
談談殺光中國人事件遊行示威的得失 - ZT

作者:chineseman  於 2013-11-12 21:42 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 chineseman 2013-11-13 11:26
自由之靈: 兩條理由都站不住腳:

第一,吉米的節目Kids Table主題是以孩子的眼光談論政治,而不是藉此發表他成人對美國政府借錢不還的看法。這個節目就是以孩子的觀點來吸 ...
回復 白露為霜 2013-11-13 11:43
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 以你的英文能力,不會不知道people in China 是什麼意思吧?這就是我對此事不以為然的地方,你可以為「中國人」伸張吶喊,但曲解成所有的華人,甚至像PACE大學那 ...
他要殺people in China 就可以了嗎?誰都有父兄在中國。他要殺我爹我還要陪笑臉?
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-11-13 11:46
回復 chineseman 2013-11-13 12:03
白露為霜: 他要殺people in China 就可以了嗎?誰都有父兄在中國。他要殺我爹我還要陪笑臉?
回復 自由之靈 2013-11-13 12:12
chineseman: 感謝參加討論。
文化語言差異加由自卑產生的過敏往往會覺得人家是故意冒犯。如果中國有個類似節目,你認為在中國的美國人會在意嗎? ...
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-11-13 13:29

TheDeadGodfather1 day ago

The Chinese have no sense of humor, this was the funniest ever to appear on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. I'm still laughing at these funny kids, I have to watch it again, it just way too funny. To all the Chinese Freaks out there, learn to laugh for once. P.S. The Chinese killed more people than Hitler ever did, read your History Books.
Jak Skot1 day ago

Um... Im sure you are a non-mainlander chinese otherwise you would know what the Chinese are taught in public school about Americans. Talk about racists. I have never met a more generally racist group than the mainland chinese.
sechinah10823 hours ago

How about you not be so thinned skin! It's a joke. What about all the covert violence that China has done to the Tibetans and the Ethnic Chinese in China.
Diablo Matamoros3 days ago

Chinese people are fanatic nationalists. You can't understand the humor of the comment because you cannot see it from the American perspective.

There is no reason to tell the child "he should not speak like that" because we do not have a shame based culture. The kid was making a joke because he was saying the most crude and absurd thing he could and then laughing about it.

He knows it is wrong, that is why he said it. You think he is saying it because he doesn't know it is wrong. In this way the two cultures are opposites.
mcglo381 day ago

Marc Lubecke2 weeks ago

Kimmel was just following the kid. He did not really pay much attention. This happens all the times in people's daily conversation: people just follow others' words without even thinking often times. But the kid seems really an evil creature. I mean who taught him to just wipe out his creditors? How this idea just popped up the first time in his mind? What kinda parents he has?

Eric Lambert1 day ago

Shangru, your English is truly impressive. As a native English speaker, I wish my level of Mandarin skill allowed me to express myself as clearly as you do in English. Now, as for Kimmel's comments and the kids' comments....I really believe you misunderstood....in no way was Kimmel lending any validation to the kids' comments. He probably should have told them outright that talking about killing everyone in China was simply inappropriate for that conversation, but I think most Americans would agree that he was not provoking the children to say what they said or condoning it.
MzDawson3150814 hours ago

This dude makes a point....our kids are overly influenced by violence and these thoughts have to come from some kind of influence. No culture or country is perfect but when something like this happens we cant ignore it. America tries to pride itself of being a "melting pot" but there is still so much racism and prejudice that happens behind closed doors. Those childrens statements shine a light on these flaws in our culture. Children are the future and its our responsibility to teach them morality and consequence. we have freedom of speech but that doesn't make all statements okay. Jimmy didn't say it...its not his fault...but an apology is needed by ABC. Accidents happen...still gotta say "Im Sorry".  Especially If we owe them money.  What do/would you do if someone owed you $1000.....that's nothing compared to our nations debt. And even if you don't like the Chinese....truth is without them our cushy little livse would become very hard pressed. look around your home and see how much of your things came from china....
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Wei xu13 hours ago

Eventually, I've found a normal American who has reason and bears responsibility. I wonder if normal Americans usually don't visit YouTube.

CharcoalJoe13 hours ago

Thank you for posting. I am a Black who is always interested in Asian opinion. Remember during the American government shutdown, China began a movement to get away from  the dollar as the world standard. This is the kind of move that got SADDAM HUSSEIN and MOAMMAR GADDAFI killed.

OLomasO11 hours ago

Jimmy doesn't owe you anything. You're not complaining about what the child said. You're complaining that Jimmy "Let" you hear it. I didn't know Jimmy had such a powerful grip on the ears of the Chinese community. The joke was funny. Period. Ex.  What's the best way to get rid of debt? Kill the person you owe the money too. That's the joke. Chinese, Japanese, American. It doesn't matter who owes money to who. Because IT'S A JOKE. I don't see your video on Bill Cosby's "Kids Say" show. What was the kid supposed to say to Jimmy? Child: Oh! You pay them the money cause they're wonderful people to give you the things you need. Jimmy: Very good answer! Gives Candy.
Oscar Garcia20 hours ago

Shangru please fucking KILL YOURSELF!!!! It was a god damn KID!!! This is AMERICA, and in AMERICA in my country we have fucking comedy. Im hispanic, do you know how many cracks comedians have taken against my people? You know what we have that you do not? Is it pride? NO! Its called a fucking sense of humor. Stop being a bitch China. Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!
eli pena7 hours ago

America does not care about the Chinese. Chinese people are all slaves with no real control or opinions, china is a garbage dump. everything in china is fake including your government. long live America. the Chinese are killing them selves with pollution, chemicals in meats and milk, slave labor and communism.
lastcall1707 hours ago

Im American and am not surprised at the lack of decency in our culture today. It was wrong to teach children that kind of speech. I apologize myself.
grumblekin4 hours ago

Chairman Mao already tried to kill all the Chinese but he failed.  He's considered a hero after quitting at 20 million dead.

Jimmy Kimmel has NO political power, NO policy power, NO power of any kind.  Children say whatever they want and have NO power.  If the kid said "kill all the whites" it wouldn't be a problem....it's only a problem because Chinese people were insulted and they are so insecure that it really shocked them.

It's a late night talk show.  He can say whatever he wants.

It's funny to watch Chinese people get butthurt in hopes of trying to get some money out of this!  The old line "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke" comes to mind.
gsh11042 days ago

interesting ... so you don't want free speech for yourselves .... or citizens of the U.S.
I am so outrage ... I demand apology ....
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John Beal10 hours ago

It appalls me how the chinese people take up their tyrants' ideology putting on the paranoid cloak of wounded national pride,still apparently smarting from late XIXc. British exploitation. Typical of an abusive, despotic regime, ready to cry 'discrimination amounting to genocide!' while hypocritically doing MUCH WORSE THINGS as a matter of the course of their empire.
Kimmel is a tasteless jerk, of course. But China is a menace to humanity and the planet at least as bad as the US.

Vance Joudrey2 days ago

You should be more worried about the Military bases the US is surrounding China with in it's Asian pivot. Or don't. Also -you never even got an apology for the Opium wars - wow, China was so much the UK's bitch on that one. Have you no pride at all that THIS is what you demand the apology for. You've been abused again and again by western powers and you finally pipe up over a talk show host?! Pathetic.

MaxxTheSlash2 days ago

Why does Jimmy Kimmel owe you an apology? He didn't say anything bad, some asshole kid said it. And Jimmy Kimmel doesn't decide what get's shown on TV, it get's submitted to ABC and THEY decide what is shown.

The skit is making fun of how irrational children can be because they don't understand the subject that is being discussed and we're supposed to laugh at the stupid comments they make.
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sanantoniospurs91 day ago

whip out your passports and take it to them then. More action,less word

George Lucas23 hours ago


Winghan Leung1 day ago

Chinese people are quite arrogant in assuming that Americans are oblivious to the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Massacre at Nanking, Unit 731.. etc...
Many Americans are well aware of such tragedies
However, they are also aware that China in modern history, whether in Nationalist or Communist incarnations, is not exactly a nation that can call foul on a human atrocity

Brandon Serna7 hours ago

Chinese people sucks a bowl of dicks
dre day1 day ago

He has gone above and beyond apologizing. Now it just sounds like sour grapes. Move on. We all have more important things to do with our lives.

gogerychwyrndrobwll6 days agoin reply to Ray Tan

I don't care what experience you think you have. You're objectively wrong, period. Furthermore, you don't know about my knowledge and expertise, and your childish accusations are completely inadequate. Learn English, and then you can judge Kimmel's intent and phrasing. There's no excuse. I did it, so you can too.
Alan Tam1 day ago

Chinese people need to chill out. It was just a joke. He clowns on everyone including white people. Just stfu and don't watch it then. And this chink on the video needs to stfu. He's an embarrassment to all Chinese people. I'm Chinese btw

James Liang1 day ago

I don't know why people are getting so upset over a segment on a comedy show. I'm Chinese-American and didn't find this offensive at all. It's a little kid saying something stupid, kids say stupid stuff all the time. The people getting upset don't even watch Kimmel and are taking this out of context. This isn't a serious political show, it's a late night talk show going after cheap laughs. If this was a grown man on CNN talking about killing all the Chinese it would be completely different.
回復 獃子 2013-11-13 14:21
回復 chineseman 2013-11-13 19:42
自由之靈: 我幹嗎要以美國人的行為來規範自己的行為呢?你是不是認為美國白人就是內心強大的一方?我們每個人的喜怒哀樂都應該以作為一個美國白人如何感覺而調整一番,而顯 ...
回復 chineseman 2013-11-13 22:54
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 看YOUTUBE上的留言:

TheDeadGodfather1 day ago

The Chinese have no sense of humor, this was the funniest ever to appear on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. I ...
這正是文章作者擔心的- 過敏的行為會招致民眾的反感.
回復 chineseman 2013-11-13 22:58
獃子: 能理解國人的心情,因為我們的自尊心太強了,等我們的自信心真正強大后就不會這樣了。唉。。。
回復 笙簫難默 2013-11-14 00:17
回復 chineseman 2013-11-14 01:38
笙簫難默: 我覺得遊行並不是因為那個小孩兒,童言無忌。而是節目組和電視台。在種族歧視很敏感的美國,這件事沒有引起成人的重視,是因為美國人沒把中國人當回事兒。這才是 ...
問題就是能不能對電視幽默上綱上線. 好比一個電視主持人問如何能使廁所保持清潔, 孩子回答說 "把所有人的屁眼都堵上......", 你可選擇哈哈一笑,或者選擇上街抗議電視台不人道,骯髒, 反人類.....
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-11-14 08:07
chineseman: 這正是文章作者擔心的- 過敏的行為會招致民眾的反感.
回復 小皮狗 2013-11-14 10:20
robot_wrangler: 非常贊同chineseman的觀點!中國政府和它屬下的"在中國的人民" - 這些被這個六齡童揚言要"殺光"的對象,都在那裡不動聲色,穩坐釣魚台呢,偏我們這些入了美 ...
回復 chineseman 2013-11-14 11:39
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 已經玩不下去了。關鍵這是個企圖偷梁換柱瞞天過海的把戲,好像振振有詞,其實很弱智,根本禁不起推敲。如果真是歧視北美華人的事件,跟「祖國」政府和民族大義沒 ...
回復 笙簫難默 2013-11-14 11:52
chineseman: 問題就是能不能對電視幽默上綱上線. 好比一個電視主持人問如何能使廁所保持清潔, 孩子回答說 "把所有人的屁眼都堵上......", 你可選擇哈哈一笑,或者選 ...
回復 jackcanchn 2013-11-14 20:45
我想這裡面的確有文化上的誤會,如果是下一代沒有在中國生活經歷的華裔,他們可能會有不同的解讀。但我是支持對此事件發出聲音,遊行抗議。 作為新一代移民,還屬於弱勢,ABC是精英媒體,他要考慮播齣節目的被接受程度。這是在美國,不是在中國,感覺不爽就喊幾嗓子,先不要委屈自己,也沒那麼多功夫分析來分析去的把問題復化。但希望有您這樣的文章事後讓我們冷靜再分析,處理好新移民與社會的關係。
回復 chineseman 2013-11-14 21:04
笙簫難默: 這是美國,殺人不是隨便說的。你讓你的孩子上學校去說說看,不理解這個節目卻不忌諱。沒那麼簡單。
這和具體說要殺人是兩回事, 好比說到火星把外星人殺了類似. 也就是中國人會如此敏感. 如果主持人以欠日本債說事就一定不會是這麼個下場. 此事給美國媒體的教訓肯定是負面的: 中國人是一群神經過敏的傢伙, 以後少搭理他們.
回復 chineseman 2013-11-14 21:13
jackcanchn: 我想這裡面的確有文化上的誤會,如果是下一代沒有在中國生活經歷的華裔,他們可能會有不同的解讀。但我是支持對此事件發出聲音,遊行抗議。 作為新一代移民,還 ...
中國人太缺少吶喊了.關鍵是吶喊的對象. 共產黨那麼霸道不講理 (比如領館工作人員對待我們的粗暴態度), 中國人都默默忍受著, 現在卻為了電視節目里一個孩子的胡言亂語而不依不饒的.
回復 笙簫難默 2013-11-15 10:39
chineseman: 這和具體說要殺人是兩回事, 好比說到火星把外星人殺了類似. 也就是中國人會如此敏感. 如果主持人以欠日本債說事就一定不會是這麼個下場. 此事給美國媒體的教訓肯 ...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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