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2015-6-7 12:26 回復|
俺無法評論,打招呼,留言...要Click 好多次,也不知道送出去否?    請老A 幫俺查查 Account 是否有問題,謝謝!
  • jc0473: 同情。問好 (2-18 16:36)
  • 心如水: 不要用explorer (2-19 05:03)
  • smith_h2: 謝謝您指點,改用 Google Chrome... (2-20 10:47)
2014-2-18 13:20 回復|
試跟越湖老師韻: 溪聲十月涼, 夜露染衣裳. 靜寺池中月, 相邀對菊黃.  
2013-10-1 10:01 回復|
試跟楓樹韻: 拂天千里長, 相伴九秋涼.  殷問路多遠, 銀橋落曉霜.
  • smith_h2: http://big5.backchina.com/blog/275060/article-187704.html (9-27 09:59)
2013-9-27 09:58 回復|
「I think the president is going to win, but this is a very, very tight race,」 said the former Mass. governor and 1988 presidential candidate.  
2012-11-6 12:05 回復|
CNN National Poll: Dead heat between Obama and Romney: Obama 49%,  Romney 49%  
2012-11-6 12:03 回復|
2012-11-6 08:17 回復|
Hope everyone is doing ok on the east coast. My paryers are with you!  
2012-11-6 08:15 回復|
匆匆而來,匆匆而去,問候大家!!預祝中秋快樂!!團團圓圓!,緣緣不斷!,願願隨心!Happy Mid-Autumn!!
  • yulinw: 也回祝你~· (9-25 14:24)
  • smith_h2: 祝福佳節快樂!! (10-1 11:29)
  • yulinw: (10-1 11:48)
  • Emansfield: 問候,中秋快樂! (9-25 23:56)
  • smith_h2: 祝福佳節快樂!! (10-1 11:29)
  • tea2011: 同慶中秋,問好。 (9-26 00:55)
  • smith_h2: 祝福佳節快樂!! (10-1 11:30)
  • 心隨風舞: 收下你的祝福,等待下次相聚。 (9-26 03:18)
  • smith_h2: 祝福佳節快樂!! (10-1 11:30)
  • 無為村姑: 祝福中秋 (9-26 06:31)
  • smith_h2: 祝福佳節快樂!! (10-1 11:31)
  • 早安太陽: 祝福米兄和家人中秋快樂!天天快樂! (9-28 03:18)
  • smith_h2: 祝福早安及家人佳節快樂!! (10-1 11:31)
2012-9-25 11:42 回復|
I'm lost  
  • 宜修: ... but u r not alone. (4-8 12:27)
  • smith_h2: Happy weekend, Happy Easter!! (4-8 12:31)
  • 宜修: Happy Passover! 不過好像沒人說「清明快樂」的。 (4-8 12:38)
  • smith_h2: 清明乃哀思節,過節后快樂! (4-8 12:43)
  • 宜修: 今年三個不同文化的節日扎堆兒到一塊兒。各得其所! (4-8 12:45)
  • smith_h2: (4-8 12:46)
  • 小溪流: just a second, i know. relax..... (4-8 20:34)
  • smith_h2: 小溪兄,Happy Easter!! (4-8 21:58)
2012-4-8 12:24 回復|
When a father leaves so many happy yesterdays, his love will last through all of your tomorrow.
2012-3-5 08:10 回復|
Happy thanksgiving!!
2011-11-24 08:22 回復|
A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.
2011-8-28 23:44 回復|
Best Wishes for All on the US East Coast!!
2011-8-28 23:27 回復|
Enter to grow in wisdom  
2011-8-8 09:37 回復|
Our thoughts and prayers are with people of Japan.
2011-3-12 09:56 回復|
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas. I am strong, when I am on your shoulders.
2011-3-7 00:53 回復|
People with high achievement motivation tend to work harder and more persistently on tasks, and they handle negative feedback more effectively; they also are future oriented.
2011-2-27 08:47 回復|
Vinegar is effective for Jellyfish Stings.
2011-2-7 04:29 回復|
Follow your dreams and your own passions.
  • 水影兒: 我喜歡類似的一句話:we grow by dream (6-4 12:04)
  • smith_h2:   謝謝喜歡! (6-4 12:07)
  • 水影兒: 再加一句:let dream run free! (6-4 12:08)
  • smith_h2: 是的,同鳴   (6-4 12:15)
2011-1-22 09:31 回復|

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