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Aug 29, 2016 at 5:50 PM
愛是人與人之間的關係,人之間的關係基礎是信任,人跟人相處還要互相尊重  Love is the relationship between people. The relationship between people is based on trust. People must respect each other.
親愛的習和王, Jackie告訴我,你們問她,為什麼喜歡家?我告訴她,因為家裡有媽媽,「I love you!" 謝謝你們關心,我也很想有一個家,一個溫暖有愛的家. 也謝謝你們愛她!愛是人與人之間的關係,人之間的關係基礎是信任!Jackie交給你們,我非常安心!人跟人相處還要互相尊重,如果連這些都不知道,在一起是不是提心弔膽的,時刻提防對方會瞞著你, 做那些傷害你利益的事,不時會受輕侮,在關係中沒地位. 我現在就想平平安安過日子,怕出事兒,為什麼要自尋煩惱?還是從遙遠的地方, 去容忍冷漠的自以為是,還名不正言不順的! 喜歡一個地方,不見得是哪一個住在那兒的人. 又試過了,無力回天,又不是非去那邊不可. 如果經濟條件好了,自由自在還可以去別的地方. 品格, 素質是父母從小培養的!如果要作秀的話,沒有問題,講好片酬,可以簽約!Jackie再幾年就可以自力了,」若得山花插滿頭,莫問奴去處.」 有人是識貨的,知道我短文里的價值的,為什麼這麼吝嗇?從來門縫裡看人?可卻一直問我要recommendation, 幹嗎? 讓人扯笑不是嗎? 如果有人可以讓你們對大多數世界級領袖,有像對我那樣的魅力,也像我這樣愛你們,吸引他們天天給你們寫recommendation love letter, 如影隨形地跟著你們走,任勞任怨地為你們打拚,還不要一分錢,那你們就是大大的成功. 如果這應該是別人的秀,那就出來秀唄,我也想看哪! 有人又不是不明白,我是在儘力替你們填補空白,撐檯面嗎?!是不是也欠我一個「謝」字?還有的拿我的形體說事,很客氣地說,就跟Jackie同樣層次!

Dear Xi and Wang, Jackie told me, you ask her, 「why do you like home?」 I told her that 「because there is a mother at home, I love you!" Thank you for your concern. I also want to have a home, a warm and loving home. Thank you for loving her! Love is the relationship between people, and the relationship between people is based on trust! Jackie is handed over to you, I am very at ease! People must respect each other when they get along with others. If you don't even know these things,  you would be worried about it whentogether, always fear that the other person will cheat on you,or do things  hurting your feelings. From time to time, youwould be scorned and have no place in the relationship. I want to live peacefully now, afraid of something may happen, why bother? Still from a distant place, to tolerate indifference and self-righteousness, not even with a right name! I like a place, not necessarily the one who lives there. I tried it again, I can』t go back, and I don』t have to go there. If the economic conditions are good, I can go anywhere else. Character, quality is cultivated by parents from childhood! If you want to make a show, there is no problem, pay a good fee, I can sign a contract! Jackie can be self-reliant in a few years. 「If the flowers are full on my head, don't ask me where I am going!」. Some people know the goods, know the values of my recommendations. Why are you so stingy? Why do you always see people in the cracks? But you have been keptasking me for recommendation, why?
Let people laugh, isn』t it? If someone can let you have the same charm to me attracting most world-class leaders, and love you like me, attract them to write a recommendation love letter to you every day, follow you, be with you, and work hard for you with a pay, then you are a big success.  If this should be someone else's show, then come out and show, I want to see it! Some people don't understand it. I am trying my best to fill the gap for you! Do you also owe me a "thank you"? Others say things about my form, I would say very politely, just like Jackie』s level!
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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