

作者:亦云  於 2018-12-4 19:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


但凡有過在北國寒冷冬季駕車經歷的人普遍認為天寒地凍時預熱車能夠延長車的使用年限,對發動機有好處,幾乎是放之四海而皆準的常識。可是剛剛讀到的文章卻剛好跟這個常識相反,反而認為冰天雪地預熱車反而會損害發動機,會縮短汽車的使用壽命,似乎還說的頭頭是道的。特此把該文推介給各位分享如下:Here』s Why You Shouldn』t Warm Up Your Car In The Winter http://www.msn.com/en-ca/autos/ownership/here%e2%80%99s-why-you-shouldn%e2%80%99t-warm-up-your-car-in-the-winter/ar-BBQfn1V?li=AAggNb9&ocid=UE12DHP

When it's frigid outside and you have to drive to some sort of destination, there's only one solution to fighting the ridiculous cold: Warm up the car. Just start it up a few minutes before hopping in, giving your cabin and your engine time to warm up before hitting the road. Plus, it's supposed to be good for the life of your engine, right?

Wrong! Warming up your car in winter before driving it is actually terrible for your engine. According to Popular Mechanics, driving your car right away is the fastest way to warm up your engine, and will actually prolong the life of your engine instead of letting it sit idly before driving. Answering the old question on whether you should warm up your car.

The reasoning has to do with how modern internal combustion engines work. By letting your car sit to warm up, it's actually putting extra fuel into the combustion chamber, which can get onto your cylinder walls. Because gasoline is an excellent solvent, too much on your cylinder walls can dissolve the oil that lubricates your cylinders, leading to shorter life on crucial components.

Of course, hopping into a cold car is never a fun task. Although driving your car will actually warm up your engine faster than idling, it still means driving for a period of time in a cold vehicle. And, it also means dealing with the frost on your car windows before they warm up. Fortunately, you can easily defrost your windows in 30 seconds with this simple car window defrosting trick.

Now if warming up your car in winter is actually terrible for your engine, why did people even do this in the first place? According to USA Today, this practices comes from the use of cars with carburetors -- a fuel delivery system that preceded fuel injection that did require warming up beforehand. Some people would have to wait up to 10 minutes before even getting into a car, deeming it safe enough to drive with a warmed up engine. Nevertheless, cars and technology have drastically changed since the 1960s, which means this old practice is no longer required.

Instead, just give it a minute and start with an easy drive. Flooring it right away obviously isn't the solution, but easing yourself into a drive will help to warm your engine faster than you originally thought.

Haven't prepped your car for winter? Here's how to get your car winter ready, as well as the things you need in your winter car survival kit.














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回復 9771 2018-12-5 00:12
回復 白露為霜 2018-12-5 00:45
回復 亦云 2018-12-5 01:26
9771: 錢財身外物,保持身材健康是本。
回復 亦云 2018-12-5 01:27
白露為霜: 其實不是預熱引擎的問題。你玻璃上的冰要鏟才能開車,等你鏟完,預熱也完成了。
回復 白露為霜 2018-12-5 02:21
亦云: 車庫裡不存在鏟雪問題,露天停車場的確如此。還記得在北國冰天雪地的開車經歷?加州是把車都暴晒的禿嚕皮!
我在加拿大開車的時候是學生,車停在路邊,鏟冰鏟雪是每天的事。   車打火打不起來也是常事。
回復 北京的大平 2018-12-5 06:33
回復 秦臻 2018-12-5 08:56
還是預熱舒服,即使停車庫裡,冬天一進去的時候也冷,因為冬天穿多了也不舒服。不過加拿大隻要不受極寒天氣襲擊,冬天也是比較mild 的。
回復 亦云 2018-12-7 00:19
白露為霜: 我在加拿大開車的時候是學生,車停在路邊,鏟冰鏟雪是每天的事。    車打火打不起來也是常事。
回復 亦云 2018-12-7 00:20
北京的大平: 省著使用汽車沒什麼意義,汽車可不能太舊,它很可能會在前不著村或深山老林的地方把你撂在哪,把你凍個半死;也可能在極端天氣下一動不動,還可能會把你最重要的
回復 亦云 2018-12-7 00:21
秦臻: 還是預熱舒服,即使停車庫裡,冬天一進去的時候也冷,因為冬天穿多了也不舒服。不過加拿大隻要不受極寒天氣襲擊,冬天也是比較mild 的。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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