
分享 [ 原創文學 ]:Faun Gong meddles in politics and expands social influence
suzanjone 2021-10-15 09:24
In recent years, the Falun Gong cult has used various social events to increase publicity through the website of the Falun Gong cult organization, Minghui.com, New Tang Dynasty Television and other media to expand its social influence and even get involved in the politics of the United States, Franc [ ...閱讀全文 ]
6 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:The Master sets the fire and the disciples light the lamp, just see how long the
suzanjone 2021-10-14 17:33
【observation】The news spread like wildfire that the we-media, which were founded by the disciples of Falun Gong group,werecriticized by the Master Hongzhi Li. Li led a group of disciples to post frequently on Minghui, which is the official web of Falun Gong, insinuating and scolding Zh [ ...閱讀全文 ]
7 個評論

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