

作者:亦云  於 2014-8-3 11:01 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


請看下面外媒報道的相關內容(賈曉霞在加拿大名字是 Margaret Jia):
1) Chinese probe into PetroChina』s Canadian operations deepens as fourth executive under investigation
CALGARY • A corruption probe in China is reaching deeper into PetroChina』s operations in Canada』s oil industry, with four high-ranking company officials involved in oil sands deals now believed to be under investigation。
Reports in China link Margaret Jia, until recently the general manager of CNPC International (Canada) in Calgary, to the investigation, which focuses on the Chinese oil giant』s purchase of oil sands leases at what are believed to be inflated prices.
Ms. Jia』s whereabouts are unknown. One report in China』s Want China Times says she has been arrested.
Ms. Jia, whose Chinese name is Xiaoxia Jia , is the sister-in-law of Yongkang Zhou, China』s retired national security chief who is the highest-ranking casualty of President Xi Jinping』s campaign against corruption and a main focus of the probe.

His whereabouts are also unknown and family members are believed to be with him, according to the South China Morning Post.

The probe initially targeted PetroChina, but has since spread to other oil companies and is expected to slow down decision-making.

2)China oil and gas corruption probe spreads to Canada, Iran

May 26, 2014        


A sweeping corruption investigation into state oil giant China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) has expanded from domestic oilfields to overseas operations, with two more oil executives being detained for questioning.

Bo Qiliang, the vice president of CNPC』s subsidiary PetroChina Company Limited, was one of those detained.

PetroChina said in a statement that Bo, who was in charge of the company』s overseas operations, had left his post as vice president due to a reshuffling of positions, without giving more details.

Police raided Bo』s office and detained his secretary as well.

Bo reportedly colluded with senior oil officials to steal state assets while leading CNPC』s aggressive acquisition of overseas assets.

He was reportedly linked to Zhou Yongkang, the retired domestic security chief and former general manager of CNPC. Sources said Bo promoted Jia Xiaoxia, the sister of Zhou』s second wife Jia Xiaoye, to be the vice president of PetroChina』s subsidiary in Canada.

Bo』s brother was a major agent for raw materials purchases by CNPC』s overseas operations, allegedly earning some $3.2 billion annually. Bo also allocated logistics management projects to his friends in exchange for alleged kickbacks.

Another executive, Zhang Benquan, the general manager of CNPC』s Iran subsidiary, was detained in early April.

Sources said Zhang could be linked to Li Guangyuan, chairman of Sichuan Star Cable Co Ltd, a major supplier of CNPC. Li was detained。


這就是周永康的妻妹賈曉霞  https://big5.backchina.com/blog/261460/article-207101.html

株連九族何時了? 也談周永康弟妹賈曉霞  https://big5.backchina.com/blog/329593/article-207126.html











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回復 總裁判 2014-8-3 11:09
回復 亦云 2014-8-3 11:13
總裁判: 中央捉壞人,我們老百姓支持!
回復 總裁判 2014-8-3 11:22
亦云: 那時必須的,否則那些蛀蟲就會把民眾的血汗掏空的
回復 亦云 2014-8-3 11:26
總裁判: 中國帶有家族特色的腐敗集團,即是以血緣關係為基礎的裙帶關係,故所以不是因為他們是同一個家族所以要清查,而是這些同一個姓的家族成員,集體參與了貪污、盜竊
對周永康這種外科手術式的清查是絕對英明的  打掉了所有貪官企圖一人坐牢子孫蒙福的幻想 震懾了目前在位的仍然在貪污腐化的幹部及其受益人
回復 門外照斜陽 2014-8-3 11:52
回復 ChinaGate 2014-8-3 11:53
回復 卿心依舊溫柔 2014-8-3 12:35
回復 亦云 2014-8-3 18:12
門外照斜陽: 現在貪官的不法行為,往往都是藉助親友們來完成的。如果只查官員本身,可能都查不出他們的貪污行為。像薄熙來,通過徐明將大量的錢財花在薄瓜瓜身上,在薄熙來身
瓜瓜 作為成年人 利用其父的白手套商人徐明依附權位牟利的投機行為 大肆向徐明索賄巨額財物 已經明顯構成索賄罪 但是卻讓你至今逍遙法外 這給那些還在官位的貪官以一個很壞的榜樣 就是一人裸官在國內大肆搜刮索賄 轉移到國外 即使一人蹲監 也可確保自己的子孫在海外有座享用不盡的金山銀山
回復 亦云 2014-8-3 18:14
ChinaGate: 支持株連獲利的"九族"。在一人得道雞犬升天的時代,他們輕易就可以拿到政府的項目,該人失道了,該株連了,之前是有關部門不敢株連之。
腐敗都是以權位為中心的窩案 貪官的家人 親戚 部屬 白手套 在謀取非法利益 一網打盡當然一個都不能讓其跑掉的
回復 亦云 2014-8-3 18:14
卿心依舊溫柔: 惡,貪,壞都不會有好的下場~
回復 shen fuen 2014-8-3 19:13
回復 亦云 2014-8-3 19:20
shen fuen: 到了報應的時候了!
拿了本該不屬於自己的 肯定得最後連本帶息的還回來
回復 芊芊1988 2014-8-4 08:17
回復 金竹陶器 2014-8-4 11:02
回復 亦云 2014-8-5 00:33
芊芊1988: 第一張是前妻的妹妹還差不多。
這張照片是借用的 村友的 博文里 覺得比較靠譜的一張 因為有名字在下方
回復 亦云 2014-8-5 00:34
金竹陶器: 雞犬升天也必落地。美國腫統八年還再作百姓呢。這些雞犬不止橫行八年了吧    
是的 周永康得道時 升天的雞犬  周栽倒了 自然也必應聲倒下

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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