

作者:花名雞仔  於 2022-11-21 19:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Dr Kai Kong Lee
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    Chest radiography is a poor predictor of respiratory symptoms and functional impairment in survivors of severe COVID-19 pneumoniaD'Cruz, R., Waller, M., Perrin, F., Periselneris, J., Norton, S., Smith, L-J., Patrick, T., Walder, D., Heitmann, A., Lee, K. K., Madula, R., McNulty, W., Macedo, P.Lyall, R.Warwick, G.Galloway, J.Birring, S.Patel, A.Patel, I. & Jolley, C.8 Feb 2021In: ERJ Open Research. 71

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  2. Global Physiology and Pathophysiology of Cough: Part 1: Cough Phenomenology – CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel ReportCHEST Expert Cough Panel, Jan 2021In: Chest. 1591p. 282-293

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    Parasternal electromyography as a measure of respiratory muscle function in patients recovering from severe COVID-19 pneumoniaD'Cruz, R.Perrin, F., Waller, M. D., Periselneris, J., Norton, S., Byrne, A., Mathew, S., Choudhury, M., Smith, L-J., Madula, R., Patrick, T., Walder, D., Lee, K. K., McNulty, W., Macedo, P., Heitmann, A., Lyall, R.Warwick, G.Galloway, J.Birring, S.& 3 others2021In: Thorax. 76Suppl 1

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    Sound: a non-invasive measure of cough intensityLee, K. K., Matos, S., Ward, K.Rafferty, G. F.Moxham, J., Evans, D. H. & Birring, S. S.12 May 2017, (E-pub ahead of print) In: BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 41, e000178.

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    The development and validation of the Bronchiectasis Health QuestionnaireSpinou, A., Siegert, R. J., Guan, W. J., Patel, A. S., Gosker, H. R., Lee, K. K., Elston, C., Loebinger, M. R., Wilson, R., Garrod, R. & Birring, S.May 2017In: European Respiratory Journal. 495, 1601532.

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    Physiotherapy, and speech and language therapy intervention for patients with refractory chronic cough: A multicentre randomised control trialChamberlain Mitchell, S. A. F., Garrod, R., Clark, L., Douiri, A., Parker, S. M., Ellis, J., Fowler, S. J., Ludlow, S., Hull, J. H., Chung, K. F., Lee, K. K., Bellas, H., Pandyan, A. & Birring, S. S.1 Feb 2017In: Thorax. 722p. 129-136

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  7. Predictors of objective cough frequency in pulmonary sarcoidosisSinha, A., Lee, K. K.Rafferty, G. F., Yousaf, N., Pavord, I. D., Galloway, J. & Birring, S. S.1 May 2016In: European Respiratory Journal. 475p. 1461-1471

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  8. CoughPandya, A. K., Lee, K. K. & Birring, S. S.19 Mar 2016, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Medicine.

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  9. The intensity of voluntary, induced, and spontaneous coughLee, K. K.Ward, K.Rafferty, G. F.Moxham, J. & Birring, S. S.22 Dec 2015, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Chest. 1485p. 1259-1267

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  10. Four-Hour Cough Frequency Monitoring in Chronic CoughLee, K. K., Savani, A., Matos, S., Evans, D. H., Pavord, I. D. & Birring, S.Nov 2012In: Chest. 1425p. 1237-1243

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  11. CoughLee, K. K. & Birring, S.Apr 2012In: Medicine (Abingdon. 1995, UK ed. Print). 404p. 173-176

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    The assessment of quality of life in acute cough with the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ-acute)Yousaf, N., Lee, K. K., Jayaraman, B., Pavord, I. D. & Birring, S. S.18 Jul 2011In: Cough. 71, 4.

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  13. 4 H COUGH FREQUENCY MONITORING WITH THE LEICESTER COUGH MONITORLee, K. K., Savani, A., Matos, S., Woods, C., Pavord, I. D. & Birring, S. S., Dec 2010In: Thorax. 65p. A54-A54

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ryu: 畫雞哥,你也是不識一丁的粗漢出生的吧,莫非被香港警方化解了不成?

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