

作者:圍觀  於 2011-10-4 16:53 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 圍觀 2011-10-6 09:13
yulinw:    謝啦~·
回復 圍觀 2011-10-6 09:17
黃笑吾: 嗯?有道理,物以稀為貴。
回復 黃笑吾 2011-10-6 09:21
圍觀:    你才知道啊!
回復 smartman 2011-10-6 09:53
圍觀: San Diego Zoo!挺喜歡這個地方!
gee, i will be in san diego in nov - dec.  must be a great place!  can you introduce some must-see places?

i thought pandas in US are available only in DC and San diego's zoos, am I right?
回復 老太爺 2011-10-6 11:00
圍觀: 上網一定不會拜見老太爺的,呵呵!
回復 nierdaye 2011-10-6 12:04
圍觀:    不可思議!基本只食竹子,也偶爾食肉(通常是動物的屍體,有時也吃竹鼠)
why 不可思議?
回復 圍觀 2011-10-6 12:39
老太爺: 為什麼呢?我得罪您了嗎?應該不會吧?
回復 圍觀 2011-10-6 12:41
nierdaye: why 不可思議?
回復 老太爺 2011-10-6 16:18
圍觀:    多打了一個「不」字,我一定會來拜訪你老太爺的哦!
回復 圍觀 2011-10-7 07:10
老太爺: 你故意嚇我。。。
回復 老太爺 2011-10-7 09:06
圍觀:    那敢啊?你啊,真膽小~
回復 圍觀 2011-10-7 15:05
老太爺: 老人家,膽比較小。。。
回復 圍觀 2011-10-7 15:44
smartman: gee, i will be in san diego in nov - dec.  must be a great place!  can you introduce some must-see places?

i thought pandas in US are available only  ...
回復 smartman 2011-10-7 23:12
圍觀: 那裡挺美的,有幾個景點,海洋公園,野生動物園,要看熊貓就到動物園(好象華盛頓動物園也有熊貓),哦,聖地亞哥的海難也不錯,村裡有位村友發了照片,挺美的, ...
thanks a lot for sharing the link.  i won't go see panda because i see them so many times in US and China since my childhood.

it is interesting SD has a 航母博物館.  NY City has one, too (http://intrepidmuseum.org/).  I think I'll see and compare the aircrafts.  Besides, I would love to go see the beach, the most famous scenery in SD.  any other features that can't be missed?
回復 圍觀 2011-10-8 14:06
smartman: thanks a lot for sharing the link.  i won't go see panda because i see them so many times in US and China since my childhood.

it is interesting SD ha ...
如果有時間,還可以去SD海洋世界和SD野生動物園,航母,La Jolla Cove和La Jolla Beach等,看鏈接,有介紹:http://www.lequ.im/topics/san-diego.html
回復 smartman 2011-10-9 08:01
圍觀: 如果有時間,還可以去SD海洋世界和SD野生動物園,航母,La Jolla Cove和La Jolla Beach等,看鏈接,有介紹:http://www.lequ.im/topics/san-diego.html
祝旅遊快 ...
thanks a lot.  i am from mianland china (went to college there).  i can not type chinese well because i am pretty slow at pinyin.  i believe i will have a great time there.  SD as well as CA is a great place for sightseeing.  I went to school in northern CA and like CA a lot.
回復 Giada 2011-10-9 14:11
回復 圍觀 2011-11-27 18:31
smartman: thanks a lot.  i am from mianland china (went to college there).  i can not type chinese well because i am pretty slow at pinyin.  i believe i will ha ...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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