

作者:白露為霜  於 2012-11-30 23:14 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:美國大學, 升學作文


發表評論 評論 (60 個評論)

回復 Lawler 2012-12-2 10:48
xqw63: 實話告訴你,咱女兒的升學作文就是咱寫的,這有啥難啊
回復 xqw63 2012-12-2 10:53
Lawler: 吹,你就吹吧!
回復 Lawler 2012-12-2 11:03
xqw63: 你根本不了解孩子Essay,老師需要看Essay來了解這個學生,咱湊是從這個角度幫女兒寫滴
回復 xqw63 2012-12-2 11:06
Lawler: 我猜想你只是出主意,搶功而已。寫是寫不了的
回復 Lawler 2012-12-2 12:08
xqw63: 咱寫好了,女兒自己修改滴,改成孩子的語氣
女兒自己修改,忘了加 --- 改語法、改錯字、改習慣用語
回復 xqw63 2012-12-2 12:12
Lawler: 女兒自己修改,忘了加 --- 改語法、改錯字、改習慣用語
回復 自由之靈 2012-12-3 08:18
謝謝介紹!每個大學都有自己的題目?那還另外有"personal statement"嗎?
回復 白露為霜 2012-12-3 08:25
自由之靈: 謝謝介紹!每個大學都有自己的題目?那還另外有"personal statement"嗎?
Personal Statement是升學作文的另一種叫法。

大多數學校使用Common Application Form加上自己學校的Supplement Form. Common Form上有一個長篇(幾個題目可選),500-600 word. Supplement則是因學校而異,有的再加一個長篇,有的再加幾個短篇。Supplement 的題目常常是獨特的。
回復 自由之靈 2012-12-3 09:04
白露為霜: Personal Statement是升學作文的另一種叫法。

大多數學校使用Common Application Form加上自己學校的Supplement Form. Common Form上有一個長篇(幾個題目可選) ...
回復 milu 2012-12-4 01:01
白露為霜: 請繼續?寫完了。      
回復 白露為霜 2012-12-4 02:23
回復 milu 2012-12-4 03:42
白露為霜: 這個題目寫完了。
I am waiting for next, heheh
回復 白露為霜 2012-12-6 00:40
yedav01: Learn a lot from yo. Any suggestion for Personal Statement for for doctoral application?
謝謝留言。我對研究生申請沒有特別研究。大女兒剛寫完她的Personal Statement , 她主要是寫這幾年她做的研究工作。是比較專業的東西,因為是教授看的。如果在大學期間沒有做過研究,可能只好寫暑期工作,課外活動之類的事情了。
回復 liuguang 2012-12-6 02:44
回復 白露為霜 2012-12-6 04:26
liuguang: 太經典了,存起來,以備後用。多謝~
回復 白露為霜 2012-12-6 05:35
yedav01: Yes, understand what you said. My own PS was pretty simple because CS in the same school also all profs knew me, again long time ago. Recently I was h ...
I am not sure about political science, but BioChem should focus on the reseach works in related field. Especially for PHD student, Professor takes a chance on a student. The expectation is that this student can do reaseach work and write paper (without too much trouble). If the student can show his ability to do both, he is ahead of most of students from China.

Granted that most Chinese undergraduate students do not have reaseach experiences. Related work experiences may be useful. If he does not have any of that, then he has to rely on GPA, GRE score and school's repulation. The professor is taking some risk for admiting students like that.

Master is less problem because they pay the tuition, the Phd students are usually founded by professor.
回復 ChineseInvest88 2014-4-7 02:41

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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