9 /11英雄搜救犬

作者:goodoctor  于 2011-9-1 15:16 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



今年是9/11十周年,纽约时报刊登了七张搜救犬的相片,这些搜救犬都归私人所有。2001年9月11日,它们在主人的带领下,第一时间参与了9/11灾难的搜救工作,它们是帮助我们人类的真正英雄!  现在它们老了,退休了,有的已经故去。。。。。。

Moxie, age 13, Winthrop, Mass. She arrived at the World Trade Center site on Sept. 11 and began working the next morning. Though she is trained to find survivors, she identified six bodies and many body parts during the eight days she worked there. Since her owner retired her at age 7, she has hunted and spent time on the waterfront.

Orion, age 13, Vacaville, Calif. He worked at the World Trade Center for five days after the attacks and later participated in searches for missing hikers in the High Sierras, at elevations of as much as 12,000 feet. Orion’s owner says that the dog ‘‘loved the work. His purpose in living was doing search and rescue work.’’

Guinness, age 14, Highland, Calif. He worked at the World Trade Center site for 10 days. In the wake of Katrina and other catastrophic hurricanes, he searched for survivors in areas where the water receded. Guinness’s owner says, ‘‘We keep the training fun for the dogs; it’s like a game for them.’’

Red, age 11, Annapolis, Md. Trained as a ‘‘live find’’ dog as well as a ‘‘cadaver’’ dog. Red was driven by her owner to the Pentagon after the attacks, and she worked for 11 days, finding remains for DNA identification in the north parking-lot area. She retired in July. Her owner says, ‘‘Red wants to work, but her body just can’t do it anymore.’’

Bailey, age 14, Thompson Station, Tenn. She went to the Pentagon following the attacks of 9/11. Later in her career, she was active in wilderness searches in her home state. Her owner says: ‘‘Even today, if I say we’re going to search, she’ll get all excited. She still perks up.’’

Tara, age 16, Ipswich, Mass. She arrived at the World Trade Center site at about 1 a.m. the day after the attacks. At that time, her owner says, ‘‘there was a lot of hope that people would be found alive.’’ Over her nine-year career, she located the victim of a crane collapse and participated in wilderness searches. She died earlier this year.

Bretagne, age 12, Cypress, Tex. She worked at ground zero for 10 days; it was her first deployment. Subsequently, her seven years of active duty included searching for survivors in areas affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

9 /11英雄搜救犬


1 月龄 ── 1岁
2 月龄 ── 3岁
3 月龄 ── 5岁
6 月龄 ── 9岁
9 月龄 ── 13岁
1 岁龄 ── 17岁
1岁半龄 ── 20岁

2 岁龄 ── 24岁龄 (此时心智已趋向稳定)
3 岁龄 ── 28岁龄
4 岁龄 ── 32岁龄
5 岁龄 ── 36岁龄

6 岁龄 ── 40岁龄(开始迈入中年, 生体机能开始退化)
7 岁龄 ── 44岁龄
8 岁龄 ── 48岁龄
9 岁龄 ── 52岁龄
10岁龄 ── 56岁龄
11岁龄 ── 60岁龄
12岁龄 ── 64岁龄
13岁龄 ── 68岁龄
14岁龄 ── 72岁龄
15岁龄 ── 76岁龄
16岁龄 ── 80岁龄
17岁龄 ── 84岁龄
18岁龄 ── 88岁龄
19岁龄 ── 94岁龄
20岁龄 ── 96岁龄









刚表态过的朋友 (18 人)

发表评论 评论 (18 个评论)

3 回复 yulinw 2011-9-1 15:39
4 回复 goodoctor 2011-9-1 15:41
yulinw:    狗狗是人类忠实的好朋友~·
好快 ,7/24在网上啊!
1 回复 yulinw 2011-9-1 16:21
goodoctor: 好快 ,7/24在网上啊!
2 回复 天涯看客 2011-9-1 18:01
2 回复 天朝浮云 2011-9-1 21:24
2 回复 九畹 2011-9-1 23:37
1 回复 Emansfield 2011-9-2 02:02
2 回复 同往锡安 2011-9-2 06:28
1 回复 RNSandi 2011-9-2 07:01
1 回复 Giada 2011-9-2 09:47
1 回复 goodoctor 2011-9-2 11:25
Giada: 这类的狗,一般都是什么种型的?
golden retriever or labrador retriever
1 回复 goodoctor 2011-9-2 11:26
九畹: 忠实的狗狗。俺的小狗狗都14岁了,相当于72岁,哇塞,老人家啦
1 回复 Giada 2011-9-2 11:38
goodoctor: golden retriever or labrador retriever
German Shepherd 不行吗?
2 回复 goodoctor 2011-9-2 11:43
Giada: German Shepherd 不行吗?
我不太懂,不过我觉得German Shepherd 更多的用在警察和军人。
2 回复 Giada 2011-9-2 11:45
goodoctor: 我不太懂,不过我觉得German Shepherd 更多的用在警察和军人。
1 回复 九畹 2011-9-2 14:22
goodoctor: 好好“孝顺”它哈
2 回复 8288 2011-9-3 00:02
1 回复 鸡毛满地 2011-10-1 13:46

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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