

作者:劉龍珠律師  於 2023-3-16 09:26 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



Hi everyone,my name is Longzhu Liu.I'm an attorney practicing in Los Angeles. And I』m John Byerly,also attorney practicing in Los Angeles. We have news to report,today the San Francisco city government is holding a public hearing for the idea of a proposed 5 million dollars reparations for each African American citizen in San Francisco. That can trace their lineage back to slavery. 
So I know that,you have a similar petition that you've started. With over 35000 signatures would you like to talk about it.At the basically the petition is about each Chinese person, also getting $350,000 ah as reparations. the idea is that well I'm I understand that you know back in the day there was salvery African Americans. you know suffered a good deal,but so did we Chinese Americans you know we came to America to build railroads. 
You know in addition to that we also suffered a great deal you know and there was a language barrier there was a cultural barrier, you know and even there was actually a law and it's called Chinese Exclusion Act which was enducted in the year of 1882. So the idea was that if you were a Chinese person you were excluded. 
Actually Chinese Exclusion Act is the only major US law. That would prevent all members from a specific national group, from immigrating to the United States meaning that we Chinese people are the only ethnicity that was discriminated against in the form of US law. See that's really bad. You know it wasn't until 60 years later, it was year 1943 there was another law. It's called a Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act so because of that new law so the old law was abolished. so I'm all for African Americans getting 5 million dollars. 6 million dollars 7 million dollars the more the merrier. I'm just saying that if they are getting the money we should be getting the money too. You know why I think there's less Chinese people in America so a total amount would be less. 
In addition I think that we are pretty flexible with the payment methods. You know we can we even take a discount. We don't need 5 million dollars I think 4 million dollars will do the job. We can also do payment plans you know gift cards from a Walmart from Starbucks second hand furniture from IKEA. anything will do we are practical people.My fellow Chinese people my fellow Chinese Americans are you with me? There will be a link to the petition attached to this video. 
If you'd like to sign the petition as well,we've got 35000 and if we get maybe up to 100,000 it'll get more national attention. 
大家好,我是劉龍珠。是一名在洛杉磯的律師。我是John Byerly也是一位在洛杉磯工作的律師。我們有消息要報道,今天舊金山政府要為這個提案舉行公開聽證會為了500萬美元的賠償給每一位在舊金山的非裔美國人。可以將他們的血統追溯到奴隸制,據我所知你有一個類似的提案已經在進行中。
超過35000人簽名能否就此事跟我們分享一下,是的 實際上我發起這些提案主要是關於每一個中國人以及35萬美元的賠款。起因是因為我理解追溯到非裔美國人奴隸制,他們遭受了很大的痛苦,但我們中國人也是一樣,作為華裔美國人 我們來到美國建造鐵路,由此我們同樣也遭受了很大的痛苦,同時還有語言溝通障礙 文化差異甚至有一部法律名叫《排華法案》在1882年推出。所以如果我們是中國人,你就被排斥。實際上排華法案只在美國具有法律效益。這將阻止所有特定國家的人員移民到美國這意味著我們中國人是唯一遭受歧視的種族在美國法律中。 
這很不好,直到60年,到1943年另一部法律名叫排華廢除法。因為新法頒發,舊法廢除。所以我非常認同那些非裔美國人可以獲得500萬美元,600萬美元甚至700萬美元多多益善。如果他們獲得了這筆賠償,我們也將獲得賠償。因為在美國的華人相對更少總金額會更少,另外,我相信我們對於支付方式非常靈活。我們甚至可以打個折扣我們不需要500萬,我覺得400萬就可以。我們可以設置付款計劃,比如沃爾瑪的禮品卡 星巴克禮品卡宜家的二手傢具。任何一種方式我們都可以接受。我的中國同胞,我的華裔同胞你們是否與我同在? 

地址:1163 Fairway Drive, Suite 105  
City of Industry, CA 91789  










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