

作者:poi  於 2011-10-27 01:28 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



當今中國四處遭受四周列弱欺負, 有的指責人權, 有的扣押漁船, 有的抓了漁民, 有的佔了領土, 有的殺了船員, 有的綁了勞工。在他們眼裡, 五星紅旗沒有尊嚴。

如果來次義和團運動, 把各個使館里的人員痛打一頓(殺了不妥),然後把慈禧那個向列國的宣戰書, 請新華社CCTV再次公布一遍。我情願再來一次義和團.





For more than 200 plus years, the Court had always acted in deep kindness, those foreigners came from faraway, our ancestors had always treated them with respect. During the reign of Douguan Emperor and Xianfeng Emperor, foreigners began to be allowed to trade with China, and yet they begged for the permission to preach the teaching of Christ in China, since the teaching was for the good of the people, the Court also granted permission. At the beginning those preachers did behave according to our customs, but unexpectedly in the last 30 plus years, out of China's kindness, they began to act aggressive, began to bully our country, invade our land, trample our people, blackmail our valuable goods. The Royal Court had been lenient to accommodate their demands, but these foreigners had turned aggressive and unreasonable, their attitude had been worsening by the day, they try to bully everyone, they bully ordinary folks, they blaspheme our holy men and our gods. Our good people had built up hatred inside the hearts, and everyone is asking for revenge, 

this is the main reasons why those boxers were burning the churches, and killing Chinese Christian converts. The Royal Court had decided not to send in the military to offer protection, to prevent hurting our good people. The Court had issued decree to ban the boxers attacking the foreigners, the Court is going to offer protection for the foreign legations, and offer compensations to Chinese Christians converts. Only the other day the Court had issued a decree to mediate between the boxers and the Chinese Christians, after all, they are all our people. The Royal Court had done it's best to treat foreigners with kindness. Beside ungrateful, they are into more blackmails. Recently they request the administration of the Taku Forts, their intention was to shake the stability of the capital(Peking) using military might.

In the past, the Royal court had treated this foreigners like one would treated one's own neighbors, never did the court offend them. They called themselves educated nations, yet they do whatever they like here in China, just because they have strong army and powerful weapons, they have wanted to break off the good relationship with China? 

His Majesty Guangxu Emperor had been on this throne near 30 years, treat all the people like my own children and grandchildren, the people also treat me as the Emperor of Heaven. The Empress Dowager Cixi has reshaped the Universe, her benevolence and good deed is everywhere, the people feel deep in the soul, all the ancestors do agree with her, all the gods also moved by her, Her Excellency has done what previous dynasty had not done. 

His Majesty Guangxu Emperor has informed the ancestor temple with tears, has pledged holy commitment with teacher and students, we shall not live a miserable and submissive life, be shamed in history for the next ten thousands years, we should fight this war in a big way, to see who is the male, who is the female. The Court officials had been gathering for days, to work out strategy and to reach consensus. In provinces adjacent to Peking and Shandong, hunderds of thousands of boxers have gathered on free will, even 5 feet tall boys would take up weapons to safeguard the homeland. The foreigners have cunning and deceptive plans, we hold the rules from heaven, the foreigners relied on brute force, we have the support of the heart of the people. China has many loyal patriots, they are not afraid of death. We have more than 20 provinces, huge population of 400 millions, it is not difficult to put out the foreigners fierce fire, to showcase the might of our nation. The royal court will generously reward those who fight bravely on the front line, will also reward those who donate money in preparation of the war. The royal court will immediately execute traitors who escape from the battle field, or anyone who collaborate with the enemy, no one should hope for any leniency. All my court officials and people under the Heaven, we all have the heart of loyalty, to release the combined anger of both the human and gods. I have big expectation. His majesty sign here.









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發表評論 評論 (9 個評論)

回復 牛妞妞 2011-10-27 01:34
瀑布汗。這個帝是光旭嗎? 他也不是漢人,何來漢奸之說?
回復 wcat 2011-10-27 01:39
回復 poi 2011-10-27 01:39
牛妞妞: 瀑布汗。這個帝是光旭嗎? 他也不是漢人,何來漢奸之說?
是光緒。 沒法叫他漢奸。
回復 poi 2011-10-27 01:41
wcat: 有這個能力嗎?連釣魚島都拿不回!
這不是向你學習的嗎? 那個暫時是拿不回來的
回復 wcat 2011-10-27 01:42
poi: 這不是向你學習的嗎? 那個暫時是拿不回來的
回復 yulinw 2011-10-27 08:27
回復 poi 2011-10-27 09:36
yulinw:    都沒有那個種,要斟酌再斟酌的~~
回復 北勝街 2011-12-12 06:38
回復 poi 2011-12-12 07:02
北勝街: 我也報名參加。   
好。 先念好咒語

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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