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又講巴西 一









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再講巴西。昨天已經講了一些巴西,巴西有鐵礦石有石油. 覺得這世界上的第一產業的資源,尤其是這種不能重生的資源,應該需要有世界聯邦政府來管控,採集的地點,數量,是在不同標準衡量下,即保護大多數資源的同時就近獲取資源,從中平衡取優的結果。而且這些資源獲利分配應該有世界聯邦政府來實行,不能完全只局限在出產國。而像第二產業的那些機械製造,汽車,可以按照現在的布局,比較生產者的技術和質量,規模和數量,以及市場來進行調整,包括分佈的調整。世界上就這幾個生產飛機汽車大國,那是不是意味著沒有這些產業的國家,就永遠不可能巨富?應該在稅收上有所調整。而那些作為糧倉和畜牧業基地地區,應該受到某些程度的補償。第三產業是有人的地方就會有,但是,人口數量不同地區,第三產業的服務形態和品種就會不同。比如縣級醫院,可能就沒有某些省級醫院、大城市醫院的設備。所以在安排這些第三產業服務的時候,要合理安排儘可能覆蓋周全。像有些全能類的,比如能源, 交通, 通訊, 應該是全世界都有覆蓋的,不同地區可能會用不同的技術,比如遠程的高鐵網和近距離的公路網,比如城市的電訊網路和偏遠地區的衛星通訊接收站,比如洲際的太空梭,以及偏遠渺無人煙地區的無人機機場等等. 又比如大的主題樂園,應該和影視中心一起,以當地的文化為依託,各大洲都有分佈!覺得美洲應該建立高鐵網. 可以從阿拉斯加一直沿海岸線到智利的南部,可以有環南美洲大陸的大西洋海岸線的高鐵線, 可以有沿亞馬遜河一直朝東的高鐵線, 有助於更深入的開發旅遊。亞馬遜河流域是可以開放經濟有很多旅遊項目的。可以有象長江游輪那樣一路順流而下,沿岸風光無限?可以和秘魯一起辦旅遊,安第斯左右不同風光?可以在亞馬遜森林中設立世外桃源,特別的建築,養老院,療養院,度假勝地,過閑雲野鶴生活嗎?南美洲有很多特別的植物,木材,鳥類,生物,可以在那兒建立培育中心. 我的房客自己在家裡邊就飼養那些很特別的鳥,以及變色龍,蛇,據說可以當寵物,很受歡迎。而那些特別的植物銷售到海外,很有觀賞裝飾效果呢。巴西又有狂歡節,可以把它做大,增加藝術, 音樂, 美食成分,形成地區的文化中心,在那邊建主題公園或者特別的文化園?巴西有很多的桑巴美女,可以選美? 巴西有盆地高原可以成為糧倉,經濟作物基地,畜牧業基地. 巴西有鐵礦石,可以在那建鋼鐵中心,汽車製造中心,機械製造中心!

Let me talk about Brazil. Yesterday I have already talked about some Brazil, and there are iron ore in Brazil. I think that the resources of the world』s primary industry, especially the resources that cannot be reborn, should be controlled by the world federal government, the location and quantity collected. It is measured by different standards, that is, while protecting most resources, the resources are obtained nearby, and the results are balanced. Moreover, the profit distribution of these resources should be implemented by the world federal government and cannot be completely limited to the country of production. And for those mechanical manufacturing, such as the secondary industry, cars can be adjusted according to the current layout, comparing the technology and quality of the producers, the size and quantity, and the market, including the adjustment of the distribution. In the world, these countries that produce airplanes and cars are big, does that mean that countries without these industries will never be rich? There should be some adjustments in taxes. Those areas that serve as granaries and livestock bases should be compensated to some degree. The third industry is where there are people, but in different regions of the population, the service patterns and varieties of the tertiary industry will be different. For example, county-level hospitals may not have the equipment of some provincial hospitals or large city hospitals. Therefore, when arranging these tertiary industry services, it is necessary to make reasonable arrangements to cover as much as possible. Like some versatile categories, such as energy, transportation, communication, should be covered all over the world, different regions may use different technologies, such as remote high-speed rail network and close-range road network, such as urban telecommunications network and remote Regional satellite communication receiving stations, such as intercontinental space shuttles, and drone airports in remote uninhabited areas, etc. Another big theme park, together with the film and television center, relies on local culture and is distributed on all continents. ! I think the Americas should build a high-speed rail network. From Alaska along the coastline to the south of Chile, there can be a high-speed rail line on the Atlantic coastline of the South American continent. There can be a high-speed rail line along the Amazon River, which helps the deeper. Develop tourism. The Amazon Basin is open to the economy with many tourism projects. Can you go down the river like a cruise ship in the Yangtze River? Can travel with Peru, and the Andes have different scenery? Can you set up a paradise in the Amazon forest, special buildings, nursing homes, nursing homes, resorts, and leisurely wild cranes? South America has a lot of special plants, wood, birds, creatures, where you can build a breeding center. My tenants are raising their own special birds at home, as well as chameleons, snakes, which are said to be pets and are very popular. And those special plants are sold overseas, which is very decorative. Brazil has a carnival, you can make it bigger, add art, music, food ingredients, form the cultural center of the region, build a theme park or a special cultural park there? Brazil has a lot of samba beauty, can choose beauty? Brazil has a basin plateau that can become a granary, a cash crop base, and an animal husbandry base. Brazil has iron ore, where it can build steel centers, automobile manufacturing centers, and machinery manufacturing centers!
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