
To Be By Your Side

作者:杏林一虹  於 2012-8-19 21:02 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




Across the oceans, across the seas. 浩浩重洋,茫茫滄海
Over forests of blackened trees. 鬱郁林木,如集雲霾
Valleys so still we dare not breathe. 寂寂河谷,屏息以來
To be by your side. 翔而越兮,適彼所在

Over the shifting desert plains. 漠漠平蕪,馳之何速
Across Mountains all in flames. 山巒險峻,炎焰吞吐
Howling winds and driving rains. 疾風如號,驟雨如注
To be by your side. 翔而越兮,適彼所處

Every mile and every year. 度程以里,度時以年
For everyone a little tear. 度吾心兮,有淚凝眄
I can not explain this, dear. 此行何求,無以與言
Won』t I even try. 偶欲告之,臨啟復緘

Into the night as the stars Collide. 群星交迸,夜變為白
Across the border that divide. 岸界分峙,縱橫闔開
Forest of stone standing petrified. 石林竦立,過客震駭
To be by your side. 翔而越兮,適彼所在

Every mile and every year. 度程以里,度時以年
For everyone a single tear. 度吾心兮,淚下悄然
I can not explain this, dear. 此行何求,無以與言
Won』t I even try. 偶欲訴之,臨啟復憚

For I know one thing. 我所知者,此求彌艱
Love comes on a wing. 幸有雙翼,往而可見
For tonight I will by your side. 惟待今夕,與彼並肩
But tomorrow I will fly. 天明何從,復飛靡遠

From the deepest oceans to the highest peak. 下窮海窟,上遏山巔
Through the frontiers of your sleep. 翔而越兮,掠彼夢靄
Into the valley where we dare not speak. 幽幽空谷,默默以來
To be by your side 翔而越兮,適彼所在

Across the endless wilderness 莽莽砥原,無垠無疇
where all the beasts bow down their heads. 鳥獸翔集,垂首失途
Darling I will never rest 翔而越兮,無止無佇
till I am by your side. 非無止也,在彼所處

Every mile and every year 度程以里,度時以年
Time and Distance disappear 關山歲月,忽如雲煙
I cannot explain this. Dear 此行何求,無以與言
No, I will not even try. 偶欲告之,臨啟復緘

And I know just one thing, 我所知者,此求彌艱
Love comes on a wing 幸有雙翼,往而可見
and tonight I will be by your side. 惟待今夕,與彼並肩
But tomorrow I will fly away 天明何歸,復飛靡遠



Across the oceans, across the seas. 飛過浩瀚的海洋,
Over forests of blackened trees. 越過鬱郁的森林,
Valleys so still we dare not breathe. 山谷空音,屏住呼吸,
To be by your side. 只是為了飛到你的身邊。

Over the shifting desert plains. 飛過起伏不平的沙漠平原,
Across Mountains all in flames. 越過火焰炎炎的山巒險峰,
Howling winds and driving rains. 在疾風驟雨中穿行,
To be by your side. 只是為了飛到你的身邊。

Every mile and every year. 每一里, 每一年的飛行呵,
For everyone a little tear. 明眸噙淚,
I can not explain this, dear. 我不能解釋這一切,親愛的,
Won』t I even try. 否則我都不能起飛。

Into the night as the stars Collide.夜間黑暗,群星飛迸,
Across the border that divide. 越過疆域,界線分明,
Forest of stone standing petrified. 青山聳立,怪石磷峋,
To be by your side. 只是為了飛到你的身邊。

Every mile and every year. 每一里, 每一年的飛行呵,
For everyone a single tear.明眸噙淚,
I can not explain this, dear. 我不能解釋這一切,親愛的
Won』t I even try. 否則我都不能起飛。

For I know one thing. 我所知道的唯有一事,
Love comes on a wing. 愛就要比翼雙飛,
For tonight I will by your side. 今晚我要飛到你的身邊,
But tomorrow I will fly. 明早我就要飛走了。

From the deepest oceans to the highest peak. 從海洋深處到高山之巔,
Through the frontiers of your sleep. 從你夢境的邊緣,
Into the valley where we dare not speak. 到幽幽空谷,脈脈無語,
To be by your side 只是為了飛到你的身邊。

Across the endless wilderness 飛過莽莽荒原,
where all the beasts bow down their heads. 野獸俯首,
Darling I will never rest 親愛的,我不能停止片刻,
till I am by your side. 一直要飛到你的身邊。

Every mile and every year 每一里, 每一年的飛行呵,
Time and Distance disappear 時空遠遁,
I cannot explain this. Dear 我不能解釋這一切,親愛的,
No, I will not even try. 否則我都不能起飛。

And I know just one thing, 我所知道唯有一事,
Love comes on a wing 愛就要比翼雙飛
and tonight I will be by your side. 今晚我要飛到你的身邊,
But tomorrow I will fly away 明早我就要飛走了。

后話:在好友秋收東藏那裡看到《Le Peuple Migrateur (Travelling Birds) 遷徙的鳥》片段,非常喜歡。想找整部電影來看,發現了這首主題曲。感動莫名,貼出來與大家分享,祝各位周日愉快!









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回復 以後彩虹 2012-8-19 21:03
回復 以後彩虹 2012-8-19 21:09
回復 杏林一虹 2012-8-19 21:10
以後彩虹: 沙發
回復 杏林一虹 2012-8-19 21:10
以後彩虹: 好聽!謝謝姐姐的分享~
回復 以後彩虹 2012-8-19 21:16
杏林一虹: 今早一直聽,每一遍感受都不一樣,很高興你也喜歡!
回復 以後彩虹 2012-8-19 21:17
杏林一虹: 妹妹動作好快,快請坐!
回復 杏林一虹 2012-8-19 21:19
以後彩虹: 俺剛才聽了兩遍咯
回復 杏林一虹 2012-8-19 21:19
以後彩虹: 俺到姐姐家,肯定不客氣滴坐下啦
回復 以後彩虹 2012-8-19 21:21
杏林一虹: 也要跟我一樣中毒了哈
回復 以後彩虹 2012-8-19 21:22
杏林一虹: 剛泡的鐵觀音奉上!
回復 杏林一虹 2012-8-19 21:42
以後彩虹: 發現小孩的電影主題曲,特別好聽
回復 杏林一虹 2012-8-19 21:42
以後彩虹: 好啊,俺就不客氣啦
回復 kzhoulife 2012-8-19 21:50
回復 杏林一虹 2012-8-19 21:52
kzhoulife: 好譯!
轉帖。   問候劍兄!
回復 秋收冬藏 2012-8-19 22:11
回復 tea2011 2012-8-19 22:59
杏林一虹: 剛泡的鐵觀音奉上!
回復 tangremax 2012-8-19 23:19
回復 amassadinho 2012-8-19 23:38
回復 yehuixiu 2012-8-19 23:56
回復 大馬鹿 2012-8-20 00:13

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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