

作者:人權是非  於 2010-6-16 07:12 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 人權是非 2011-7-29 01:51
smartman: i found an article on backchina.com that I agree with mostly.

中國社科院專家:人人 ...
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 03:14
人權是非: 似乎中共即將崩潰.何時崩潰?
nope. far from it.  the point is to warn CCP of its urgent need to solve this issue and appease average people.

1.  if china can solve it well, its high growth can lastanother 15-20 years.
2.  if china could not solve it effectively, the trouble may arise sometime between 2015-2020.

the year 2014 is the turning point of china's population dividend.  labor shortage will lead the labor-intensive economy infeasible and lack of innovation results in stagnent economy.  political stability will take precedence once economy becomes sluggish.

this is my $0.02.
回復 人權是非 2011-7-29 03:20
smartman: nope. far from it.  the point is to warn CCP of its urgent need to solve this issue and appease average people.

1.  if china can solve it well, its h ...
what is the meaning "this is my $0.02"?
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 04:21
人權是非: what is the meaning "this is my $0.02"?
$0.02 = IMHO = in my humble opinion
回復 人權是非 2011-7-29 04:47
smartman: $0.02 = IMHO = in my humble opinion
that means: my opinion costs only 2 cent, or cheap?
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 04:54
人權是非: that means: my opinion costs only 2 cent, or cheap?
no.  it is a very modest or polite way to express my opinion.

equivalent to chinese: yi (based) bi ren (myself) zi (of) jia (opinion).
回復 人權是非 2011-7-29 05:10
smartman: no.  it is a very modest or polite way to express my opinion.

equivalent to chinese: yi (based) bi ren (myself) zi (of) jia (opinion).
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 05:14
人權是非: 依鄙人之見.哈.
1 ...345

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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