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靈犀 發表於 2004-8-19 16:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
文章來源: 華爾街中混混

Note: ST=Strategy Trading, MM=Money Management, DP=Dynamic Phylosophy (I used them).

Sorry i only writ in English though not good.

There is no sure way to win in the market, but are are so many ways to lse.

Here are exactly 股票都是預先設置好的陷阱,賠錢是必然的必然.

General speaking, there are more than indicators or your personal strategies to let your lose. The lose factors: asset allocation, money management, psychology, trading tactics, trade management, taxed, computers/network issues, research, gurus, chatrooms, brokers, trade routing, commissions, fine prints, market makeers/specialist.....................................

1. Volatility kills=Stop is a Sure way to lose: when you want to enter a point, it is better to think to exit. reverse thinking is best way to keep lose. that is big trick for the market the normal concepts lose all your funtune. Stop ST is a sure way to lose (some guys to use ATR to avoid the lose, this is wshh commment).
2. Risking more than your account size is a sure way to lose. it is easy to figure it.
3. "Seat of the pants" or hold for long run is sure way to lose. when you feel good and don't care your position, usually it is the end of a run.
4. Follow a gurus like WSHH is a sure way to lose. you never know 100% timing and even if your know the truth, your personality isn't a copy form gurus.
5. Insiders are a sure way to lose. when you saw the insider buying, it is too late to do that. and now the insider situation is very differetn from the year before 2000.
6. Timing the market is a sure way to lose. Market seems always against human mass.
7. strategy trading is a sure way to lose. there is no such a perfect and last for more than 1 year computer system to make money nowadays. according to the statitics.
8. Trading without plan with most of mass is a sure way to lose. That is just a gambling comparing with Casino that is only 1-2% winners.
9. Daytrading is a sure way to lose. Day traders kill each others for sure.
10. Never taking stop loss, heheheheh, that is a big sure way to lose.
11. Buying a Hot stocks just based the hot news is a sure way to lose. the price usually against you immediately.
12. After win small and get dizzed to trade more is a sure way to lose. Stay humble is a always the way to keep win.
13. Trading with a book/courses/cd/system vendors/ad are sure way to lose.
14. Half research or totally ignorance is a sure way to lose.
15.No personal style or phylosopy or methods are a sure way to lose.
16. Verifyint your trading strategy or system according to an existed system, you will lose for sure even if the existed system made money.
17.Emothion is a sure way to lose. also emothionlessness is a sure way to lose. I learnt many year to get the emothin control or uncontrol.
18. Over confidence is a sure way to lose.
19. No double checking your statement from your brokers is a sure way to lose.
20. No review your traders after the trading day is a sure way to lose. remember the chart changed at night.
21.Congratulatiing yourself on how well you nailed the tops and bottoms is also a sure way to lose. The god can't let you know the exact tops or bottoms. and it reinforces the bad habit or calling exact tops and exact bottoms.
22. Complicated MM is a sure way to lose. always simple is the best.
23. Not keeping a accurated recored of your traders is a sure way to lose.
24. Believing lines on your chart are absolute is a sure way to lose. There is no future lines at all except the past.
25. Going against the trend is a sure way to lose.
26.Becoming the whale in any stocks is a suer way to lose. diversification has always been rule nubmer one to big money but not for small. I usually buy 10 stocks at once at last out of them only left 1-2.
27. if you don't know the real meannig of 10 rules, that is a sure way to lose






  第四:不要低估風險。「風險」不僅僅是兩個字而已,它值得每一個投資者足夠的重視。所以,一個重要的原則就是,在購買股票之前,不要先問「我能賺多少」,而要先問「我最多能虧多少」。這就是為什麼大家都去購買思科的股票時,Warren~ Buffett卻購買DairyQueen的。這條小心翼翼的戒律在最近幾年好象已經不流行了,但堅信這條戒律的投資者們至少還是保住了自己的錢。










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空手 發表於 2004-9-3 00:53 | 只看該作者
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