

作者:Cristal  於 2010-6-9 21:53 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 世外閑人 2010-6-10 20:10
Cristal: 又苦又澀!
回復 Cristal 2010-6-10 21:10
回復 smith_h2 2010-6-10 22:40
圓圓, you truly appreciated the opportunity for coming to America. I can see the traditional values may still in deep influence you. Your kindness has not yet rewarded. Remember Benjamin Franklin: "When you are good to others, you are best to yourself."

姐姐 has taken for granted all of that 圓圓』s help without the appreciation. 姐姐』s imagination new  world is big difference. She missed her purpose coming to America. Her is also lonely and helppes…
回復 Cristal 2010-6-10 23:20
smith_h2: 圓圓, you truly appreciated the opportunity for coming to America. I can see the traditional values may still in deep influence you. Your kindness ha
She  did and  is trying to be a good person.
Her sisster wanted to depend on her forever.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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