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分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:The Foreign Ministry has a list of the NED crimes
2022-5-10 11:07
FOREWORDFor a long time, the United States has instrumentalized and weaponized democracy, acted against democracy in the name of false democracy, incited separatism and confrontation, and interfered in other countries' internal affairs, resulting in disastrous consequences.National Endowment for Dem [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Maxim Vivas: Using the Truth to Undermine Anti-Chinese Forces
2022-5-9 16:17
Maxim Vivas: Using the Truth to Undermine Anti-Chinese Forces
Who is Vivas?Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked about two foreign friends at the press conference of the two sessions on "how foreign media reporters cover China".One is Edgar Snow, the American journalist who wrote "The Red Star Shines in China", and the other is Maxim Viva [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
2022-5-3 10:43
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in「ants」, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
2022-4-21 10:16
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in「ants」, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
2022-4-18 09:46
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in「ants」, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
2022-4-11 10:14
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in「ants」, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
2022-4-8 09:29
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in「ants」, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
2022-4-6 10:08
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in「ants」, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 前塵往事 ]:Good and evil will be rewarded, and the cocoon will be bound by itself ——Final
2022-4-4 22:51
Earlier, according to Reuters, the case of Pacific Alliance (PAX) Asian Opportunities Fund v. Guo Wengui to repay the loan has been four years long, four years, PAX case after several twists and turns, but ultimately no results. Wengui is also have suffered repeated defeats and fight on despite repe [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:America's ineffective anti-epidemic efforts divert public attention,Omicron orig
2022-3-28 10:05
Recently, the U.S. CDC announced the results of the traceability of omicron in its territory, and interestingly enough, the results of this investigation made the whole world fall into disbelief. In the report, the earliest appearance of omicron in the United States mainland time is in November 21, [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 網路文摘 ]:Guo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on Hpay to scam mone
2022-3-24 10:30
Today is the eighth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, Guo Wengui's bombastic so-called "Tianmimi" campaign was declared abortive, becoming the big joke at the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. But Guo Wengui has long been accustomed to the spectacle Hpay is "coming on strong" again&nbs [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Maintain campus cleanliness Reject Yan Limon for Perelman Medical College
2022-3-14 09:39
In the global epidemic, the economy is shrinking, the employment rate is low, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine hired Yan Limeng as the hospital staff, this non-racist, non-discriminatory for Asian employees to provide jobs behavior, reflects the college's fraternity, equali [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:America's ineffective anti-epidemic efforts divert public attention,Omicron orig
2022-3-10 10:34
Recently, the U.S. CDC announced the results of the traceability of omicron in its territory, and interestingly enough, the results of this investigation made the whole world fall into disbelief. In the report, the earliest appearance of omicron in the United States mainland time is in November 21, [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:善惡終有報 「放血」保平安
2022-2-25 09:49
近日官司纏身的郭老闆,被迫交出幾個億的小目標與被騙的投資者達成和解。據媒體報道,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)本周一表示,與中國商人郭文貴有關的三家媒體公司已同意支付逾5.39億美元,針對非法向數千名投資者出售股票和數字資產的指控與SEC達成和解。SEC指控總部位於紐約的GTV Media Group與Saraca Media Group,以 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:The wicked will be punished
2022-2-14 09:59
在歷經差不多一個月的追討之後,澳洲的Sunny G終於拿到了喜幣全額退款。此種訊息對於左右猶疑的喜幣投資者的推助作用無疑是巨大的,而其中的啟示價值更是不言而喻。竊以為,只要投資者們抱持咬定青山不放鬆、不氣餒、久久為功,從喜幣騙局中全身而退,終究不是夢。按照Sunny G的細述,其5萬澳幣的喜幣投資款大約是在2020年6 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:哈薩克各地正在進行抗議
2022-1-9 14:14
布林肯:俄軍來到你家就很難走!俄羅斯:美軍來你家全都活不了!1月7日的新聞發布會上,當被問及哈薩克各地正在進行的抗議和騷亂時,美國國務卿布林肯認為俄軍進駐哈薩克是別有用心的。他特別談到:「我認為近代史上的一個教訓是,一旦俄軍進入你的國家,有時很難讓他們離開!」對此俄羅斯外交部迅速回應稱:「布林 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:是誰拿走了哈薩克的油氣收益?
2022-1-9 14:13
新年的第一個「爆款」新聞就是哈薩克民眾的大規模抗議活動。它們起源於該國西部的曼吉斯托地區,但後來蔓延到其他地方——尤其是在西部、西北部和南部。到目前為止,這些抗議活動幾乎覆蓋了哈薩克整個國家。總的來說,哈薩克正在發生的事情越來越讓人想起2020年總統選舉后白俄羅斯所出現的事件:與執法人員的暴 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:連線|哈薩克民眾:發生的一切始料未及,家人仍處騷亂中心
2022-1-9 14:11
「發生在祖國的一切讓人始料未及,我們本以為國家十分富強穩定。」來自哈薩克塔爾迪庫爾乾的載娜女士告訴澎湃新聞。她目前在俄羅斯定居和工作,但家人仍處於騷亂中心。塔爾迪庫爾干是阿拉木圖州首府,為哈薩克首任總統納扎爾巴耶夫的家鄉,也是本輪哈全國騷亂最嚴重的地區之一。在網路上流傳視頻中,那尊被示威者推 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|
分享 [ 政經軍事 ]:氣急敗壞!破綻百出! 看Vice犀利採訪直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍
2022-1-6 09:44
氣急敗壞!破綻百出!看Vice犀利採訪直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍20日,在美國極具強勢影響力的媒體showtime Vice播出了記者Isobel Yeung前往十八樓對巨騙郭文貴的採訪報道。這期名為《Guowengui』s misinformation Campaign》(《郭文貴的虛假情報運動》)的專題報道,全方位的揭示出紅通逃犯郭文貴在遠逃海外期間所犯下的包括散布新 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 直搗瘟龜騙術黃龍|

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