
My First Blog

作者:Mir  於 2009-2-23 02:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



Mir 7分鐘前
Call me Mir.
My addiction of reading went a wrong way from very early, though I only read a small part of the list.

I tear a couple of pages off any book I like to read and sit on the toilet, reading, then toss away (I do not use the papers for other purpose, I swear.). Each time I walked out of bathroom, I felt like a new man in one more dimension than others.  Now if you come to my home, I have no intact book on the bookshelf. Poor books.

However, at the end of my life I can proudly say I have spend all my bathroom time for a meaningful cause.

I though ask you to limit to less than 2 pages for each episode of poo poo to avoid from developping hemorrhoids.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the copyright holder, who is Mir.
No part of this blog should be read in any bathroom. Mir requests  his blog to be treated in a dignified way.









發表評論 評論 (37 個評論)

回復 已夜 2009-2-23 02:40
? 為什麼在你的博客上,我看到」編輯,刪除「功能?
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 02:47
已夜: ? 為什麼在你的博客上,我看到」編輯,刪除「功能?
I do not know. But please do not delete this blog. My goal is to get 3 comments. Do you have any specific comments on my blog? Say something please.

(I am sorry I can not type Chinese, but I can read it. I of course prefer to reading Chinese.)
回復 marnifan 2009-2-23 02:52
although i like to read in the toilet too..haha
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 03:00
marnifan: 撕書總是不好。。。 although i like to read in the toilet too..haha
Old habbit, too late to change.

For the same hobby, shake hands (after you wash yours).
回復 marnifan 2009-2-23 03:04
Mir: Old habbit, too late to change.       For the same hobby, shake hands (after you wash yours).
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 03:08
marnifan: 你也洗手了?
ok, ok.
How about just a hug. Save all these troubles. So we can be back to our bussiness as usual.
回復 已夜 2009-2-23 03:09
:) 我刪不了,只是很奇怪為什麼會出現這種功能。

回復 出來混的 2009-2-23 03:14
Good idea! 這樣書架可以騰出來放其它東西。
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 03:15
已夜: :) 我刪不了,只是很奇怪為什麼會出現這種功能。      你的文章很好玩兒,我二姐也有這種習慣,總是在廁所裡面看書,在我看來是用來逃避做飯或刷碗的責任的借
I never go to bathroom after meal. I have my own moral standard about when and how the bussiness should be handled. Even I do not see any problem with reading a cuisine book on a toilet, I otherwise will not associate the toilet with meal at all.

If that is what your sister does, I swear she just locked herself inside bathroom dancing.
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 03:18
出來混的: Good idea! 這樣書架可以騰出來放其它東西。
It is full of book covers, on which I put on the date when all the inside being taken. Do not make me cry, my poor books.
回復 marnifan 2009-2-23 03:26
Mir: It is full of book covers, on which I put on the date when all the inside being taken. Do not make me cry, my poor books.
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 03:31
marnifan: 如果再想讀怎麼辦?都撕沒料
A very practical question.

My theory is that there is always endless supply of books, just like there is always endless needs of going to the bathroom. You see how they fit nicely.

Also, I keep the covers, which do remind me about the book and how the book was consumed.

Hope that helps. Any further questions?
回復 marnifan 2009-2-23 03:41
Mir: A very practical question. My theory is that there is always endless supply of books, just like there is always endless needs of going to the
uh, 有沒有回收紙張? 撕了那麼多書
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 03:52
marnifan: uh, 有沒有回收紙張? 撕了那麼多書
I sometimes do feel that I could have done more to protect our environment, but it is not easy to think of environment issue inside a bathroom. Al Gore is going to kill me.
回復 marnifan 2009-2-23 03:55
Mir: I sometimes do feel that I could have done more to protect our environment, but it is not easy to think of environment issue inside a bathroom. Al
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 03:58
marnifan: haha
I hope we all learn something from haha.

I have 2 pages in my hand and I need to go, if you know what I mean. Enjoy.
回復 已夜 2009-2-23 04:09
Mir: I never go to bathroom after meal. I have my own moral standard about when and how the bussiness should be handled. Even I do not see any problem w
回復 inor12 2009-2-23 07:17
很有個性啦, 就是不要把廁所給塞住了.
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 08:16
inor12: 很有個性啦, 就是不要把廁所給塞住了.
That is another potential hazard in addition to the environmental problem as I just mentioned above.

But no pain, no gain.

An extra plunger is all you need to make your reading career tolerable and long lasting.
回復 Mir 2009-2-23 08:21
已夜: 赫赫,~_~
But do not tell your sister that I destroyed her bathroom secret.

As a man who keeps my own bathroom secret, I feel obligated to protect anyone who lifts up the function of the bathroom to another level in his or her life.

I always put bathroom the most important room in any house. When a realtor introduces a new house and points out that the kitchen is the most important room in a house, I will laugh at her and tell myself: not for me. I got the most important type of food, spiritual food, in the bathroom.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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