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分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:China Focus: Illegal protest organizer convicted of subverting state power, give
2016-8-3 21:59
TIANJIN, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- Zhai Yanmin, an unemployed resident of Beijing, was sentenced to three years in prison with a four-year reprieve after being found guilty of subverting state power Tuesday.Tianjin No. 2 Intermediate People's Court ordered that Zhai, 55, will have to serve a minimum three- [ ...閱讀全文 ]
1 個評論
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:轉發一篇銅鑼灣雜談
2016-1-25 11:02
首先作為一個公民我希望得到我應有的權利,其中就有參政議政的能力,從目前來看,利用網路參政議政給予了我們很大的自主性,這是值得肯定的,特別是如果你的想法有道理,也會得到很多網友的支持,對於國家還是你我都有好處,但是一旦參雜了政治鬥爭,就變味了,可以看出這類所謂的不公開書籍,不過是迎合大眾好奇心,但卻是 [ ...閱讀全文 ]

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