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俄國有這樣子的戰略計劃來建俄國東亞的矽谷嗎?  Does Russia have such a strategic plan to build Russia's Silicon Valley in East Asia?
中國的雄安特區是把北京地區密集的人口分流出去,把首都的功能從一點擴展到一個區域,並予以加強.俄國如果在遠東地區建立一個政治文化經濟中心的城市帶,有助於亞洲美洲的通道建立.  而將來通道的建立也會促進城市的繁榮. 俄國人聰明,東亞人中國人也聰明,當然還有印度人,如果俄國可以在亞洲地區少一點種族歧視的大俄羅斯主義,以開放的心態接受其他亞洲各國的人才,利用這些人才,在人工智慧,高科技,信息工程,網路,動畫,教育等電子軟體工業有所創新發展,像雄安特區那樣,設計現代化的東部城市來吸收這些人才定居,和這些人才的母國家合作發展這些工業. 由於這些工業的特殊性,應該不需要幾年,這些城市就會繁榮起來的. 而且這些高素質的人才帶來不同的文化,對俄國亞洲地區的文化繁榮,經濟繁榮,也是非常有益處的.當然這要看俄國的上層是怎麼樣做合理的,科學的,整體規劃了. 你看有微軟的西雅圖,有高科技的矽谷,有特殊工業園區的蘇州深圳,它們的發展非同一般. 俄國有這樣子的戰略計劃來建俄國東亞的矽谷嗎?普京大帝,或者你還是願意俄國永遠做自然資源大供應國?依舊依賴俄國西部文化,永遠渴望哪一天能夠融入歐洲圈子?

China』s Xiong-an Special Economic Zone is to divert the dense population of Beijing, expand and strengthen the function of the capital from one point to one area. If Russia builds a political, cultural and economic center city belt in the Far East, it will help Asia and America. In the future, the establishment of the passage will also promote the prosperity of the city. The Russians are smart, the East Asians are also smart, the Chinese are also smart, and of course  are Indians. If Russia can be less racially discriminatory in Asia, it will open up  mentality of accepting talents from other Asian countries, using these talents to innovate and develop in the electronic software industry such as artificial intelligence, high technology, information engineering, network, animation, education, etc., like the Xiong』an Special Economic Zone, design modern eastern cities to absorb these talents,let them settle down and develop these industries in cooperation with the parental countries of these talents. Due to the particularity of these industries, it should not take a few years for these cities to prosper. And these high-quality talents bring different cultures to Russia. Cultural prosperity and economic prosperity in Asia are also very beneficial. Of course, it depends on how the upper echelon of Russia has done a reasonable, scientific, and overall plan. Look at Seattle with Microsoft, Silicon Valley with high-tech, and the development of Suzhou and Shenzhen in special industrial parks is extraordinary. Does Russia have such a strategic plan to build Russia's Silicon Valley in East Asia? Putin the Great, or do you still want Russia to always just be a major supplier of natural resources? Still relying on the western culture of Russia, which day do you long for being able to join the European circle?
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