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一帶一路有多少的歷史變化和驚心動魄的故事  How many historical changes and thrilling stories are there in the Belt and Road Initiative
我再說到拍電影, 現在一帶一路能最快來錢的就是旅遊業,而中國有一大堆口袋滿滿的能量充足的對世界充滿想往的遊客. 你們是不是應該把亞洲地區那些國家加以整理和篩選? 因為他們幾乎都有深遠的歷史和文化, 但不是每一個國家都有好萊塢寶萊塢.  而好萊塢寶萊塢和其他電影公司可以聯手為這些國家拍片呢. 大導演Steven是從哈薩克出來的猶太人,Jeff是從巴基斯坦那邊由伊斯蘭教轉變成猶太人的,這其中會有多少的歷史變化和驚心動魄的故事啊. 猶太人喜歡拍自己的故事,最有名的就是「出埃及記」,我至今喜歡裡邊的歌曲,是溫妮休斯敦和瑪麗亞凱莉合唱的. 還有講述二戰時期的「辛德勒的名單」. 不知道他會不會有興趣拍一些猶太人尋祖歸根的故事?好萊塢是最擅長拍大片的,但是大多數都是以歐洲西方文化為背景的,幾乎沒有亞洲中東題材,好像他們以前有拍過「埃及艷后」和「一千零一夜」. 「Furious 7」 去迪拜的飛車,那真是驚鴻一瞥. 可是那只是外表的,根本沒有接觸到阿拉伯的真正文化.  土耳其,伊朗,以色列,以及那些斯坦國,都是有很多古老傳說和深厚的歷史,波斯帝國,拜占庭,奧特曼帝國,阿拉伯帝國,光聽這些名字,就可以想象有多少的風雲人物啊. 無論是英雄故事,還是兒女情長,還有在茫茫的大漠草原森林裡那些探險寶藏,以及當地特殊的風土人情,這可是比好萊塢的眼花繚亂特技更能觸動靈魂. 也可以編一個跟現代有關的故事,讓人一看就記住了這個地方,就想去旅遊. 也可以拍老少咸宜的動畫片,那些動畫人物會深深抓住孩子們的心. 如果以後去那邊建主題公園那就會有現成人物題材了.  如何繁榮文化娛樂業,好萊塢是最擅長的,Steven如果有興趣拍這樣的影片,需要找好的編劇,但是他最知道怎麼樣用好萊塢的方式吸引觀眾.

Let me talk about making movies, and now the fastest way to bring money along the Belt and Road is tourism. And China has a lot of tourists who are full of pockets, full of energy, and full of longing for the world. Should you take the tourism resources of those countries in Asia? Sorting and screening? Because they all have a profound history and culture, but not every country has Hollywood or Bollywood. And Hollywood Bollywood and other film companies can join forces to make films for these countries. The big director Steven came from Kazakhstan Jews, Jeff『』s ancestor changed from Islam to Jews in Pakistan. How many historical changes and thrilling stories will there be. Jews like to shoot their own stories, the most famous one is "Out of Egypt", which I still love the song inside was sung by Winnie Houston and Maria Carey. There is also Steven』s "Schindler's List" about World War II. I wonder if he would be interested in shooting some Jewish ancestral stories? Hollywood is the best at making blockbuster movies, but most of them are based on European Western culture. There are few Asian and Middle Eastern themes. It seems that they have shot "Cleopatra" and "One Thousand and One Nights" before. "Furious 7 "It』s a glimpse of the speeding car in Dubai. But it』s just appearance, it doesn』t come into contact with the true Arab culture. Turkey, Iran, Israel, and those of Stans, there are many ancient legends and deep history, Persia. Empire, Byzantium, Ottoman Empire, Arabian Empire, just listen to these names, you can imagine how many heroes there are. Whether it is a heroic story, or a romantic relationship with children, and those adventure treasures in the vast desert, grassland, forest , And special local customs. This is more touching than Hollywood』s dazzling stunts. You can also compile a story about modern times, and people will remember this place at a glance and want to travel. You can also make cartoons suitable for young and old, Those animated characters will deeply grasp the hearts of the children. If you go to build a theme park in the future, there will be ready-made character themes. How to prosper the cultural and entertainment industry, Hollywood is the best, if Steven is interested in filming such for movies, you need to find a good screenwriter. But he knows best how to attract audiences in Hollywood.
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