

作者:redbud  於 2009-8-29 22:36 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 宜修 2009-8-30 01:19
snortbsd: simple, with an order of 1 million items, the manufacture could usually (legally) manufacture 5% more for replacements. But  with smart calculations
回復 snortbsd 2009-8-30 01:29
宜修: 那又怎麼能算是「假貨」呢?
well, those items enter in the market illegally. those are not from legitimate sale channels for those "名牌".

personally i can't tell the differences between real 名牌 and "假貨名牌" unless those 假貨 are so badly manufactured...
回復 宜修 2009-8-30 01:34
snortbsd: well, those items enter in the market illegally. those are not from legitimate sale channels for those "名牌".

personally i can't tell th
clearly illustrated. Thanks!
回復 homepeace 2009-8-30 02:38
價格卻只有200-300人民幣的Marc Jacobs,BCBG,Armani Exchange,還有Gucci和Burberry,絕對是假貨!
回復 奔騰之海 2009-8-30 03:22
回復 longking 2009-8-30 03:55
redbud: 怎麼解釋呢?他們的衣服的品質做工裁剪,絕對不像是假的可以做出來的。我認為可能是他們在生產廠家那裡拿了貨,但是渠道不太正規。
回復 德州龍 2009-8-30 05:44
回復 snortbsd 2009-8-30 08:13
宜修: clearly illustrated. Thanks!
quite common practice, unfortunately....
回復 snortbsd 2009-8-30 08:17
homepeace: 價格卻只有200-300人民幣的Marc Jacobs,BCBG,Armani Exchange,還有Gucci和Burberry,絕對是假貨!
i would never pay the hefty prices for those so-called real 名牌!!! those so-called "名牌" is nothing but rip off.

the levy jeans are only around $25~$30 in costco.
回復 snortbsd 2009-8-30 08:20
homepeace: 價格卻只有200-300人民幣的Marc Jacobs,BCBG,Armani Exchange,還有Gucci和Burberry,絕對是假貨!
i would rather buy the so-called "假貨' than the real "名牌". i don't feel the guilty of anything...

actually it is the companies like lv, gucci are guilty of greed...
回復 homepeace 2009-8-30 09:44
snortbsd: i would rather buy the so-called "假貨' than the real "名牌". i don't feel the guilty of anything...

actually it is the companies lik
"名牌"的確是rip off,但你可以買其他的牌子,沒有必要買假貨,白白的為它做廣告。
回復 snortbsd 2009-8-30 11:33
homepeace: "名牌"的確是rip off,但你可以買其他的牌子,沒有必要買假貨,白白的為它做廣告。
hmm, i didn't think about that....

yes, that is why i usually only buy genetic brand products unless those "名牌" with good quality and reasonable prices.
回復 marnifan 2009-8-30 13:42
宜修: 真得想你討教了!
國內從不生產的品牌怎麼可能有同廠訂單? 當然是仿造的。如果你到ebay上看看,便宜的名牌貨都是標榜"同廠訂單",然後feedback被買方complaine是fake。
有一個術語叫"扒板", 就是買一件真的,拆了,當做版型(pattern)打板, 然後裁剪,批量生產,這是有chuan套流水線作業的(布料印刷,縫製 etc.etc.),模仿到針腳, LABEL,可以以假亂真。HOWEVER, 真的看的多了還是能看出來是假的。
回復 marnifan 2009-8-30 13:51
redbud: 我今天是看到了Marni
國內從不生產的品牌怎麼可能有同廠訂單? 當然是仿造的。如果你到ebay上看看,便宜的名牌貨都是標榜"同廠訂單",然後feedback被買方complaine是fake。
有一個術語叫"扒板", 就是買一件真的,拆了,當做版型(pattern)打板, 然後裁剪,批量生產,這是有chuan套流水線作業的(布料印刷,縫製 etc.etc.),模仿到針腳, LABEL,可以以假亂真。HOWEVER, 真的看的多了還是能看出來是假的。
回復 marnifan 2009-8-30 13:57
snortbsd: i would rather buy the so-called "假貨' than the real "名牌". i don't feel the guilty of anything...

actually it is the companies lik
LV,Gucci or whatever brand, it does not have to be a namebrand, are selling their original design//creativity, if there is the demand, they can mark whatever the price. People who use fake goods are the real greedy ones, when you can not afford the real thing, don't pretend you can by using a fake one. is that vain or what?
回復 redbud 2009-8-30 13:57
marnifan: 國內從不生產的品牌怎麼可能有同廠訂單? 當然是仿造的。如果你到ebay上看看,便宜的名牌貨都是標榜"同廠訂單",然後feedback被買方complaine是fake。

回復 marnifan 2009-8-30 14:04
redbud: 謝謝解釋,我明白了。

用假貨又chian扯到國人對intellectual property的認知,偶不能多說了,因為肯定會挨磚
回復 redbud 2009-8-30 14:12
marnifan: 用假貨又chian扯到國人對intellectual property的認知,偶不能多說了,因為肯定會挨磚
回復 marnifan 2009-8-30 14:15
redbud: 說說吧,在這裡說說,我倒是很想弄明白,我的朋友裡面不少去外貿市場淘東西的,如果真的有牽扯到知識產權的問題,倒是不能買的。願意聽姐姐仔細講講。到我這裡來
回復 redbud 2009-8-30 14:16
marnifan: 小MM,偶這裡很晚了,先睡了,有時間再聊。玩好哈

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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