
分享 [ 移民生活 ]:創業歷程小結
dejavu 2021-5-12 11:05
歷程-創業第一年:idea:不知道幹啥第二年:team: 沒人願意跟著做第三年:prototype:開發時間成本,客戶對接第四年:makreting and commercialization:推向市場,小批量生產,成本控制,生產流程第五年:revenue and profit:掙錢維持第六年:diversifying:至少三個項目同時做,才能活下去第七年:stablization:利潤率 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 流水日記 ]:covid-測試
dejavu 2020-6-19 23:56
6/17/2020早晨起來基本上,沒什麼感覺了,關節有一點點疼痛。退燒了。感覺沒事似的。決定去測一下。網上填表,下載app,填上信息。然後有醫生打電話過來通知我需要測試。告訴我醫院會聯繫我的。接到醫院電話,確定時間和drive thru 測試點。12點鐘開車去測試點。沒什麼人。工作人員用棉簽在喉嚨和鼻腔取樣。然後告訴我四天會 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Covid|
分享 [ 流水日記 ]:發燒
dejavu 2020-6-19 23:50
6/16/2020在公司上班,公司整個一層樓只有我一個人。中午的時候突然感覺有發燒的跡象。渾身疼痛。 趕緊開車回家。回家之後,發冷,拉肚子。喝了很多水。晚上的時候,測體溫38度。渾身疼痛,關節和肌肉,頭疼。大概10點鐘睡覺,把電褥子打開,疼痛緩解很多。吃了退燒藥,喝水。 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Covid|
分享 [ 回國記錄 ]:回國見聞
dejavu 2019-4-2 23:38
回去東北,去了省會城市,二級城市,和縣城。大概的感覺:中年人的身體健康普遍很差,各種各樣的病。 農村有一半的人活不到60歲左右。但是過了這個檻,一般比較長壽。家庭關係普遍比較糟糕。父母子女, 兄弟姐妹,親屬之間。都是養老,利益,金錢惹的禍。每個人都有不可承受之輕農村進步非常小:收入,教育。醫 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 中國|
分享 [ 政經軍事 ]:有錢人
dejavu 2019-2-25 22:37
最近遇到了國內有錢人。深切感受到他們的焦慮。沒有錢的人焦慮是要更多的錢。中國來的有錢人的焦慮是他們的錢沒有換來他們所期望的權利。他們對本地有錢人的生活方式的嚮往,誤解和不可企及,以及他們在亞洲環境養成的習慣思維-財富等於權利,而實際上財富並沒有帶來權利,二者之間的對比讓他們產生巨大的焦慮。而這 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 思索|
分享 [ 文史雜談 ]:中國漿糊
dejavu 2019-1-3 02:53
辯證法是明明白白的和稀泥 - 不講道理,邏輯,真理,標準和規則,沒有對錯,好壞;儒家是偷偷的和稀泥 - 中庸 - 不出頭,不創新,不要有自己的觀點,悶聲發大財;唯物主義是只認看得見,摸得找的,別的啥都不管 - 只有錢,什麼道德,價值觀,文明,合同,都是扯淡,有利於我才幹,不利於我的不談。單把其中任何一個拉出來都 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 思索|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:business decision - hardware entrepreneur's mind
dejavu 2018-12-25 20:56
6% of overall population are working or worked in their own business; 50% of business can operate more than 5 years; 30% of them can run more than 10 years. Less than 20% of startups are making hardware. 98.7% of consumer hardware startup are failed and 3% of overall hardware startup can be survived [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:創業最難處
dejavu 2018-12-22 11:23
創業是個辛苦活。有個東歐的哥們一直警告我,team最難搞,寧可自己做少掙點省心。我還一直沒有體會到。最近的關於合同簽署的分歧讓我感覺到萬分憔悴。大家意見不一致,誰也無法說服對方。僵局,爭吵,抑鬱,無奈,放棄,抗爭,忍耐,。。。。把以前所有懷著的創業的甜蜜都扔到溝里了。 如果重新選擇是否創業,可能會非常掙 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:Elon Musk Economics
dejavu 2018-12-20 23:18
Elon is tackling some very tough problems: rockets, EV, and urban traffic.The core of his business model is driving the cost to a level that more people can afford it. Before space activitis are government privilege and now spread to even startup company can afford that. EV is in the process of cost [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:Ideation process learned from Elon Musk
dejavu 2018-12-19 23:46
If you check how Elon Musk form SpaceX The Boring Company you will notice the ideationprocesses are quite similar. Both are starting from very very big vision and screening down to a specific immediate problem for startup. Living in Mars dream has driven the concrete plan: making a reusable [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:創業者有什麼不一樣的?
dejavu 2018-6-11 10:52
創業者如果成功需要很多特別的特性: 一些通常所說的特性(網上一堆)我列出來一些:passion,Resilience,Strong Sense of Self,Flexibility,Vision, execution, risk taking, open mind, planning and priority, etc.s 我說點另類的。 創業者傾向於把不確定的事情定位為機會。 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|1 個評論
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:如何尋找創業idea
dejavu 2018-5-11 23:03
每個階段的難點是不同的。剛剛開始的時候是idea. 一般來說我們已經習慣了我們的生活,工作和娛樂的方式和所使用的工具。當我們習以為常的時候我們不會覺得有什麼東西需要改變的。即便我們對現有的產品,做法, 程序,等等提出來疑義的時候,等來的別人的反映一般也是非常負面的:這樣有什麼不好,別人可以用你為什麼不行, [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|1 個評論
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:創業項目選擇標準
dejavu 2018-4-29 09:35
當初我們幾個人坐在一起商量從哪個項目做起的時候。 我們最後定下來的標準是:1。 必須是硬體。過去20年融資的主要方向是軟體。沒有人喜歡投資硬體。原因是比起軟體的商業模式,硬體商業模式要慢的多,不容易迅速擴張,不容易擴張的很大。但是我們認為硬體容易申請專利,不容易被模仿。商業規模可大,可小。大到HP,小到養 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|3 個評論
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:創業成功的要素
dejavu 2018-4-13 22:09
第一是運氣。 合適的時間,地點,人,技術和需求。第二是人和團隊。領頭人必須啥都行。每個人都必須很牛,職責上各守 一攤。聰明,有創新精神,主動,奉獻犧牲,主人翁精神。第三是技術。尤其一開始技術能力決定未來有什麼樣的前途。第四是執行能力。說道的事基本上要作到。公司的信用就是這樣子一點點地積累起來的。 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|4 個評論
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:創新曆程
dejavu 2018-3-22 11:08
創新是一個長長的鏈。能把這個鏈完整了是一件了不起的事。首先需要知道問題再哪裡? 只有10%的人會意識到目前的產品或者程序需要改進。其餘的人都接受了, don't care or get used to。然後10% of that could have basic idea about a high level solution.Then 10 % of that could have chance to get right pe [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:創業的動力
dejavu 2018-2-19 23:57
開始是夢想:比如想發財,改變社會,留下名聲,等等然後是激情:找到想做的事,激情四射。接著是忍耐力:事情遠非那麼簡單,失敗,挫折。競爭心:或許運氣還好,成功了第一步,要作成個大事業。責任:運氣非常好,有了大的事業,要為你的員工和社會負責,實現開始的夢想,如何利用你的豐富的資源改變社會。 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|3 個評論
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:learning curve - 教訓
dejavu 2017-7-18 10:58
We have been invited to demonstrate our device to engineers in this mining company in this Jan. Then they sent us to underground mining site for field testing for twice. The lessons we learned are:Field testing is not training. The only thing we should do is to test what they want, NOT I think [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:pitch competition
dejavu 2016-2-11 03:59
Attending launch event of innovation idea pitch competition at College. It seems very important because Mayor came to cut the ribbon.Networking with people including fellow startup entrepreneurs, government funding agent, and some business leaders. Collected business cards. Exchanges the [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:Advisor and product plan
dejavu 2016-2-6 11:47
Today meet one of my advisor, Fi, a professor from community college in library study room. He is very smart person and provides consulting service for startup.He provided me clear picture about marketing plan in a very organized way. He would like to be my mentor for free until my company mak [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:Partner -new changes
dejavu 2016-2-3 03:39
Today my partner told me he will go university to continue his study by the end of the year. But he will still play a smaller role in the company but will not involve into the daily operation and low level engineering and design activities. He will help me to look for a right person, who has better [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:Partner
dejavu 2016-1-29 22:05
創業不久,經歷三次合作夥伴的分開。 沒有一次不是鬧翻天的。First time it happened around 2008 when my friend and I wanted to buy a machinery company. At the beginning I contacted with seller, made price and negotiated with him. I also wrote business plan and marketing plan. But right before the [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|1 個評論
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:Lean method
dejavu 2016-1-28 10:13
Following lean method for the company business model and process. I have been bootstrapping the company for more than one year and will continue up to certain point before seeking money invested. By that point the company should have done a list below:preproduct prototype should be donemanufac [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:startUp-the beginning
dejavu 2016-1-27 11:00
in September 2014, we, three friends, decided to start up a business. We have been talking for about 3 months to collect ideas. Finally we got a good idea to start in December 2014 which is hardware device for distance measurement. Luckily there is a new grant program fromSteve's graduate scho [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|1 個評論
分享 [ 職場內外 ]:第一個感興趣的客戶-2016Jan26
dejavu 2016-1-27 10:50
今天收到來自以前合作過的政府基金manager的email. She e-introduced me to CEO from US company in MI who are interested in our product. This would be our first direct connected potential customer.As well talked to Tom, our US partner this morning regarding company, product development. He actively [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 創業路上-startup|1 個評論

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