided to start a security guard business. I thought they were absolutely crazy-we literally had no savings, but they always believed in the American Dream.

 So, my dad worked to grow the business.

My mom did the books at night.  And at 18, I guarded the parking lot at the Catholic Church bingos.

Now, my dad made sure I could take care of myself.

I carried a Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum — that gun weighed more than I did!

My parents grew that small business-from one 18-year-old guarding a bingo-to more than 125 people in three states.

And sure, there was help along the way.  But my parents took the risk. They stood up.  And you better believe that they built it.

My parents also taught me about having the courage to stand for something.  So, I went to law school and became a prosecutor.  

I took on a specialty that very few choose to pursue - I prosecuted child abuse and child homicide cases.  Cases that were truly gut-wrenching.

But standing up for those kids, being their voice for justice, was the honor of a lifetime.

Sometimes you pay a price for standing up.

When I was a young prosecutor, I got called to testify against my boss. I could have backed down, but I didn't. I stood up to him.  And he fired me for it.

So I took him on, ran against him for district attorney and beat him by a landslide!

I fear some of our leaders today have lost the courage to stand up.

What we have now are politicians.  They won't offer real plans, and only stand up when they want to blame someone else.

And I don't say that just because a Democrat is in the White House.  I was a Democrat for many years.  So were my parents.

Before I ran for District Attorney, two Republicans invited my husband and me to lunch.  And I knew a party-switch was exactly what they wanted.

So, I told Chuck, we'll be polite, enjoy a free lunch and then say goodbye.

But we talked about issues-they never used the words Republican, or Democrat, conservative or liberal.

We talked about many issues, like welfare - is it a way of life, or a hand-up?  

Talked about the size of government — how much should it tax families and small businesses?

And when we left that lunch, we got in the car and I looked over at Chuck and said, "I'll be damned, we're Republicans."

This election should not be about political parties.  Too many Americans are out of work, and our debt is out of control.  This election needs to be about those issues.

And it is the responsibility of both parties to offer up real solutions and have an honest debate.

In New Mexico, I inherited the largest structural deficit in state history.

And our legislature is controlled by Democrats.

We don't always agree.

But we came together - in a bi-partisan manner-and turned that deficit into a surplus, all without raising taxes.  

That's not the kind of leadership we are seeing from President Obama.

He promised to bring us all together, to cut unemployment, to pass immigration reform in his first year and even promised to cut the deficit in half in his first term.

Do you remember that?

But he hasn't come close.  

They haven't even passed a budget in Washington, DC in three years!

If he can take credit for government building small businesses, then he can accept responsibility for breaking his promise and adding 5 trillion dollars to the national debt.

Because he did build that.

As the first Hispanic female governor in history, little girls often come up to me in the grocery store or the mall.  They look and point, and when they get the courage, they ask "Are you Susana?" and they run up and give me a hug.

And I wonder.  How do you know who I am?  

But they do. And these are little girls.

It's in moments like these when I'm reminded that we each pave a path.   And for me, it's about paving a path for those little girls to follow.

No more barriers.  

In many ways Mitt Romney and I are very different. Different starts in life. Different paths to leadership. Different cultures.

But we've each shared in the promise of America, and we share a core belief that the promise of America must be kept for the next generation.  

El sueno Americanos es tener exito.  

It's success.

Success is the American Dream.

And that success is not something to be ashamed of, or to demonize.

There is one candidate in this election who will protect that dream, one leader who will fight hard to keep the promise of America for the next generation.

And that's why we must stand up and make Mitt Romney the next president of the United States.

Thank you!"










剛表態過的朋友 (29 人)

發表評論 評論 (24 個評論)

回復 goodoctor 2012-8-30 23:57
"the essence of America, what really unites us, is not nationality or ethnicity
or religion.  It is an idea.  And what an idea it is.  That you can come
from humble circumstances and you can do great things, that it does not
matter where you came from, it matters where you are going."

-- 來自共和黨全國代表大會美國前國務卿賴斯的演講 ( Aug. 29, 2012.)
回復 fanlaifuqu 2012-8-31 00:00
回復 總裁判 2012-8-31 00:04
回復 kzhoulife 2012-8-31 00:12
回復 yzfoto 2012-8-31 00:14
「Y, en America todo es posible.」 That's why we came here.   
回復 dwqdaniel 2012-8-31 00:16
回復 sousuo 2012-8-31 00:25
回復 活水湧泉 2012-8-31 00:43
回復 淺色 2012-8-31 00:54
活水湧泉: 就是衰落,也是世界領先~~~
回復 天涯看客 2012-8-31 01:07
回復 同往錫安 2012-8-31 01:45
回復 無為村姑 2012-8-31 01:46

回復 無為村姑 2012-8-31 01:53
活水湧泉: 就是衰落,也是世界領先~~~
回復 老君岩 2012-8-31 05:46
She went to law school, so my response is still "probably".  
回復 小皮狗 2012-8-31 05:54
回復 foxxfam 2012-8-31 07:33
回復 來美六十年 2012-8-31 08:41
kzhoulife: 民主選舉就是尋找挑剔政府的錯誤,加以改正!美國歷史上有那麼多偉大的總統,有那麼多屆成就斐然的政府,但到了選舉的時候,沒聽到任何人給他們唱讚歌,中國政府 ...
回復 Laile 2012-8-31 09:50
小皮狗: 令人振奮,令我驕傲,因為我是美國公民。我幸運,身在世界上最偉大的國度。我憂傷,此時此刻,又想起那無法割斷的鄉民。。。 ...
回復 綱舉目張 2012-8-31 10:42
from border town to law school to governorship, everything's possible here in america.
回復 新手登陸 2012-8-31 11:33
fanlaifuqu: 反美,罵美的是難懂的!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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