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要我講LG B T 二









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轉折點 發表於 2023-1-26 14:53 來自手機 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
科學家們發現,在小白鼠的生長環境中,如果有太多的化學品,會有同性戀的傾向,而且生出來的小白鼠會有生理缺陷. 這邊生活中有很多的,沒有經過嚴密驗證的化學品!美國社會比較自由,小孩子很早就開放性生活。我跟Jackie 說,性像毒品一樣的,會上癮的,一旦開始了就不容易停止!所以不要太早開始性生活,除非你對這個人有充分的信任。男孩子年輕的時候,性慾比較旺盛,也許經濟條件有限,得不到女性的青睞!同時和女生做愛,也會有懷孕的危險,年輕男孩子還沒有準備好承擔這樣的責任,所以找同性做愛風險比較小。同時也因為同性戀沒有家庭負擔,可以有更多的時間在工作上,可能事業上會比較能夠成功,經濟上會比較富裕吧!中國人說養兒防老,在美國也不靠兒女來養老。同性戀沒有孩子,也不是一個大損失。人類人口現在70億,也不缺這些同性戀來生孩子!

Scientists found that if mice in the environment with too many chemicals, they will have homosexual tendencies, and the birth of baby mice will have physiological defects. There are a lot of chemicals in our life that have not been strictly verified, nor restricted. American society is more liberal, and young children live an open sex life at an early age. I told Jackie, sex is like a drug, very addictive, it's not easy to stop when it begins! So don't start having sex too early unless you have full trust in the person. When the boy is young, sexual desire is exuberant。Perhaps some boys』 economic condition is limited, cannot get the favor of female! And have sex with girls, there will be the risk of pregnancy, young boys are not ready to take such responsibility yet, so the risk of homosexual sex is relatively low. At the same time, because homosexuals have no family burden, can have more time at work, may be more successful in career, economically will be more affluent! Chinese value is raising children for Secure at old age。In the United States people do not rely on children to provide for the elderly. Homosexuals do not have to have children, it is not a great loss. There are 7 billion human population now, not lacking these homosexuals to give birth to children. So LGBT gets popular.
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