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長河明月的個人空間 https://big5.backchina.com/u/309106 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


股市不作臉,又跌1000點   總統昨天剛發話,「 現在不是出售股票的好機會」,今天就給他一個大反應,跌!是誰出的餿主意讓股市漲跌和總統業績掛鉤?結果挖了一個坑讓他老人家跳下去了吧?總統一年來撤銷了不少對大行的監管,那幫人得到好處應該為總統托市才對。一幫沒用的廢物!
  • 酸柚子: Trump now claims the stock market is rigged against him. Let's see; the election was rigged against him; the news is rigged against him; the FBI is rigged against him; and now the Stock Market is rigg (2-9 07:21)
  • 酸柚子: and now the Stock Market is rigged against him. Sounds like a pretty bad case of paranoia coupled with egomania! (2-9 07:22)
  • 長河明月: Poor 「daddy」!      (2-9 07:53)
  • 看得開:    約翰·加爾布雷斯John Kenneth Galbraith曾經說過「There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don』t know, and those who don』t know they don』t know.」 (2-9 12:50)
2018-2-9 05:51 回復|

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