
分享 [ 財經理財 ]:2018-01-23
mandarin 2018-1-23 11:25
古代有一小姐,遇到一個上京趕考的窮書生避雨,發現其很有才華后以身相許。次日小姐垂淚送書生:「君若高中莫負妾身。」書生髮誓后,帶著姑娘給的銀子走了。小姐讓丫環把書生的名字紀錄在冊,丫頭說:「這已經是第五十個書生了!」小姐說:「沒辦法,總有一個會真的考上的」。 ——2017最 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:In pursuit of the sun夸父追日
mandarin 2018-1-16 09:29
In pursuit of the sun夸父追日
Ancient times, in the north of the country, there is a magnificent towering Chengdu contained Tianshan mountains there lived a giant called Kuafu family clan. Kuafu tribe leader called braggadocio, he was extremely tall, Litaiwuqiong, strong-willed, the extraordinary spirit. At that time, the world' [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|
分享 [ 詩詞書畫 ]:中國文化——中國結、古箏、茶道、書法、剪紙、中國畫
mandarin 2018-1-15 13:57
視頻是在youtube上的,請大家觀看。 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:歲寒三友 Three Friends in Cold Weather
mandarin 2018-1-15 10:11
歲寒三友 Three Friends in Cold Weather
青松、翠竹和冬梅這三種植物在寒冷的冬天也能顯示出勃勃生機,被稱為「歲寒三友」。Pine, bamboo and plum thrive through the cold winter days. They are dubbed as "Three Friends in Cold Weather".松樹是一種生命力極強的常青樹,人們賦予它意志剛強,堅貞不屈的品格。中國民間將它作為長壽的代表。Pines are ever-gre [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:24solar terms 24節氣
mandarin 2018-1-12 09:33
24solar terms 24節氣
Jieqi (or solar terms)are days marking one of the 24 time zones of the solar year in traditional Chinese calendar. Jieqi was used to indicate the alternation of seasons and climate changes in ancient China. It is a unique component and creative invention of Chinese traditional calendar.節氣是 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Chinese Knot 1(中國結1)
mandarin 2018-1-11 17:09
https://youtu.be/J18JqfzYA7Q [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|2 個評論
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Mahjong—one popular game in China
mandarin 2018-1-11 09:41
Mahjong—one popular game in China
Introduction介紹Mahjongis a game for four players that originated in China. A Korean variation allows for three players as well as some variations in Japan and Malaysia. It is known as three player mahjong. By far, the most common form of mahjong is that played by no more nor less than four pl [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|4 個評論
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:皇帝與黃色
mandarin 2018-1-10 09:26
古代崇尚黃色,黃色常常被看作君權的象徵。這首先起源於古代農業民族的「敬土」思想。按中國的陰陽學說,黃色在五行中為土,這種土是在宇宙中央的「中央土」,放在五行當中,「土為尊」。此後這種思想又與儒家大一統思想揉合在一起,認為以漢族為主體的統一王朝就是這樣一個處於「中央土」的帝國,而有別於周 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|4 個評論
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:皇帝
mandarin 2018-1-9 09:21
中國古代最早所稱的「皇帝」是對「三皇五帝」的統稱。三皇指:天皇、地皇、人皇,是傳說中的三個古代帝王;「帝」原來指宇宙萬物至高無上的主宰者——天帝,後來許多國家混戰,各自稱帝,出現西帝、東帝、中帝、北帝等,使天上的「帝」來到人間,成為超越「王」的人間尊號。也有說是部落時期的黃帝、炎帝、蚩尤等。秦始皇統 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:孔子 Confucius
mandarin 2018-1-8 11:55
孔子 Confucius
Who is Confucius(孔子kǒng zǐ)?子(zǐ) is respectful form of address in ancient China reserved for those with moral integrity and knowledge. Kong Zi, known as Confucius, was a Chinese educator and thinker who lived more than 2,000 years ago. His surname was Kong and his full name was Kong Qiu. He w [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Chinese Personal Names 中國人的姓名
mandarin 2018-1-5 10:54
A modern Chinese usually has a surname (「family name」)or xing and a given name (「first name」or「Christian name」),or ming(or mingzi),always in that order.Thus Deng Xiaoping is Mr. Deng with the personal name Xiaoping the same way John Jones is Mr. Jones with the personal name John.現代中國 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中文學習|2 個評論

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