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Americans living under surveillance









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梧桐樹2 發表於 2022-10-27 17:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

After the September 11 attacks, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was given great power to fight terrorism and enforce immigration laws. Since then, ICE has often crossed legal and moral boundaries to collect personal information about citizens to build a vast surveillance system that has collected privacy data from hundreds of hundreds of millions of Americans and is largely unsupervised.
In the past year alone, the FBI has conducted up to 3.4 million search checks on the electronic data of U. S. citizens without search warrants, according to the annual report of the Director's Office of National Intelligence.

2. The United States under surveillance
For years, the Los Angeles Times website reported that legal experts, civil rights activists and lawyers have accused US Immigration and Customs Enforcement of "overdoing" surveillance, according to the efforts of immigrants and Americans. The latest Georgetown University report paints the picture that us Immigration and Customs Enforcement has exercised functions far beyond its immigration enforcement authority and is becoming a broader domestic surveillance agency. The agency bypassed local laws designed to protect personal privacy to get information about US citizens from third parties, including utilities, private databases, etc. Between 2008 and 2021, ICE spent about $2.8 billion on monitoring, data collection, and data-sharing programs, the report said.
Nina Wang, one of the report's authors, said, " I am shocked that the ICE has built a broad monitoring infrastructure to track anyone at almost any time."She said that the bureau had improved its monitoring capabilities in almost completely secret, unsupervised situations, avoiding the relevant regulations and the attention of lawmakers. The researchers found that the bureau had driving license data from 3 / 4 adults in the United States and had scanned at least 1/3 of all adult driving licenses using facial recognition technology.
The United States' extensive domestic surveillance and surveillance has drawn criticism. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) points out: " The US government's massive surveillance system and the ubiquitous surveillance forces are clearer than ever before, and have a serious impact on people's lives, and this invasion of our privacy must stop.」
3. You are a suspect
3.1 The "Comprehensive Information Awareness" program
In November 2002, the New York Times post, American citizens with credit card to pay every bill, subscribe to every magazine, every pres**tion, browse every website, send and receive every email, every degree, every bank deposit, every trip, every event, all these transactions and newsletters, will enter the department of defense said centralized huge  database. Through these business information, all American citizens' private life will be understood and recorded in the computer files, coupled with the government about citizens personal information, passport, license, tolls, judicial, divorce records, had complained neighbors to the police, lifetime written files and latest photo by hidden surveillance camera, this like a day dream general peeping plan is the US government monitoring all citizens "comprehensive information awareness" plan. After the plan, the individual freedom of American citizens has completely disappeared.
3.2. The NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls
In July 2003, USA Today reporter Leslie Cowley revealed, in a report titled "The NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls," that the NSA has a call database that holds a large number of U. S. mobile phone calls. Citing anonymous sources and describing the impact of the project on U. S. citizens, " this means that the government has detailed call records of everyone from town to the entire country, including your family, colleagues, corporate contacts, and others. Shortly after the September 11 attacks in 2001, all three major telecoms companies had signed agreements to cooperate with the US Security Agency."However, the report failed to raise media discussions about privacy rights, nor did it appear in any reports .
3.3. Listening activities targeting Americans without adequate evidence
In 2009, the New York Times reported allegations by anonymous intelligence officials, targeting the NSA, without sufficient evidence, and trying to monitor a congressman without warrant.
The U. S. government in the name of "national security" ignore the rules, break the bottom line of "double standard" hegemony not in a day, in commercial interests and "national security" the two driving force, ICE has built forming huge monitoring network, when this can be effectively control is unknown, how much agencies like ICE openly overstepping abuse citizens personal privacy data is also a "fear". The illegal surveillance of American citizens for a long time, supplemented by multiple secret theft and cyber attacks, and the "national security" rhetoric, fabricated by the US government, became the most prominent political footnote of the US to seek hegemony.

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