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LG TB人群也需要愛和溫暖









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轉折點 發表於 2023-1-27 14:48 來自手機 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
我以前住過的農場他們是做盆栽的。在松樹很小的時候,就用鐵絲把它們扭曲定型,結果長大了就變成婀娜多姿的,盆栽! 當然,這些樹是有觀賞的藝術價值。它們就這麼長大,再也不可能挺直。中國人說十年樹木,百年樹人。 培養一個人是要他挺拔茁壯,要把性格生理扭曲的部分剪掉的。中國人說飲食男女,性和愛是人的天性和慾望,就像吃飯一樣。從小讓孩子有一個正確的健康的性和愛觀念,學會好的性愛技巧,有能力去接受愛給予愛,不走LGBT邪路. 那些已經被「盆栽」過了的人,也希望LGBT組織大家庭,能夠為他們提供溫暖,使他們的人生豐富,為他們的生活找到伴侶,精神富足!個人想法。謝謝Tim 願意教Jackie, 謝謝Bill願意精益求精。

I used to live on a farm. They made pot plants. When pine trees are very young, they are twisted and shaped with iron wire. As a result, when pine trees grow up, they become graceful and Beautiful  Bonsai! Of course, these trees have ornamental artistic values. They grow big that they can no longer stand up straight. Chinese say that it takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to shape people. It is necessary to cultivate a person to be tall and strong, to cut out the distorted parts of the physiological and  psychological characters. Chinese say that food and sex are human nature. Sex and love are human nature and desires, just like eating. Let the child have a correct and healthy concept of sex and love from an early age, learn good sexual skills, have the ability to receive love to give love, without taking LGBT side ways. Those who have been twisted, also hope that LGBT can organize and form a big family, can provide them with warmth, make their life rich, help them find a good partner, provide spiritual prosperity. Those are all my personal thoughts.  Thanks to Tim for teaching Jackie, thanks to Bill for wanting to keep her improving.
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