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  Tim,David 要我講LGBT  

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Dear David and Tim,Jackie說你們讓我講LGBT. 而且這邊同性戀勢力那麼大,我怕亂講話會得罪人。你們讓我說什麼呢?我對此一點也不熟悉啊。我上次跟David開玩笑,我很喜歡米開朗基羅的大衛雕像,他說他也喜歡。可我喜歡的是大衛的正面,我肯定David喜歡的是大衛的後面,哈哈哈。剛剛遇見習和王時, 他們也是每天讓我寫政治上的事情. 在這之前,我是根本搞不懂政治是怎麼一回事.後來普京大帝接替他們,也每天讓我寫國際政治,和美國的中期選舉. 經過這幾年的啃書本惡補,於是,我可以臉皮很厚地跟Vladimir 講全球化的頂層設計和當今國際政治,比如講 Bloom想競選總統的事兒。對了,我在這兒還補充一下,Dear Bloom, 我覺得你應該去以色列見一見Nathen 總理,應該去羅馬見一下天主教的Pope, 或者可以邀他來美國訪問。也可以見見俄國東正教的宗教領袖們。應該去拉丁美洲訪問,看看,能不能幫他們把商品銷售到美國或者亞洲去。一個是精神一個是物質,這些就能夠獲取民心,那當總統就受到眾人擁戴了。

Dear David and Tim, Jackie said you wanted me to talk about LGBT. Homosexual here is so powerful, I am afraid my nonsense will offend people. What do you want me to talk about? I'm not familiar with this at all. Last time I joked with David, I loved Michelangelo's statue of David, and he said he liked it, too. But I like the front of David sculpture, and I'm sure David likes the back of David sculpture, 浪huh? When I first met Xi and Wang, they made me write about politics every day. Until then, I had no idea what politics was all about. Putin succeeded them and asked me to write daily about international politics and America's mid-term elections. After years of online readings, I was able to brazenly talk to Vladimir about the top design concept of globalization and current international politics, such as Bloom's desire to run for president. By the way, I'd like to add, Dear Bloom, I think it is better for you go Israel to meet Prime Minister Nathen, go Rome to see the Catholic Pope, or you can invite them to visit the United States. Or you can meet the Russian Orthodox leaders. Or visit Latin America and see if you can help them sell their goods to the United States or Asia. One is spiritual and the other is material, these two can win the hearts of the people, and then your presidency will be popular among the people.
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