

作者:qwxqwsean  於 2011-10-13 05:11 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 01:56
smartman: after this posting, I am going to stop, because it is a sheer waste of my time.

again, let me tell you again, when i disagreed with you, i meant, at  ...

2)研究生們很多了解自己的導師, 北美的中國留學生批評自己導師的帖子無數,你如果讀過這樣100個貼子的話,你會發現其中99個以上是在說導師的壞話。 你有興趣的話可以聯繫他們問他們所在的學校和導師姓名等等。
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 01:57
qwxqwsean: 網上論壇里中國留學生評論自己的導師的貼子多如牛毛,99.9%的帖子都是以不同方式罵自己的導師白痴。顯然,那些導師們很多是領域裡的大牛。

博導很多都在自己所 ...
did you find online examples that Chinese students claim some Stanford/MIT computer sciences professors are garbages?  Show me!
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 02:01
smartman: did you find online examples that Chinese students claim some Stanford/MIT computer sciences professors are garbages?  Show me!

也不排除那裡面可能有你自己帶的研究生髮的貼子。 你那麼自信你的學生一定不會在背後恥笑你如何愚蠢?
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 02:03
qwxqwsean: 梵谷也可以算是個流浪漢。


你所說的你做的事流浪漢做不了。這基本是 ...

i don't intend to do their jobs.  that is not my expertises.  i am competent in my job.  can they do my job?  no way!

而且我說過了,搞研究專到一定程度,全世界只有你一個人會,你發表論文,即使你故意偽造其中50%的數據, 也沒人知道,因為那東西只有你知道。在這樣情況下,沒辦法和別人對比。

look at how Wu Zi (no knowledge) you are!  All results have to go through peer reviews or panel judgements.  You have no experience and knowledge on the academic community.  Please do not judge them by your random, weird guess.  That is completely biased, flawed and unfair!

this never happens!  If you are a genius and invents somethjing brandnew, others will learn quickly and pick up your flaws if exists.

Again, this never happens!  That is purely out of your unfounded imagizination!  Completely wrong!
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 02:08
qwxqwsean: 1)美國沒有你崇拜的民主。你為它空想出來的民主,也不實際存在。

2)研究生們很多了解自己的導師, 北美的中國留學生批評自己導師的帖子無數,你如果讀過這樣1 ...
you are repeating your mistakes again and again.

i asked you examples -- can you show Stanford/MIT Computer Sciences professor are garbage?  examples?

I told you again, again and again, that there are smart whites professors and students in best schools.  you would find them at Harvard medical schools or MIT/Stanford Computer Science professors!
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 02:09
smartman: 你所說的你做的事流浪漢做不了。這基本是廢話,因為很多流浪漢會做的事,你也做不好。

i don't intend to do their jobs.  that is not my expertises.  i am  ...
你讀過研究生嗎?如果你讀過,你寫的論文,你自己的導師懂嗎? 你如果說他懂,如果你試著把你的論文里重要的數據和處理過程寫錯,你的導師能發現並糾正嗎?和你同實驗室的其他碩士博士生讀了你的論文能知道你在哪裡做錯了嗎? 

如果你做的東西,連你自己的導師和同事都不懂,這世界上還有誰懂你的東西?你是有你的Expertises, 因為基本上每個人都有。

回復 smartman 2011-10-18 02:12
qwxqwsean: 那些都是匿名帖子。

也不排除那裡面可能有你自己帶的研究生髮的貼子。 你那麼自信你的學生一定不會在背後恥笑你如何愚蠢?
my last answer to you:

your posting: even at best US schools, whites are still dump.

my answer: at top 5 best schools, you will find most, if not all, smartest whites!

your argument: many chinese students defamed their professors/advisors.

my question:  please show me these examples occur at MIT/Stanford computer science professors?  Show me!
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 02:20
qwxqwsean: 你讀過研究生嗎?如果你讀過,你寫的論文,你自己的導師懂嗎? 你如果說他懂,如果你試著把你的論文里重要的數據和處理過程寫錯,你的導師能發現並糾正嗎?和你同 ...
of course, my phd advisor read all my dissertation contents and pointed out my errors.

i tell you what, 大多情況下,導師very much 了解學生論文里的東西。at least, at MIT/Stanford/Harvard!

if you invented a data, then,  sooner or later,
1.  your advisor may very likely question your results (if unreasonable).
2.  your colleagues find your results interesting and may try to repeat your experiments because they hope they coud continue your progresses and achieve more results in your direction.
3.  after you publish your paper, academic community around the world read and may repeat your results.

if your experiments are not reproducable (because you invented data), you would be questioned and condemned and forced to resign from and would never be able to work in academic community in your life time!
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 02:24
qwxqwsean: 那些都是匿名帖子。

也不排除那裡面可能有你自己帶的研究生髮的貼子。 你那麼自信你的學生一定不會在背後恥笑你如何愚蠢?

do you believe these 匿名帖子 includes overseas Chinese PhD students/candidates at MIT/Stanford Computer Sciences departments?
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 02:29
qwxqwsean: 你讀過研究生嗎?如果你讀過,你寫的論文,你自己的導師懂嗎? 你如果說他懂,如果你試著把你的論文里重要的數據和處理過程寫錯,你的導師能發現並糾正嗎?和你同 ...

if a professor do not understand and can not judge his students' achievments and paper, he dares not sign his name to confer PhD to his students!

especially, at best schools such as Harvard/MIT/Stanford, professors care about their reputation soooo much.  They would never, ever sign up a student's PhD dissertation if they do not understand or can not judge.
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 02:29
smartman: of course, my phd advisor read all my dissertation contents and pointed out my errors.

i tell you what, 大多情況下,導師very much 了解學生論文里的東西 ...
研究生寫論文,用不著大手筆的改數據,只要把裡面的換算單位寫錯,把小數點往前或往後挪一位,把4寫成6, 把8寫成0。即使是這麼低級明顯的錯誤,自己的導師審五次稿也看不出來,其它審稿員一般也看不出來。只有自己做的才最清楚, 這就是Expertises。
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 02:31
qwxqwsean: 研究生寫論文,用不著大手筆的改數據,只要把裡面的換算單位寫錯,把小數點往前或往後挪一位,把4寫成6, 把8寫成0。即使是這麼低級明顯的錯誤,自己的導師審五次 ...
again, does this happen at MIT/Stanford/Harvard?
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 02:40
smartman: again, does this happen at MIT/Stanford/Harvard?

回復 smartman 2011-10-18 03:37
qwxqwsean: 即使那些學生沒有篡改數據,事實上是即使他們改了,導師們也看不出來,也就是說:導師們不懂。

各本科學雜誌上的論文是真是假不重要,重要的是你不懂他們寫的東 ...
if a student purposely or unpurposely changes some data that have no signifciant impact on the results, it is possible these changes are not identified.

if the data changes dramatically change the results, eventually their results would be tested.  do not think you are the only person to understand.  suddenly, one unheard voice from another corner of the world jumped out and pointed out your miskates.  it always happens.  so, when we publish papers, we always feel "Ru Lv Buo Bing" (like walk on the thin ice).  We check and double check and always try our best to makes ure there are no any potential mistakes.
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 04:10
smartman: if a student purposely or unpurposely changes some data that have no signifciant impact on the results, it is possible these changes are not identifie ...



另外,不是經常有人自稱親眼看見了UFO嗎? 還繪聲繪色地描述。後面考察了幾十年,也沒發現UFO。難道就指責「目擊者」撒慌? 即使是撒謊,又有什麼辦法證實?

回復 smartman 2011-10-18 06:15
qwxqwsean: 你沒有時間或能力鑒別你的學生的論文。更沒有能力鑒別別人的論文,即使鑒別發現別人的論文是假的,又能怎麼樣?

你如果當脫產老闆,就可以指責別人論文摻水。但 ...
it is thesis advisor's job to spend time and review students' papers.  that is a must and a qualified professor of course has the ability to judge and assess his students' papers.

do you know you can publish a paper if you identify other papers' problems?  it is an achivevement if you find it.

if you find 別人的論文是假的, you can publish and criticize and the fake author will be punished, removed from his professor's job.  

that is why so many eyes watch you and you need to be super careful not to make any mistakes.

that is true, so what?  by your logic, President Obama should be able to carry a gun and fire precise shots because he is a command-in-chief of the armed forces?

if you can not produce acceptable progresses, how can you get fundings?  the purpose of fundings is to 出成果.  not the other eway around.
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 20:18
smartman: 你沒有時間或能力鑒別你的學生的論文。
it is thesis advisor's job to spend time and review students' papers.  that is a must and a qualified professor o ...
美軍在阿富汗的街頭巡邏小組由4個兵組成。 奧巴馬是不會穿上軍裝去當這個小組的組長的, 倒不是因為官太小或者怕死,而是他知道自己不合格。不要說當小組長了, 即使當個組員也要先經過3個月的基本訓練, 而他沒有這個資質。

當然,如果換成是你,你可能會信心十足地擠進那個4人巡邏小組裡, 對3個組員宣布:「雖然我連打槍都不會, 那又能怎樣?但我仍然是你們的老闆,是你們的Instructor!」。 這樣,你們四人在你的指揮下進入阿富汗村莊巡邏。 事實是不僅受你指揮的你所在的巡邏小組裡的三個小兵的水平比你專業,塔利班游擊隊比你更專業, 能否活著回來領你的小組長工資就不知道了。
回復 smartman 2011-10-18 22:45
qwxqwsean: 美軍在阿富汗的街頭巡邏小組由4個兵組成。 奧巴馬是不會穿上軍裝去當這個小組的組長的, 倒不是因為官太小或者怕死,而是他知道自己不合格。不要說當小組長了,  ...
look, how could you claim on my behalf?  do you want to wear my shoes?  you need to make sure you know my size before you make any attempt.
回復 hog4oc 2012-11-8 19:45
1 ...234

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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