

作者:隔岸觀火  於 2011-6-1 11:54 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 隔岸觀火 2011-6-7 19:32
Lisaa: You think you know American perspective?   If you know nothing, you should say nothing! What a joke!
回復 Lisaa 2011-6-8 10:48
When I said 「if you know nothing, you should say nothing.」 I meant you know nothing about American perspective. 「阻止你打官司,這是很正常的,在美國,誰吃飽了撐的就去打官司呀?別拿你在中國的理念看美國法院,你以為你有理,你是正義的一方,打官司就一定贏?」Can you be anymore ignorant?    Americans love to sue, they sue over everything. Which part of US have you been? How come you don』t know this? Some long term smokers got lung cancer, they sued tobacco companies and won huge judgments. A black guy sued McDonald』s for making him sick and obese, the case was dismissed…etc. In my opinion Sang Lan has legitimate reasons to sue. You want to be a person without backbone in life that is your choice, but don』t criticize other people for standing up for themselves.  I』m done with you.
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facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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