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魔之右手 發表於 2016-2-21 19:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Steven Keating was just a typical student when he volunteered to have his brain scanned in 2007.


  As a PhD candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Mr Keating spent his days learning how things work – and had always been curious about his brain.


  But, the scan from that fateful academic study proved life-changing.


  For, it detected an unknown abnormality in Mr Keating』s brain.


  At the time doctors reassured the student it was nothing to be concerned about.


  However, seven years later, at a follow-up scan in 2014, specialists discovered the abnormality had grown, and developed into a tumor the size of a baseball.


  After a grueling 10-hour operation to remove the mass, the 27-year-old said he did what any other self-described 』dork』, would do - he dissected his own tumor.


  『I was even looking at my brain when I was 10 years old. That curiosity took me to MIT.』


  At MIT, Mr Keating spends his days in the prestigious university』s Media Lab, where he focuses his research on 3D printing and synthetic biological fabrication.


  He said it was his curiosity that inspired him to sign up for the research study in 2007, that entailed a brain scan.


  After the scan, the researchers told him that there was an 『abnormality』 in his brain.


  Yet, Mr Keating had no symptoms that indicated anything was amiss – and subsequent re-scans in 2007 and 2010 didn』t raise any red flags.


  But in the summer of 2014, he was struck by a faint vinegar aroma for a few seconds each day.


  Mr Keating said: 『After the third day, I remembered that abnormality was kind of close to my smell center.』


  And so, he requested another brain scan, and in August 2014 received a devastating diagnosis.


  The images revealed Mr Keating had a huge tumor – covering 10 per cent of his brain – in his frontal left lobe.


  The tumor apparently stemmed from a mutation in the IDH1 gene, and was a type of tumor known as an astrocytoma.


  Until the strange vinegar smell, Mr Keating had been completely asymptomatic – but doctors told him he was in need of an operation.


  He was given just three weeks to prepare for a 10-hour brain surgery, where he was to be kept conscious.


  Mr Keating said: 『They kept me awake so I could talk… with my head open, so my language center wouldn』t be damaged.』


  Ever curious, he asked for the surgery to be videotaped – and he was back on campus three days later.


  Mr Keating was given the video, in addition to 100GB of data on his surgery and tumor that he had requested.


  But, his curiosity did not end there. The student requested to have access to his tumor, so he could dissect the mass himself.


  He said: 『I was able to actually cut it, stain it and image it – see my own cancer.』


  He started chemotherapy in January 2015, and is currently advocating for open access to medical records.


  Gaining access to his own health data helped Mr Keating make 『personalized medical decisions』 – and allowed him to learn more about his tumor.

 However, it』s currently very tough for people to gain access to their own records, he said.


  He said on his website: 『Imagine enabling patients to be in control of their data, able to share, learn, and predict future issues.


  『Both science and patients can benefit, instead of the current siloed data model.


  『Let』s make this an open-source future and enable patients to define their own future through data.』

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