

作者:海攀  於 2011-7-30 22:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 海攀 2011-7-31 10:15
erbaiwu: 今天這個,我怎麼一下就飛速看完了,沒有感覺啊。
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 10:15
purpletulip: 同感
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 10:18
smartman: to everyone:  anyone has time to rewrite and is interested in overriding this novel?  if you are, please contact me.  let us get prepared to override  ...
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 10:18
紫星軒: 好久沒有來看這篇文章了,記得曾經關注過,後來覺得讀不下去了,因為從作者的心態,似乎已經知道了故事的大體走向,所以,留了幾個字,就退了。這次看到這節,似 ...
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 10:19
紫星軒: 看到你在42節給我的留言。的確,只有讀完整個故事,才能有較客觀的評論。不過,讀者一般不會拿來一本小說就讀下去的,覺得不可讀,就不讀了。謝謝你在42節的評論 ...
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 10:24
生於70『S: 從小靜拿了鄭衛一半錢開始,她所有的感動也好,愧疚也罷,都顯得很虛偽。

回復 生於70『S 2011-7-31 11:24
海攀: 解釋一下:鄭衛的一千多塊獎學金都拿來養家了。這二萬多塊是楊小靜在餐館打工掙得錢和後來做實驗員存的錢。楊小靜希望鄭衛放她走,所以把錢全留給鄭衛。而鄭衛又 ...
回復 生於70『S 2011-7-31 11:46
回復 smartman 2011-7-31 11:57
生於70『S: 其實,在小靜在餐館打工和實驗室博命的時候,我還是一直很尊重小靜的-任何為了生活而努力奮鬥的人都值得令人尊重,不管是窮跑堂的還是億萬富豪,他們在人格上沒有 ...
yang has been a "vase" for all her lifetime.  her first months in the US has shown that.  she was self-contented to stay at home and be supported by zheng's scholarship (RA).

she went out to work not because she felt obliged but because she got bored and was really looking for something to kill her time.  she worked hard at restaurant and lab because she was very greedy for money and very insecure about her job security.  she had never appreciated her husband's consistent efforts for years -- finished courses, passed qualifyinf exams, published conference papers, etc.  however, when she made less money than zheng, she could not complain too much on zheng's laziness.

once she got a job with higher salary than zheng, she became dissatisfied with zheng.  after she got a better life/wealth opportunity (or prospect), she dumped zheng relentlessly.

liu juan is the ideal dream woman and wife most, if not all, men dream about.  she is in the heaven with a variety of shining merits while yang is in the devil with countless disgusting evils.
回復 生於70『S 2011-7-31 12:03
回復 smartman 2011-7-31 12:07
海攀: 嗯,沒法覆蓋,只能另寫。歡迎歡迎!
thanks for generousity.  you are open-minded to tolerate different opinions!

i am seriously planning to rewrite only part of your novel.  i am looking for collaborators who can and is willing to work with me together to: 1. type my chinese manusciprt into e-version (within around one day after i finish my writing); 2. comment or critize my writings subjectively; 3. be capable of writing some sections when i am busy and not available (ideally, he/she can write more than half sections while I will write the remaining one, but i can write more or almost all if i have to).  we need to discuss about and agree upon the story outcome before each of us begins to write.
回復 smartman 2011-7-31 12:32
生於70『S: 小靜和巴特曼現在還在激情階段。我想,巴特曼喜歡小靜,有一個重要原因也是小靜的不屈的奮鬥,這種人格的魅力才是維持感情經久不變的基礎,外在的東西的吸引是短 ...
i am glad to find that you are beginning to gradually change your viewpoint on yang.


i bet yang has always been a girl of Hao (like) Yi (relax) Er (hate) Lao (work).  she happened, in a brief transient period in her life, to work hard to defend her job security, and kill time.  her work attitude is 短暫的,不穩定的 while her insatiable devour for luxury, entertainment and laziness is constant and permanent.
回復 smartman 2011-7-31 12:47
紫星軒: 看到你在42節給我的留言。的確,只有讀完整個故事,才能有較客觀的評論。不過,讀者一般不會拿來一本小說就讀下去的,覺得不可讀,就不讀了。謝謝你在42節的評論 ...
maybe it is a good time now for us to review and recall our previous opinions.  after i get some time later, i summarize more.

right now, in particular, i want to stress one point, after i read my previous postings a few montsh ago.

my major change in the past months (from March to July in reading LZ's novel) is my attitude towards yang.

in March, i found yang's character was so vivid and lovely.  i liked this figure.  i know liu juan is also a great girl.  so, i asked LZ to write more and provide more details to make Liu more loveable.  (LZ did not.)

somewhere after yang came to the US, i found she changed so quickly.  so, i began to realize she was in nature actually a very vulger girl.  she showed a flamboyant, lazy characters that are fond of Hao Yi Er Lao (like lazy hate hard work).  plus, her attiude towards zheng made me feel more and more disgusting towards yang.

after yang did such an unforgivable crime to zheng, i began to look down upon her.  i am completely angry at her evil deeds.  i pray god will punish her!

what if god does not punish her?  well, if god does not, i will try myself, using my pen to rewrite the novel.  that seems my only feeble capability to carry out my will, which i believe is the justice.
回復 purpletulip 2011-7-31 12:47
生於70『S: 小靜和巴特曼現在還在激情階段。我想,巴特曼喜歡小靜,有一個重要原因也是小靜的不屈的奮鬥,這種人格的魅力才是維持感情經久不變的基礎,外在的東西的吸引是短 ...
yang 拚命工作有兩個原因。1. job security 畢竟她認為這是個體面活。2. 從她拿到offer的那一刻,她已強烈覺出Bartman 喜歡她。她在做兩手打算。 保住飯碗的同時取悅於Bartman。 而且還要做出良家婦女形象 (否則Bartman 不會娶她),步步誘惑, 欲拒還迎,直到Bartman 完全陷入其中,再給以最後一拒,徹底擊毀Bartman的自信. 然後輕而易舉擒到手。而且還速戰速決,以防夜長夢多,畢竟窗紙已捅破,時間一長Bartman 很可能不想結婚了。如果這條路不通,她將還是跟著zheng. 此女非乃善物也。
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 13:20
生於70『S: 這個不能接受,小靜和鄭衛在家庭責任上是平等的,不能是鄭衛掙錢歌給兩個人花,小靜掙錢是自己的。小靜對家庭的責任是怎麼體現的?陪老公上床,做做飯,她把自己 ...
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 13:20
生於70『S: 其實,在小靜在餐館打工和實驗室博命的時候,我還是一直很尊重小靜的-任何為了生活而努力奮鬥的人都值得令人尊重,不管是窮跑堂的還是億萬富豪,他們在人格上沒有 ...
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 13:22
smartman: yang has been a "vase" for all her lifetime.  her first months in the US has shown that.  she was self-contented to stay at home and be  ...
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 13:23
生於70『S: 小靜和巴特曼現在還在激情階段。我想,巴特曼喜歡小靜,有一個重要原因也是小靜的不屈的奮鬥,這種人格的魅力才是維持感情經久不變的基礎,外在的東西的吸引是短 ...
回復 海攀 2011-7-31 13:26
smartman: thanks for generousity.  you are open-minded to tolerate different opinions!

i am seriously planning to rewrite only part of your novel.  i am lookin ...


回復 海攀 2011-7-31 13:31
purpletulip: yang 拚命工作有兩個原因。1. job security 畢竟她認為這是個體面活。2. 從她拿到offer的那一刻,她已強烈覺出Bartman 喜歡她。她在做兩手打算。 保住飯碗的同時 ...


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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