
分享 [ 詩詞書畫 ]:春雪
重返伊甸 2019-2-15 08:09
雪花飛舞伴春風,一覺醒來十寸生。院校關門家裡坐,屋裡不聞窗外聲。2019.02.13 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 詩詞書畫 ]:過年
重返伊甸 2019-1-29 05:50
小時候,生活在鄉村,起床聽雞鳴盼望過大年,希望能有幾角壓歲錢小時候過年是父親殺豬,是母親做豆腐,是吃半夜的水餃小時候大年初一早上,我的小名叫小日子,母親一大早就會喊:「小日子起來沒!」我回答:「起來了!「母親聽了喜上眉梢盼望新的一年生活會影響更好,年年如此小時侯二哥新婚夭折,家裡人財兩空母親讓我打紙 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 信仰見證 ]:造我之主,神聖全能
重返伊甸 2019-1-18 06:43
仰望天空,浩大無垠,蒼蒼諸天,錯雜縱橫,合成整個光明系統,共宣上主創造奇功;東升西落,一輪紅日,是主太初創造成績,祂發光輝照遍萬類,顯示上主無限能力。清輝如雪,溫柔皓月,輕輕照臨靜寂大地,重新自述平生故事,讚美造地恩主上帝;在她周圍,無數星辰,好似萬盞光耀明燈,一面遊行,一面頌神,反覆讚揚創造深恩。 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Chopin's Nocturne
重返伊甸 2019-1-17 08:06
And when the Chopin Nocturne ends And the last note says: "Goodbye" . . . Where does the golden beauty go? Does it really ever die? And when the pianist lifts his hands And the music is no more, Do others hear the afterglow Of what was heard before? If the soul thirsts after beauty And [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Song Of The Soul
重返伊甸 2019-1-16 07:25
The Song Of The Soul
Daniel Mergler If I could trace a melody of Mozart to its source, I'm sure that I would find my own soul. Of what Utopia does Mozart speak? He turns me into a dreamer of golden dreams That reach out to the very universe itself, Joining my heart with the very stars, Bringing ecstasy to my s [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Silence
重返伊甸 2019-1-15 08:43
And when the Chopin Nocturne ends And the last note says: "Goodbye" . . . Where does the golden beauty go? Does it really ever die? And when the pianist lifts his hands And the music is no more, Do others hear the afterglow Of what was heard before? If the soul thirsts after beauty And [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:布滿星斗的音樂
重返伊甸 2019-1-12 09:20
The starry notes of music The starry notes of music play And beauty opens up the vistas of the mind, Leading to the jewelled, golden door, The sanctuary of the sublime. And those who seek will find, When the starry notes of music play, A garden of so [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 詩詞書畫 ]:西方,東方
重返伊甸 2018-12-8 04:57
走在西方的風中,卻不是我童年的嚮往 養育我的東方,現成了思念的地方。 東方有我難忘的童年夥伴,老師,同學,同事和親友。 西方有令我感動的教會弟兄和姐妹。 東方有我難以溫飽的童年記憶, 如今的東方可以乘高鐵坐飛機旅遊, 而西方的我卻只能駕車走走。 閱過了鵝飛草長的西方再讀東方的風光。 缺少色彩的 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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