

作者:紅杏桃子245  於 2017-2-11 22:16 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-13 09:56
秋收冬藏: 沒忍住,今天啃了一塊雞胸脯。
回復 jc0473 2017-2-13 10:19
紅杏桃子245: JC大哥好,        
謝謝分享,要學習紅杏吃素為主吧 元宵節快樂!
回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-13 10:25
jc0473: 謝謝分享,要學習紅杏吃素為主吧 元宵節快樂!
回復 jc0473 2017-2-13 10:27
秋收冬藏: 沒忍住,今天啃了一塊雞胸脯。
回復 jc0473 2017-2-13 10:29
紅杏桃子245: JC大哥正月十五快樂!
回復 gushu 2017-2-13 12:32

1. 2周沒吃葷腥,讓頭髮由灰變黑,皮膚光滑,精力充沛。
2. 適當吃一些紅肉對血糖值是有幫助的,過量的話,會起反作用。同樣完全不吃紅肉,而吃了相同熱量的主食,只會對血糖更加不利。
回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-13 13:32
gushu: 健康飲食的關鍵就是營養均衡,主張偏食一定就是違背了健康飲食的原則了。
回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-13 13:56
Grains,egetables,fruits and legumes ensure plenty of fiber,but chicken breasts,beef,pork,eggs,cheese,and all other animal products contain no fiber at all.
Fortunately. the foods we eat can help protect our bodie.  Antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene.  In a recent research review, cancer experts found sinnificant evidence suggesting that carotenoids help proted against esophageal, lung, and mouth cancers.

It should come as no surprise that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than meat-eaters.  Studies of whit blood cell samples from vegetarians have shown them to have more than double the cancer cell-destroying ability of their non vegetarian counterparts.
By Neal D. Barnard, MD
回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-13 14:22
Hot Topics: Breast Cancer | Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center

http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4237990-the-cancer-survivor-s-guide  (Neal D Barnard,MD)


回復 亦云 2017-2-13 20:40
紅杏桃子245: 沒錯,男人靠吃,我家那倆大哥每天都要吃肉

回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-14 00:28
亦云: 肉食攝入量跟體內荷爾蒙分泌相關,為何關外少數民族男人個個彪悍狂野,即使內地漢人移居到邊緣之地,隨照飲食結構的改變其也入鄉隨俗

回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-14 00:29

回復 紅杏桃子245 2017-2-14 00:55
This is my friend Kathy' letter:
I』d like to share a little of my experience with you because we all are affected by breast cancer and face the possibility of having it ourselves in the future.   

I received the diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer on April 1, 2016, just 2 months to the day when I started a new career as director of Adult Education at age 63.  My mother had died a year before due to complications from breast cancer treatments so this was a double blow.  The fear I felt was gripping.

These last few months have been emotional but educational to say the least.  Although I was strongly encouraged to start chemotherapy, surgery & radiation as soon as possible, I didn』t feel that was the right choice for me.  I was very confused and felt pressured to follow the doctors』 advice. I had begun changing my eating habits a year earlier but at this time I switched to a plant based diet, which supports tumor shrinkage.  I went to the City of Hope for a second opinion and saw one of the leading breast cancer doctors.  When I told her that I felt I had no choice but to start chemo, she stood up and strongly announced, 「You have every choice!」  She talked to me about an alternative medication I could take which blocks hormone production and, for my type of cancer, research has shown to be just as successful as chemo in shrinking tumors.  Of course I was taking a chance with my health because chemo is the standard course of treatment but I felt there were as many health risks with its side effects.

So, to make a long story short, I started the medication in June and continued with my plant-based diet (and prayer) and my last tests show that the tumors have shrunk markedly (at least 50 %, some more)!

There is still a long road ahead of me which may include surgery but I can honestly say that I』m not afraid.  That is the biggest miracle.  I also learned that I can make choices to support my health which include diet and exercise as well as medical decisions.
回復 vibes 2017-2-14 01:33
血糖6.8,現在6.4, 膽固醇210,現在191,沒什麼大區別。再過一段,在檢查檢查,弄不好,又回來。
回復 秋收冬藏 2017-2-14 01:44
jc0473: 這不是殘俺嗎,本想今晚開始吃素的
回復 秋收冬藏 2017-2-14 01:49
紅杏桃子245: 少吃點沒事,我戒肉還有其他原因,現在不能說,以後有時間慢慢給大家聊
我沒三高,就是想不長白頭髮不長皺紋,還有 不想長肥肉。
回復 新鮮人 2017-2-20 07:08
回復 leahzhang 2017-3-22 12:02
你的化驗指標可確診為糖尿病。不可掉以輕心。一定要用藥治療。A1C6.4 仍然是高的。糖尿病人要求控制在6.3以下才安全。不用藥將來的合併症早晚都會出現。
回復 重返伊甸 2019-2-7 08:11

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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