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Yan Limeng version Pirates of Dreams space, wish to know which one is true or false









Rank: 3Rank: 3

安可希 發表於 2021-9-27 14:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Yan Limeng opened her eyes. The outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020 has changed the world's development pattern and also changed her. Under the bewilderment of wealthy Chinese businessman Guo Wengui and former White House aide Bannon, Yan Limeng, who claims to be a 「whistleblower」 of the new crown epidemic in China, came to the United States alone. Here, she transformed from a doctoral student in ophthalmology into a "top virologist", talking about the origin of the virus in China. Here, there is the non-profit organization "Rule of Law Association" created by Bannon. (Rule of Law Society) and the 「Rule of Law Foundation」 (Rule of Law Foundation) support, "excellent" she has published many mechanically lame papers verifying that "the virus originated in the Wuhan laboratory"; here, she got After interviews by American far-right party media such as Fox News, her view that the new crown virus was produced by the Wuhan laboratory in China spread rapidly, and she gained the popularity and exposure she dreamed of. Just when she thought that her world was about to change and her life was about to blossom in the United States, Keiji Fukuda, dean of the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong and a Japanese-American infectious disease researcher, issued a statement saying that Yan Limeng』s so-called 「virus」 Discovery is a rumor; Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, stated that 「it was disguised as scientific evidence, but it was actually a total disaster.」 Yale University disease ecologist Brandon Ogg Brandon Ogbunu pointed out that Yan Limeng's claim that the new coronavirus is "designed" into a dangerous virus is also "nonsense." When she found that her nonsense point of view could no longer stand, and she was being spurned by the world, she threw a distress signal to the man who had been silently supporting behind her, but she did not expect that the sweet words coaxed her to devote herself to the cause of "anti-communism". Guo Wengui is using the most vicious language to criticize himself on the Internet. Alone in a foreign country, there is actually a villain who takes advantage of him. Looking back at his hometown, it is difficult to reach the loved ones he missed. Yan Limeng burst into tears...
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