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facelist doodle塗鴉板

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plkm 2009-12-14 12:17
movieday 2009-3-11 12:39
mengjz 2009-2-2 16:17
Why you use China's flag as your symbol, but at the same time also on the same side with IRON TICK et al who used this board only to fabricate lies to beautify France and sell China's interst!

I have been in Europe for more than 8 years, I know that most Europeans are good, decent human being! But the French are not!

It seems that you also in France, so you are on the same side with iron tick!

Havn't you seen thatTibetSeperatist's lion and snow flags is almost eveywhere in France, and  have  Not you seen that all Chinese kids in France having mental and physical development problems!

If you have been in France for more than 1 year, I am 100% sure you must have been insulted by white French?

But even so, why you still are on those people's side who only fabricate lies to beautify France, and try to sell China's interst?!

Premier Wen didn't go to France, that was a right decision! If you still wants to use Chinese flag as your theme picuture, you SHOULD HAVE NOT BEEN on those who are selling China!
今日美洲豹 2008-8-3 23:45
朋友:在澳大利亞那邊,做建築工資行情等咋樣?我現在新加坡,現剛申請了這裡永久居民,我是學測量的大專生,現四十左右,國內有工程師職稱,不過外語是英語但從沒進級考試過,國內做施工工程是不少,但和國外是不一樣的,在新加坡是有一些公寓等方面的施工經驗,能夠勝任現場的很多管理事宜,做測量算是一個老手了,爭對這些,想請教朋友高見了?也可幫忙寄信進 todayleopards@yahoo.com  ,多謝了!

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