US vs China

作者:hog4oc  于 2011-8-22 02:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


By reading articles recently, I've found lot of people living in US are kind of little jealous and maybe a little regretful about leaving China to US. I want to share and tell everyone - We've made the right choice by coming to the land of free and build great future for our kids. Here are my takes.
1. Fresh air, fresh water and safe food.
2. Friendly people (there's nothing money can buy than seeing smiling people every morning)
3. Clean and organized society with lawful governing.
4. Simple relationship - if people don't like, they will tell you upfront.
5. Honest and integrity - at least you feel that is what you and most people are trying to behaive.
6. Sleep good at night - never worry about tomorrow morning that someone or government will come into your house.
7. Sense of honor and pride - understand your goverment will do its best to protect you and serve your interest.
8. Education for your kids - by line up your Amercian educated kits with Chinese educated kids, you can tell the difference and you know who will be the ruler of the world.
Most of all - freedom, you are free to belive and achieve your dream.









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2 回复 fanlaifuqu 2011-8-22 02:30
Actually I appreciate it most is that even you live in a lowest level as soon as you work hard still can have s decent live including house and car!
2 回复 fanlaifuqu 2011-8-22 02:36
Went to your home to see your pictures, you are a bright person and have sucha honest statement and open mind!
2 回复 RNSandi 2011-8-22 03:15
they are not jealous of China, they are sour~ they want everything, 包N奶,花天酒地. They want people in China to look up to them because they are from US so that they can feel great about themselves~ ......disgusting~ low self-esteem, no self-confidence,  unhealthy lifestyle

But you know those people are everywhere, and can be anyone, not only our Chinese. You are those people if you choose to be one~
2 回复 看得开 2011-8-22 05:21
2 回复 kissmyass 2011-8-22 08:13
RNSandi: they are not jealous of China, they are sour~ they want everything, 包N奶,花天酒地. They want people in China to look up to them because they are fro ...
Come on, you put too much bad word on them. They are just tired of been " underground party member" and make the $0.50 one by one :)
1 回复 RNSandi 2011-8-22 09:18
kissmyass: Come on, you put too much bad word on them. They are just tired of been " underground party member" and make the $0.50 one by one :)
1 回复 yulinw 2011-8-22 09:28
1 回复 goodoctor 2011-8-22 10:28
2 回复 老君岩 2011-8-22 16:27
It's up to each individual to make up their mind about whether they have made the right choice, but sometimes it's nice to have reassurances from others.
2 回复 hog4oc 2011-8-23 02:06
We have to believe ourself.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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