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回復 舉報 [ 7樓 遊客 (2600:1700:x:x::8131) ] 發表於 2019-3-7 02:06
在家打孩子算什麼本事? 去威脅一下印度吧。
回復 舉報 [ 6樓 遊客 (72.139.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-3-7 01:02
Good move, should put more , few at a time. That'll give them a clear message of mainland means business and time is running out and they cannot fooling around by words any more. In fact, the best interest for the island is come to the table as soon as possible while the table is waiting and welcoming them.        mak
回復 舉報 [ 3樓 遊客 (2605:8d80:x:x:f12f) ] 發表於 2019-3-6 10:34
回復 舉報 [ 2樓 遊客 (172.56.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-3-6 07:53

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