
作者:RidgeWalker  于 2011-1-6 02:48 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村













车到加州的中心川道 (California's Central Valley),晨阳正在把昨夜的霜冻化成薄雾,在那平坦的农田里漫延。所有的景致几乎有三分消失于雾霭里,绿色田野影影绰绰,可就是那不甚完整的田野,房屋,树木好像比平常更具魅力


这一路开去也有沮丧。过了斯达克顿 (Stockton) 就有山形进入视野。内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada)的雪峰鳞次节比,特别是太浩湖 (Lake Tahoe) 附近的那片荒原(Desolation Wilderness),金字塔峰(Pyramid Peak) 清晰可见。晨光极佳,地面的薄雾同化了七零八落的地形,把那山峰拉到近前,形态毕现。近前新绿的草地,牛儿四处散落,给远处挺拔钢劲的山峰平添了几分柔美。一幅绝美的图画啊。那时我很想找到一处高地停车,把这些美景摄入境头,虽然我自知摄影技术还不尽人意。




在海拔6000英尺之前,我还侥幸地以为再有45分钟就可以到达银波湖 (Silver Lake) 了。然而,路面不断坚硬的冰层很快就证明我的感觉失误,路边的电子显示牌提醒人们前面需要给车带上防滑链。有人在检查站之前已经自行安上了链子。









看了一眼车里的温度计,说外面的温度为华氏21度(摄氏零下6度)。找到了一个大的停车场,可容十多辆车。这里是银波湖的最低处,通往吉特 . 卡尔森旅店 (Kit Carson Lodge) 的路口。旅店冬天关门了,这里成了喜爱雪地运动人们的路口,还真有人脚蹬雪地鞋 (snow shoes),手执各种滑雪设备汇集于此。







这一路最好的停靠处能看到北面20多英里外荒原 (Desolation Wilderness) 的金字塔峰 (Pyramid Peak)的地方。这阵子,人也适应了,上下雪堆如履平地,站在雪墙之上,嘁哩喀喳,摁了无数次,回到家里还得花时间清除重复的图片。那地方太美妙了,任何角度都是那般新颖和奇特。







Silver Lake in Summer


Four Seasons in a Body


I know my body desires four seasons in a year. I grew up in a part of the world where each season took exactly three months of the year.  This had no doubt left some mark inside of me.

Now, residing in this amazingly mild seaside, the ocean exercises its marvelous magnanimity to take control of the seasons.  As a result, each month doesn't seem to distinguish one from another. Temperature doesn't vary as much from day to day.  Trees and plants flourish and hibernate with the coming and going of the rain, not the change of seasons.

Still, in such a toned down environment, it's not hard to experience spring, summer and autumn. At the end of the year, the streets in town are still lined with maple trees of bright red.

Obviously missing is winter, the big snowy variety. In the past 10 years also, I have adopted the habit of going to the high mountains to see snow every winter.  Or, should I say my body guides me to snow fields when the time is right.


This year, New Year's eve was the only clear day in a while, as it had been raining or snowing off and on almost daily. Going to the mountains of deep snow, one must take the weather conditions into consideration. The winter wonderland can be stern and perilous.

I got up around 5:30. It was still dark. Outside temperature was hopping around 38 degrees Fahrenheit. I took my time having tea and breakfast while double-checking all the details, such as tripod for the camera, cooler to collect snow, big coat and gloves, and above all, snow chains for the car.  When the first light of dawn came, I started the car.  It was about five minutes before 7 o’clock. 

The first pleasant surprise came in the form of a sweet sunrise. As the car ran up the highway to the east, the faintly lighted horizon became first pink then the light red started to permeate the entire sky. A seemingly clear sky suddenly had some bold lines of clouds arching from horizon to horizon. The world was filled with soft and yet powerful glow of light. The change happened fast. The experience was uplifting, reminding me of the days when I was a little child. Days of my childhood weren't exactly happy times. But the morning glow left a remarkable impression that warms the heart forever.


The dramatic sunrise was only a prelude,  as the day continued to unfold its scroll of masterpieces. There was a thin layer of valley fog around the necks of rolling hills with tender green grass. The round tops of green hills appeared mysterious with a touch of poetry and great elegance. The morning sun highlighted the hill tops; and the taller peaks appeared golden and delicate.

In California's Central Valley, the morning sun was converting last night's frost into a thin layer of ground fog across large fields of flat farmland. Everything had about one third lost in the fog; the green field was faint and yet the reduced images of the land, houses and trees were more beautiful than ever.


There was also frustration during the drive. After Stockton, the mountains started to come into view. I saw the white tops of the Sierra Nevada, especially the Pyramid Peak in the Desolation Wilderness near Lake Tahoe. The morning light was perfect and the ground fog unified the million objects between my eyes and the mountains so the peaks seemed closer and more defined at that hour of the day. The foreground of soft green grass with scattered castles added a touch of beauty to the muscular snow mountains afar. It was picture perfect. I wished to stop at a higher point to take a picture of such sweeping view, though I knew that my photography skills weren’t up to the task yet. 

However, I couldn't find an ideal spot to stop. Cars running 60 miles per hour were right behind my heels. Had I wanted to stop, I must be decisive and do it promptly. For about 20 miles, I only saw one place that was high enough and room enough to stop and picture. The mind was slower than the speed of car.  So I missed it.  My only hope was to remember the spot on my way back.


Temperature kept dropping. In Central Valley, it was 28 degrees. At the foothills of Sierra Nevada where grass and thin layers of snow coexisted, it was about 25 degrees.

Prior to elevation 6000 feet, I thought the current speed could bring me to Silver Lake in less than 45 minutes. But I was wrong as the ice on the highway soon started to harden and roadside electronic warnings indicated that chains were required ahead.  Some folks put chains on by themselves before the check point. 

The chains were purchased a year ago but had never been out of the bag.  It was too cold for me to lie down on the frozen ground so I paid the crew to put them on for me. New chains were easy to snap on and off the wheel.


Chained wheels weren't fun to drive with. The speed limit was set at 25 miles per hour, though some folks, especially those with four-wheel-drive SUVs and trucks, liked to flirt with 45 miles per hour. The snow was my destination of the day; so I was glad to slow down and enjoy the scenery. Big snow aplenty there was, as snow walls along the highway easily blocked the driver’s view. What left to be seen were just tall trees, occasional rocks and distant peaks.

At the first turn-out, I recognized the old vista point could now barely hold three cars. The snow walls were in my way of picture taking. I tried to climb up a snow slope but eventually slid down, with snow all over my pants and shoes.  Oh, well, it was time to move on.

At Silver Lake I managed to follow some well-trotted steps to get on the roadside snow pile. The view was wide, sweeping and magnificent. The lake was frozen into a flat field. The mountains around appeared small as deep snow tried to blur the entire world into one. Only those towering pine trees stood up tall and defiant.

After taking some pictures of the mountains and frozen lake, I tried to turn around for more scenery. As I took one step in the new direction, I fell deeply into the snow. I was just on a patch of solid snow, stepped on by many feet before I got there. Any other direction was nothing but soft and deep snow. In a flash, snow buried up to my elbows. Good that my other foot was on solid ground. I quickly unplug myself out of the self-created crater and took a deep breath of relief. The snow was white and soft but could also be unforgiving. Whew.

Inside the car thermometer indicated that it was 21 degrees outside. I found a parking lot that was big enough for a dozen vehicles. This was the road to the Kit Carson Lodge at the lower end of Silver Lake. The lodge was closed for the season so this place now served a trailhead for snow-boarding folks, as many came with snow shoes and cross country ski equipment.

I only had my camera.  So, I was thankful to follow the little trail folks had created into the woods, along the lake.  The trail took me to the lake, a wonderful platform to take pictures of surrounding mountains, trees and all.

I spent almost half an hour there clicking away. It seemed warm there but the light was blinding as the surface of the lake now served as a giant reflector, reinforcing all the light into my eyes and my camera lens. I only hoped that the pictures were good, as I had no way to check them out on the spot.

Back to the parking lot, I took the cooler out and started to scoop up some fresh snow. I filled up the cooler with the fun idea to chill some drinks at home. 

It was lunch time but there was a single spot to sit. I preferred not to sit inside the car for lunch. In the middle of winter wonderland I wasn't going to hide inside the car. At another turn-out up the road I had lunch standing. I ate while watched the trees and snow fields and clicked the camera while chewing. That was my way to enjoy a packed trip.

The best roadside turn-out was the one that could view the Pyramid Peak of the Desolation Wilderness some twenty miles up north. By then I also mastered the skills of jumping up snow walls. Standing up at the edge of the great wall of snow, I clicked way so many times that at home I had to eliminated many redundant pictures. The place was so marvelous that every glance seemed new and magic.


Back to Central Valley, I was still looking for the grand view of the snow peaks from afar.  But the sun light had changed and clouds were moving in. Another rainy and snowy day was brewing for the wet season. I wasted about one hour driving around and didn't get a single shot worth my while.

All in all, it was an exciting trip. I got home before 5 pm and it was not dark yet. The body was tired but happy to experience a real winter day. A beautiful winter day, it was.

Trip: December 31, 2010
Write: January 1, 2011









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1 回复 Cristal 2011-1-6 03:17
1 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 03:19
Cristal: 多美的四季景观啊!大自然很伟大!
0 回复 九畹 2011-1-6 03:25
0 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 03:29
九畹: 晨5:30起床~冷死啦!谢谢你的毅力和勇气啊,让俺不早起不挨冻也能看到如此加州惊叹的美景    
0 回复 Cristal 2011-1-6 03:31
RidgeWalker: 热爱大自然,丰满人生。
0 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 03:32
Cristal: Also,丰富情感……
0 回复 九畹 2011-1-6 03:38
RidgeWalker: 哎呀,我的大小姐,北加州比你们那里还冷,您还是坐床上看书上网算了。   
0 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 03:44
九畹: 你咋那么了解俺啊,这是俺的最大爱好啦    
0 回复 九畹 2011-1-6 03:47
RidgeWalker: 床上马拉松冠军
哇塞,您给的封号~太微妙 俺不知该欣然接受呢,还是最好别接碴儿   
1 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 03:48
九畹: 哇塞,您给的封号~太微妙 俺不知该欣然接受呢,还是最好别接碴儿    
My bad.
0 回复 九畹 2011-1-6 03:50
RidgeWalker: Oops.          
My bad.
0 回复 shaitthis 2011-1-6 03:54
哇 美轮美奂啊。哈哈
0 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 03:57
九畹: 那请接受俺给你的一个小拳头啊
It was unintentional until your interpretation, hah.  
0 回复 九畹 2011-1-6 03:58
RidgeWalker: 冤枉,粉拳轻舞,呵呵
It was unintentional until your interpretation, hah.   
1 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 03:59
shaitthis: 哇 美轮美奂啊。哈哈
0 回复 杏林一虹 2011-1-6 04:02

0 回复 whyuask 2011-1-6 04:03
1 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-1-6 04:04
杏林一虹: 真美呀,辛苦辛苦!

1 回复 shaitthis 2011-1-6 04:05
RidgeWalker: 这一回看了图,也识了字
1 回复 xinsheng 2011-1-6 04:05
123... 5下一页

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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