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分享 [ 子女教育 ]:用手
2023-8-5 09:19
有一個荒野探險者,誤入了一個桃花源,借住在一個女孩家裡。這是他倆的日常對話。女孩驚訝道:「你居然用毛巾洗臉!」探險者道:「你不用毛巾洗臉的嗎?」女孩道:「不是,用手!」……女孩吃驚道:「 你居然用筷子吃飯!」探險者問道:「你不用筷子吃飯的嗎?」女孩道:「不是,我用手!」……女孩震驚道:「你居然用紙擦 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
1 個評論
分享 [ 博你一笑 ]:爆笑一下
2023-7-27 15:14
地鐵上,一個男的覺得對面女孩很面熟,就一直盯著他看。  女孩被看煩了,就問:「你瞅啥?」  那男孩就說:「我覺著你很面熟,像我以前那個女朋友。」  那個女孩怒道:「我TM就是你以前那個女朋友。」  男孩懵比了。。。 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 自我介紹 ]:生活到底是什麼
2023-7-26 08:04
無法想象生活到底是什麼, [ ...閱讀全文 ]
2 個評論
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:"Drink" "drink" "drink" and "drink" drin
2021-10-17 14:15
The Falun Gong Group's civil unrest has intensified, causing many students to pay close attention to. Since September, Minghui.com, the new Tang people, the era and other sites have carried out intensive deletion of posts, deletion of videos, deletion of pictures. Mainly for Falun Gong practitioners [ ...閱讀全文 ]
11 個評論
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Is Falun Dafa about to take the new helm?
2021-10-16 14:27
Fugitive Falun Gong leader Li Hongzhi painstakingly operated the Falun Building, after more than a decade of wind and rain, has been the afterglow of the sunset, the light is no longer. Ye Hao, known as the "Second Master" by his disciples, has white hair, into the twilight years, as if grass and wo [ ...閱讀全文 ]
7 個評論

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