

作者:leahzhang  於 2012-8-6 02:04 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 秋收冬藏 2012-8-7 00:46
回復 HappyUSANA 2012-8-7 01:32
回復 leahzhang 2012-8-7 01:42
HappyUSANA: 記得幾年前麥吉爾大學的教授就發表過喝牛奶有害的論文,只好四我滅有看到願望。張醫生寫的好啊,我們喝牛奶比較少。洛杉磯的牛奶一喝肚子就咕咕叫,有問題的。 ...
Thanks for your opinion!
回復 leahzhang 2012-8-7 01:43
秋收冬藏: 我喝自打的豆漿,加芝麻,花生,味兒不錯。渣滓還可烙餅。
Very smart and delicious drink!
回復 秋收冬藏 2012-8-7 05:31
leahzhang: Very smart and delicious drink!
回復 小百合嗎 2012-8-7 06:59
回復 leahzhang 2012-8-7 07:06
小百合嗎: 如果適量的攝取牛奶,那些雌激素要是得到適量攝取的話,對人體有益處嗎
這個適當的量每個人都不同。誰能掌握牛奶中的含量?但是得癌症的人畢竟是少數,這裡有一組數據:Of these, 209,060 were new cases of breast cancer and resulted in 40,230 deaths. Breast cancer is also a disease of aging with an incidence rate of 82.2 new patients per 100,000 in women aged less than 65 years versus 403.8 per 100,000 for those aged 65 years and older。
回復 Joshwa 2012-8-7 09:40
this is very new to me. thank you.

For you reference only.
Cows neither produce milk all the time, nor do they only produce milk when they are pregnant. In general, cows begin to produce milk when they give birth and will continue to do so until they are "dried-off", which happens when their calf is weaned (beef cows) or when the farmer stops milking them (dairy cows). For most cows, milk production increases until about 90 days after they give birth, and then slowly declines during the rest of the lactation. If a dairy cow is re-bred successfully at 60-90 days following calving, she will usually be "dried-off" after a lactation of about 305 days so that her mammary gland has a chance to re-charge for a couple months before she gives birth to another calf. (A cow's gestation period is about 280 days.) Some cows that do not re-breed can be milked continuously for 2-3 years, but production declines sufficiently over time that this is not usually economically feasible. Consequently, cows with fertility problems get culled from the herd.
回復 leahzhang 2012-8-7 10:09
Joshwa: this is very new to me. thank you.
<a  target="_blank">http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080728154747AAls50I</a>

For you reference onl ...
回復 小百合嗎 2012-8-8 04:09
leahzhang: 這個適當的量每個人都不同。誰能掌握牛奶中的含量?但是得癌症的人畢竟是少數,這裡有一組數據:Of these, 209,060 were new cases of breast cancer and result ...
回復 sprmdnr 2012-8-11 19:13
good article. do you have all the references? Thanks
回復 青貝殼 2012-8-17 10:37
回復 leahzhang 2012-8-17 21:39
青貝殼: 我覺得亞洲人吃蔬菜多過西方人也在這方面有一定的益處。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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