与数学家约会 后果自负

作者:白露为霜  于 2015-2-15 01:04 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:数学家, 约会

白露为霜注:汤雅·科凡诺娃(Tanya Khovanova)是一位来自俄国的女数学家,现在在MIT工作。如果你家里有孩子是RSI(Research Science Institute)级别的书虫,他多半知道Khovanova,因为她在RSI协调和指导学生的研究工作。科凡诺娃还是很罕见的女子奥数冠军。1975、76年,她代表苏联队出战,获得国际奥数银牌和金牌各一枚(当年苏联是奥数的霸主,科凡诺娃的成绩是全队最高的)。当不做数学研究的时候,科凡诺娃还写一个数学的博客。我常去她那里浏览一下,不但是因为博客提供的独特视角,也是喜欢她的文风。





汤雅·科凡诺娃 翻译:白露为霜


格雷厄姆·马斯特(Graham Masterton)的经典如何让你的男人在床上狂野》(How to Drive Your Man Wild in Bed)里有一章讲解如何选择一个恋人。它标出男人身上你需要谨慎对待的红旗”(red flag)。他将这些潜在的不良苗头列成很长的一个表,其中包括前一星期没洗澡以及说话时只谈他自己。

不好的特征的列表还包括哪些职业要避免。你能猜出排在名单上的第一位的职业吗? OK,我想你应该能够猜出,因为是我在写这件事。在书的第64页赫然列出:

避免,作为群体,数学家......”(Avoid, on the whole, mathematicians…)









的确,我遇到过很多这样的数学家。你认为他们的妻子是在抱怨丈夫没有注意到自己的新发型?这种琐碎的事情是不值得一提。他们的妻子抱怨的是自己的丈夫没有注意到,家里的家具被拿去抵债了,或者,宠物猫已经死了,取而代之的是一条狗。我的第三任丈夫就是如此。在我们的婚姻的某个时期,我发现他根本不知道我的眼睛是啥颜色。他也不知道他自己的眼睛是啥颜色。他不是色盲,只是无动于衷。于是我请求他帮我做件事:在心里记住我的眼睛的颜色,他做到了。我的朋友艾琳甚至提出为这样的数学家的妻子们建立一个支持小组(support group)

当然你对这些特点需要注意,数学家还是有让我喜欢的地方。许多数学家的确非常聪明。这意味着,与他们交谈很有趣。另外,我喜欢能够被某件事情所驱动的人,因为它显示了激情的容量(capacity for passion)


有一些数学家有一种无辜纯洁的气质,那让我想起普希金的诗剧“莫扎特和萨列里”(Mozart and Salieri)中莫扎特的角色的话语天才和邪恶是不相容的两件事,不是吗? - 我觉得这可以延伸到数学家。许多数学家忙于探索数学的奥秘,他们对策划和玩游戏不感兴趣。


年轻时的科凡诺娃 (照片来自她的博客)



Should You Date a Mathematician?


The book “How to Drive Your Man Wildin Bed" by Graham Masterton has a chapter on how to choose a lover. It highlights red flags for men who need to be approached with caution. There is a whole list of potentially bad signs, including neglecting to shower in the previous week and talking only about himself.

The list of bad features also includes professions to avoid. Can you guess the first profession on the list? OK, I think you should be able to meta-guess given the fact that I am writing about it. Indeed, the list on page 64 starts:

“Avoid, on the whole, mathematicians…”

I am an expert on NOT avoiding mathematicians: in fact, I’ve married three of them and dated x number of them. That isn’t necessarily because I like mathematicians so much; I just do not meet anyone else.

When I was a student I had a theory that mathematicians are different from physicists. My theory was based on two conferences on mathematical physics I attended in a row. The first one was targeted for mathematicians and the second for physicists. The first one was very quiet, and the second one was all boozing and partying. So I decided that mathematicians are introverts and physicists are extroverts. I was sure then that my second husband chose a wrong field, because he liked booze and parties.

By now, years later, I’ve met many more mathematicians, and I have to tell you that they are varied. It is impossible and unfair to describe mathematicians as a type. One mathematician even became the star of an erotic movie. I write this essay for girls who are interested in dating mathematicians. I am not talking about math majors here, I am talking about mathematicians who do serious research. Do I have a word of advice?

 I do have several words of caution. While they don’t apply to all mathematicians, it’s worth keeping them in mind.

First, there are many mathematicians who, like my first husband, are very devoted to mathematics. I admire that devotion, but it means that they plan to do mathematics on Saturday nights and prefer to spend vacation at their desks. If they can only fit in one music concert per year, it is not enough for me. Of course, this applies to anyone who is obsessed by his work.

Second, there are mathematicians who believe that they are very smart. Smarter than many other people. They expand their credibility in math to other fields. They start going into biology, politics and relationships with the charisma of an expert, when in fact they do not have a clue what they are talking about.

Third, there are mathematicians who enjoy their math world so much that they do not see much else around them. The jokes are made about this type of mathematician:

“What is the difference between an extroverted mathematician and an introverted one? The extroverted one looks at your shoes, rather than at his own shoes.”

Yes, I have met a lot of mathematicians like that. Do you think that their wives complain that their husbands do not notice their new haircuts? No. Such triviality is not worth mentioning. Their wives complain that their husbands didn’t notice that the furniture was repossessed or that their old cat died and was replaced by a dog. My third husband was like that. At some point in my marriage I discovered that he didn’t know the color of my eyes. He didn’t know the color of his eyes either. He wasn’t color-blind: he was just indifferent. I asked him as a personal favor to learn the color of my eyes by heart and he did. My friend Irene even suggested creating a support group for the wives of such mathematicians.

While you need to watch out for those traits, there are also things I like about mathematicians. Many mathematicians are indeed very smart. That means it is interesting to talk to them. Also, I like when people are driven by something, for it shows a capacity for passion.

Mathematicians are often open and direct. Many mathematicians, like me, have trouble making false statements. I stopped playing —Mafia— because of that. I prefer people who say what they think and do not hold back.

There is a certain innocence among some mathematicians, and that reminds me of the words of the Mozart character in Pushkin’s poetic drama, Mozart and Salieri: —And genius and villainy are two things incompatible, aren’t they?— I feel this relates to mathematicians as well. Many mathematicians are so busy understanding mathematics, they are not interested in plotting and playing games.










刚表态过的朋友 (27 人)

发表评论 评论 (54 个评论)

29 回复 徐福男儿 2015-2-15 01:15
29 回复 小雨点0514 2015-2-15 01:15
28 回复 goodoctor 2015-2-15 01:26
29 回复 whyuask 2015-2-15 01:48
27 回复 金竹陶器 2015-2-15 03:10
27 回复 白露为霜 2015-2-15 03:13
金竹陶器: 数学家也需要爱,作者就是~~~
30 回复 白露为霜 2015-2-15 03:15
whyuask: 听起来是否定的
29 回复 金竹陶器 2015-2-15 03:15
白露为霜: 女数学家极其珍贵,多数嫁给男数学家了。
30 回复 白露为霜 2015-2-15 03:16
goodoctor: 不管什么职业,如果分不清工作和生活,那么不结婚会更好些。
29 回复 whyuask 2015-2-15 03:16
白露为霜: 对大多数人来说,答案是NO。只对非常少的人有吸引力。
30 回复 白露为霜 2015-2-15 03:17
小雨点0514: 女人更爱数学家!简单
29 回复 白露为霜 2015-2-15 03:19
徐福男儿: 可以请陈景润的老婆来谈谈体会。
29 回复 香瓜子 2015-2-15 03:34
28 回复 解滨 2015-2-15 03:41
29 回复 jc0473 2015-2-15 03:44
goodoctor: 不管什么职业,如果分不清工作和生活,那么不结婚会更好些。
28 回复 xqw63 2015-2-15 03:47
29 回复 小雨点0514 2015-2-15 04:13
白露为霜: 哦。真的?
31 回复 Lawler 2015-2-15 04:17
一点也没提到 “How to Drive Your Man Wild in Bed”,倒好像在说 Mathematician Drives Your Lady Nuts!
29 回复 amassadinho 2015-2-15 04:26
30 回复 sissycampbell 2015-2-15 04:32

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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