
作者:白露为霜  于 2012-5-12 12:05 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村






在玛格丽特·哈恩小学,一群一年级小朋友在剪刀剪出来的卡片上花了好几个小时,施工纸(construction paper)几乎被胶水和闪光粉淹没。另一些则将他们年轻的艺术才华倾注在陶瓷植物盆上,再配上满是树莓香味的蜡烛,在回家的路上却被刮坏或弄脏了。这些是笨拙的礼物,但母亲们崇拜它们。这就是母性的接受和宽容,让她们原谅即使是最大的错误和最坏的表现。

 雨季终于告一段落,我们的好朋友加州的太阳出来玩了。樱花在风中优雅地旋转着,以新的活力继续着他们的快乐行程。空气里有一种初春的花粉气味,以及四月雨(April showers) 所带来的臭名远扬的五月花 (May flowers)  -  盛开的玫瑰,雏菊,康乃馨还有在早已被人遗忘的池塘里的野百合。





那一天,通常叛逆不羁的女儿在母亲的脸颊上亲吻了一下,通常忙的来不及向母亲道别的儿子陪伴她们整整一个下午。那些自认为高于自己父母的年轻人回家来庆祝他们生命中最重要的女人的日子。这个女人曾经是他的洗衣工,厨师,司机,教师,辅导员,多位一体 -- 他们的母亲。

那一天粉红的光泽辐射到世界各个角落。红润的脸颊,含笑的眼睛,甜美的微笑,都戴在兴奋的脸上; 或是平静的怜悯,或是热烈的激情。因为粉红色代表柔情,温暖,和无条件的爱,这都是母性的特征。




It’s sunny day in mid-May, when grim overhead clouds don’t threaten to dull everyone’s mood. The sun’s shining and the skies are a startling blue, weather so perfect it belongs in a fairy tale. It’s fitting for Mother’s Day.

At the Hahn school, first graders spent hours on cards cut out with stenciled scissors, drowning the construction paper in glue and glitter. Or they pour their young artistic talents into ceramic plant-holders, filled with scented raspberry candles that on the way home are scratched and sullied. They are clumsy gifts, and yet mothers adore them. Such is the acceptance and tolerance of motherhood, something that lets them forgive even the biggest mistakes or the worst behaviors.

The raining season has finally come to an end, our friend the Californian sun is out to play. Cherry blossoms swirl gracefully in the wind, continuing their joyful journeys with renewed vigor. The air is fresh with the powdery smell of new spring, and of the infamous May flowers that the April showers bring-- blooming roses, daisies, carnations and lilies in the ancient bird pond long forgotten.

With spring and Mother’s day at each other’s heels, a laughing, amiable spirit pervades everyone. That includes the cranky termagant on the corner lot, whose garden is usually littered with toys the neighborhood kids are too scared to retrieve. From Penngrove’s Main Street to Napa’s La Plaza Park, spring’s harbingers radiate in every corner, spewing lawn mowers, the steady thump of basketballs, and snippets of conversation.                    

A very embarrassed 12-year-old boy mutters, “Love you, Mom” to the plump lady next to him. She glows with pleasure. Beneath the layers of masochism and male insensitivity, she knows she still has her little boy who clamored for the extra bedtime story and good night kiss. Passing the newly opened Pacific Market, I caught glimpses of businessmen in dark suits that seemed to be in frantic rush to purchase a gift. My indignation at their forgetfulness turned into understanding. After all, there were quite a few times when I forgot Mother’s day as well.

The floral department of the grocery store is sold out, blooms ignored since Valentines Day bought and delivered. Hallmark, the greeting card maker, is doing brisk businesses.

Everywhere, there are children paying tribute to their mothers. Some are sweet and dainty, like the little girl next door, who flies into her mother’s arms in a flurry of rose tulle and light pink satin. Others are dark and sedate, the somber, flustered men who hold out flowers wilting in the afternoon heat to elderly ladies with a “Happy mother’s day”, said in such a comical, grave way, that after moments of almost disturbing silence, all collapse into laughter.

That day, daughters who are usually rebellious and unruly kiss mothers on the cheeks. Sons who are often too busy to say good-bye to their mothers spend entire afternoons with them. Young people who think they are above their parents come home to celebrate the day of the woman who had been laundress, cook, chauffeur, teacher, counselor, all in one --- a mother.

The shine of pink radiated from everywhere that day. Ruddy cheeks, laughing eyes, smiles that grace faces with excited flush; they are all bright pink, with a placid compassion, or with heated passion. For pink represents tenderness, warmth, and the kind of unconditional love that are the characteristics of mothers.

Happy mother’s day!











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4 回复 brav 2012-5-12 12:07
copy & paste, but carrying with some mess codes here.

Touching writing!
4 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-12 12:13
谢谢!Fixed it.
2 回复 看得开 2012-5-12 12:14
3 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-12 12:22
2 回复 同往锡安 2012-5-12 12:30
4 回复 ahsungzee 2012-5-12 13:13
2 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-12 13:22
ahsungzee: 本来以为是LZ写得,吓了一跳,虽说文章很可爱但如此幼稚的人能当版主是不是太降低贝壳村了?后来看到是出自于一个13岁的女孩之手,就不得不夸声崭了!很有几分灵 ...
2 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-12 13:23
同往锡安: 有才。
3 回复 whyuask 2012-5-12 13:48
3 回复 yulinw 2012-5-12 14:16
3 回复 无为村姑 2012-5-12 14:43
3 回复 翰山 2012-5-12 15:01
2 回复 Cristal 2012-5-12 18:22
Beautiful day!
3 回复 嘻哈:) 2012-5-12 19:08
3 回复 amassadinho 2012-5-12 20:54
优美的散文,出色的译文~~ 赞!
2 回复 活水涌泉 2012-5-12 21:18
3 回复 Emansfield 2012-5-12 21:56
3 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-12 23:38
Emansfield: 母亲节快乐!
4 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-12 23:38
活水涌泉: 赞~~
4 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-12 23:38
Cristal: Beutiful day!
have a nice day  

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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