
The Lion Hero (4): The Chase

作者:漢娜神園  於 2012-1-5 22:44 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


CHAPTER FOUR:   the chase

The next day, Kona, Sakura, and Satoshi search for The Poachers.

「Look!」Sakura whispers.

Kona squints and saw Bo skinning the male lion that died two days ago. The sight was sickening. Kona looks away, afraid that her eye balls will pop right out of her head.

「That is so gross!」Kona exclaims.

「Shhhhhh.」 Sakura whispers.

「This is our chance.」Satoshi whispers as he makes a rustling noise in the bushes they were hiding in.

「Our chance for what?」Kona asked.

「To catch The Poachers.」Satoshi replied, annoyed.

「Ohhh got it. 「Kona whispers in reply.

「One, Two, THREE!」Sakura  yells.

Kona, Sakura, and Satoshi burst from their hiding place.

「Look what we have here.」Bo』s voice boomed in the cats ears.

Bo raised his bow and arrow at Kona.

Without any time to spare Kona leaped and tackled Bo.

「AHHHHH!!!!」Bo flailed his arms.

「Kona, now that Bo is down, get off and let The Poachers chase us when we lead them to the police camp!」Sakura shouts over the commotion.     

Kona leaps off Bo and follows the lightning fast yet slender cheetahs.

「Ace, Bart, Bubo, and Shanks, get those cats!」Bo shouts.

Ace, Bart, Bubo, and Shanks chased Kona, Sakura, and Satoshi while the cats lead the way to the police camp.

「Left, run left!」Satoshi yells.   

「Left then right!」Satoshi barked.  

Bullets and arrows were flying   everywhere as the cats led The Poachers through the savannah.     The cats stopped in an opening where the cats only saw grass, dirt, and a tent with a telephone booth. The cats darted behind some bushes as they heard footsteps behind them.                                                                                                                                  










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回復 丹奇 2012-1-5 22:53
mommy always like to be the first one giving you flower!
回復 丹奇 2012-1-5 22:56
what a vivid story!
回復 遠洋副船長 2012-1-5 23:21
丹奇: what a vivid story!
A such vivid story!
回復 xqw63 2012-1-5 23:29
You are a good story teller
回復 早安太陽 2012-1-5 23:59
驚心動魄,生動吸引人,喜歡看! 加油加油!小漢娜~~
回復 布衣人 2012-1-6 00:32
what a colourful story! Your genius flowered.  Go it! Come on! Go to it! 加油加油加油!   
回復 brav 2012-1-6 00:38
Satoshi is more impatient than Sakura
回復 月亮天使 2012-1-6 00:45
驚心動魄,生動吸引人,喜歡看!  加油加油!小漢娜~~  zt
回復 Emansfield 2012-1-6 01:26
   very good story!
回復 Chi202 2012-1-6 02:10
great writing! I'll print out all chapters for my son to read, who is two years older than you and likes to write too.
回復 amassadinho 2012-1-6 02:55
What an interesting adventure! I love this story.
回復 微風淡淡 2012-1-6 03:32
Thrilling, vivid attractive, like to read!
回復 微風淡淡 2012-1-6 03:32
早安太陽: 驚心動魄,生動吸引人,喜歡看! 加油加油!小漢娜~~
Thrilling, vivid attractive, like to read!
回復 早安太陽 2012-1-6 03:40
微風淡淡: Thrilling, vivid attractive, like to read!
Love to read   Can you say: Like to read?
回復 微風淡淡 2012-1-6 03:44
早安太陽: Love to read    Can you say: Like to read?
What is the difference between "like to read" & "love to read"
The expression "love to read" is better
回復 早安太陽 2012-1-6 03:46
微風淡淡: What is the difference between "like to read" & "love to read"
The expression "love to read" is  ...
Ask Hannah~
回復 微風淡淡 2012-1-6 03:48
Hi Hannah, What is the difference between "like to read" & "love to read"
回復 微風淡淡 2012-1-6 03:49
早安太陽: Ask Hannah~
Hi Hannah, What is the difference between "like to read" & "love to read"
回復 心隨風舞 2012-1-6 03:52
giving you flower and hug. you learn chinese language ,  I learn english From your story.
回復 早安太陽 2012-1-6 03:57
微風淡淡: Hi Hannah, What is the difference between "like to read" & "love to read"

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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